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Team Corellia


Who is your favourite Team Corellia member so far?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite Team Corellia member so far?

    • Jaden Car'Let (Jedi)
    • Lt. Castle (CorSec)
    • Cpl. Anders (New Republic Army)
    • Pvt. Alan Dalta (New Republic Army)
    • Pvt. Luke Harris (New Republic Army)
    • Agent Black (New Republic Intelligence)
    • Makso (Mercenary)

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Originally posted by wedge2211

Can't you just make a few NPCs with appropriate team settings and health values, and then let them go at each other with a few defined waypoints, and then cut camera angles as the battle progresses? I think something similar was done for the Luke/Desann matchup on the Cairn dock.


That's basically what I meant. The problem is that the more waypoints you place the better the combat is dynamically, but in the same time it will make it harder to follow any specific NPC (actor) with a camera with any intelligent camera angles.


Although, now that I think about it, if I recall it correctly, you can set triggers to be triggered only by a specific NPC. That would allow you to place triggers along the way from waypoint to waypoint, to be launched only by the NPC you want to follow. Thus, you could trigger scripts to change totally dynamically the cameras so that they always have an intelligent angle to the NPC in question.


It would be complicated, and still you would need some master script to be behind everything, or count enemy deaths or something, to bring the movie back under absolute control at some point. Then you would need to bring the NPCs to locations you know. After that it would be again like an ordinary cinematic.

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Noooo, just lost a long and detailed post with an accidental key press!


It's an interesting topic, the whole action thing. Severeral ideas come to mind: How about making the JA and QT versions noticably different in some ways. For example, how about actual fight scenes the player can control occuring at certain points. For example a load of Dark Jedi could ambush the team and control then goes to the player as Jaden who gets to fight these enemies off. The option to not have to fight could perhaps be included. This would utilise the interactivity that is possible when building this in a game more perhaps.


As the QT version is essentially recorded ingame footage - we could use various methods to record this for action scenes. We could have AIs go at it as Wedge suggested, and record it until we get a version that looks cinematically about right, and use that. We could also have it in no_clip and just record there, using that view as the camera.


We could have a human player in SP or even several in MP acting out some of the action sequences - as they do in popular shows like RedvsBlue I believe. These could then be recorded and thrown into the places where action takes place.


Scripting saber fights is super complex, I believe, it would take an enormous amount of work. This is why, I think, Raven include so few cool saber fights in JO and JA. Simpler stuff like gunfights might not be so hard.


Part 2 is half suspence driven, creepy wandering and half ship based, small space type comedy. Part 3 is supposed to be scary, more than action packed. Part 4 however could see some more heavy action - not sure exactly what yet :)


Originally posted by lassev

Of course it would be quite easy with with the saber fighting, although the unpredictability might prove out to be a problem considering the placement and usage of cameras (follow command with camera groups sure would help).


However, as Team Corellia (until now I have called this Corellian Incident, and for some bizarre reason Kengo never corrected me :p ) does not contain but one saber user, I think the problem of creating more activity and a higher pace of action will be a bit more difficult.


I think Master_Thomas did quite a good job with the camera follow command for randomised saber battles in his first level. It's an option certainly.


I thought you were being ecentric with the name there :) Jaden is the only saber user on the team, that we know of anyway, I guess the rest are tooled up with some bellow par, badly maintained Republic equipment....

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Originally posted by Kengo

For example, how about actual fight scenes the player can control occuring at certain points. For example a load of Dark Jedi could ambush the team and control then goes to the player as Jaden who gets to fight these enemies off.

No. Boo. It's a movie, people watch it as such. Besides, if you give a human control, they are more than likely to do things you don't want them to, that aren't in the script (ie, kill all the GOOD guys, go run off and explore lassev's architecture, etc).


One thing you could do, I suppose, is have the movie fully scripted but let the viewer get spectator control. Let THEM control the camera angles. This is probably only cool for big battle scenes, and you might want to build "playerclip" boxes and teleports to force them to stay in and move between specific areas.


We could also have it in no_clip and just record there, using that view as the camera.


We could have a human player in SP or even several in MP acting out some of the action sequences - as they do in popular shows like RedvsBlue I believe.

Again--no, boo. Your movies being fully scripted is what sets them apart from others out there. And...this is something you can't do in the JA versions, isn't it? :p

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I agree with Wedge. Not only does a strict movie format prevent unwanted things to happen, but it also saves some work. With predefined camera angles (at least nearly) you can very well leave many places as facades. If you give player any control, they are, like Wedge said, bound to go exploring places they shouldn't.


And since this is a movie, I almost think that you should release it only in QT format. In the end there's no need to make it playable in game. It will also save the effort of making ROQ files. You can just put it together in your favorite video editing software.

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Originally posted by Thrawn42689

I downloaded it and started it, and when the level finished loading it booted me back to the main menu with an "Error Unknown 234523434534" or something of the like.


