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Enrolled in College!

Boba Rhett

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Yep. I finally have done it!


*holds for applause*


Because we're in the middle of trying to move, I'm ony able to take online classes but starting in January I'll be taking Calculus I, U.S. History after 1877, Statistics, General Psychology and Application of Microeconomics!


That covers most of the electives I can have over four years. Because of the amount of classes in the Computer Engineering course, they don't allow students to take many electives.


I'm actually going to take a one week intensive course to get General Psychology out of the way. The sooner the better. I just need the credits. :D And don't have an english class listed because I'm clepping out of them. I'm also still just on the waiting list for Statistics. :/



Oh well. That is all. Be wishing me luck! :wavey:

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It took me 5 & 1/2 years to get out...



I'm not joking....



But that's because I switched majors at the end of my junior year...so it took me 2&1/2 years to finish up a completely different major (though they were related enough to have a lot of credits transfer).


My advice to you, Rhett, if you ever get in the situation where every semester you are saying/thinking, "I should change majors...", start investigating other possibilities. Do not put it off.

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

My advice to you, Rhett, if you ever get in the situation where every semester you are saying/thinking, "I should change majors...", start investigating other possibilities. Do not put it off.

I wholeheartedly agree. It's never too late to have a change of mind, and time should never be a reason to make you hesitate when it comes to switching majors. If after a while you feel that you are not in the right program, there's absolutely no shame in looking into other alternatives, even if you spent years in Computer Engineering!
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