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How many hours do you spent on your computer everyday?


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I beat the pants off everyone. 4-7 hours weekdays except on Monday cause I have to go to school. Then 4-5 hours per weekend day. And BTW, I do get out and all, I just like the comp. :D Nothing wrong with that is there? As long as you have friends, and i have plenty of those ;) (Yes, a kid that's on the comp. and has a personal life? OMFG!)

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11:35AM est

i am using the computer at work

on company time, woo hoo!!!!!

and it is so fast,

wow if i could haunt the forums at this speed

i would never leave them.:D


i am way a head of my 3 week schedule,

what they gave me 3 weeks to do i di in 6 1\2 days

they are trying to figure stuff for me to do now

for the next few weeks hence my little excursion

into cyber space.:cool:

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Originally posted by IG-64

It's sad being homeshcooled sometimes. I can only leave the house from 3:00 PM to dark :(


I start becoming pale from lack of sunlight *gollum* *gollum*

Why? If people ask why you're not in school, just say you had a dentist appointment and now you're (wherever) to ease the throbbing pain in your jaw. Unless you have some slightly more sinister reason for staying inside; in which case, do tell.


I put up some Christmas lights in my room to cast a festive glow about while I spend 8+ hours a day on my computer.

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