That's peculiar. Kengo's part was not prone to errors. Are you sure your download was not corrupt? Or maybe you have some interfering components in your base folder? It might also be worth the trouble to try both the installation ways Kengo provided.


But one thing is sure: JA seems not to be as user friendly as JO considering the publication of your works. The problems with subtitles, mission descriptions and such is not something a fellow with a normal train of thought may understand easily.

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Originally posted by Thrawn42689

I downloaded it and started it, and when the level finished loading it booted me back to the main menu with an "Error Unknown 234523434534" or something of the like.


Yeh, I haven't seen or heard of that error for this before :confused: Lasev's suggestions are sound - if you put it in the base folder, perhaps you should sacrifice the subtitles and end credits and put it in a mod folder in the gamedata directory - this will avert any conflicts with other base files, if that is the problem. If not, maybe it is a corrupt download.


Just to explain further how I was thinking of doing the action scenes - for those of you that haven't played Final Fantasy games - when you get into a fight it goes all 3d (depends which one but you get the idea), music starts and the player is placed in control of the characters for the fight. I was thinking of something similar - you go into a fight scene, and are in a highly restricted area (player no go areas make this easy) where your only course of action is to conduct the fight. Allied NPCs can be outside of the no-go area willing you on (thats in keeping with most of their personalities...) or just invulnerable.


As for the recorded sections created within SP or MP and recorded - these would be only for very distinct action scenes. Scripting gives you a lot more control for most actions, camerawork etc, but full on saber fights simply aren't possible with scripting, unless I want to spend months and months on one short fight sequence. So for a few scenes, if well 'acted' by players, it might work out. It's an idea that has a lot of flaws, so I'm not really sure, it needs development definately! It would require full knowledge of recording (good qualty) footage ingame, and a couple of exceptional saberists as well. Luckily, I don't have to worry about these things for some parts to come!


I could maybe, as Eskimo suggested, use ROQ files for these recorded sections in the JA version. I really would like to look at some ROQ stuff in there somewhere, maybe for a fully animated intro and things like that (also maybe ship flybys and such - the kind of thing that would be CGI in a film) . Clu's amazing Colloseum shows just what you can accomplish if you really know how to make ROQ files! :)

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Looks nice. I havent checked it out yet, but I might after seeing the screengrabs. Also, I have the registered version of FRAPS so I would be able to make it in AVI format or whatever if someone wants to take it from there.


In other news, I dont think you will have to worry about Casperhead coming back to this threads *cracks knuckles* But definitely keep up the good work:)

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Might as well break the news also around here. The speed problem some people have unfortunately suffered with this movie (with my part of it anyway) are most probably due to the unreliability of DOWAIT("task") and WAIT("task") commands.


If you are keen on the subject, first compare for your own amusement the cinematic scripts of JO and JA. After you have noticed the big difference, you are as far as I was before Kengo decided to go straight to the source. I decided to join the gang and gatecrashed to the levelforge.teamhuh.com.


If you are truly interested about the shortcomings of ICARUS, go there are read the short but very enlightening answers we got from a reliable source.


So, to make the long story short, we well most likely be able to deliver a more universally working movie in a few days...

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Thanks twice over Andy. What can I say, I guess anytime someone comes in who has 1 post and immediately starts supporting poor old Casper 'who's been so badly treated and never does nothing to hurt nobody' I'll let you know! Casper, will you just stay out of this thread, I have no interest in your opinions and you have no interest in my work, so lets leave it at that.


I've got a new version of Team Corellia: Part 1 up at PCGM, the hope being that it fixes the dialogue speed problem some people had, after Lassev did some extensive work on the scripting. It also fixes the missing model thing, and adds German subtitle, briefing and credit support.




I'm very interested to hear if that fixes the dialogue timing problem others had before.

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This is a warning to you andy. Go ahead ban this name but your going to have alot of fun banning names cause there will be another one after another. We are going to work this out peacefully or we can do things the hard way I was banned unfairly in the first place I'm not leaving and if I do leave I'm going to make sure this site gets its share of hell. We will talk this out on msn I think you know my address If not your going to keep banning and banning.

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Andy, if you're going to sort this out with Casper outside of this thread (which would be great) then could you please delete all his posts in here? I am sick of all my threads getting hijacked no matter how many times he gets banned, no matter how hard I try to ignore him. Oh, and personally, I don't believe people should get what they want by threatening others and harrasment.


DarkLord, can't you see the wood for the trees man? There are two sides of this, one wants to just have a normal freakin' showcase thread without people slagging them off and the other wants to harrass everyone into doing what they want them to. I can't believe you can possibly go along with what Casper is doing. I guess I shouldn't underestimate the power of denial? He's been banned at least FIVE times now DarkLord, don't tell me you believe they were all really unfair on the poor lil' guy? Man alive - wake up!

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