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Classify yourself religiously

Zoom Rabbit

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Originally posted by Emma

And I will personally rip out the insides of anyone who believes in those ****ty 'True Love Waits' bollocks schemes.


You mean the idea that True Love exists and one must be patient in order to find it? Or the church's whole: "be good, and you won't burn in eternal hellfire for as little as coveting your neighbor's Ming vase...."? Or am I just off completely?


...sex before marriage isn't damaging.



That is, assuming, that both partners want to have sex and are careful about it. Technically rape before marraige is sex before marraige...but that can be plenty damaging on many levels. But I know what you mean and I agree with it. Someone shouldn't have to wait if they don't want to.







Joshi: Don't deny your love for Celery.

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I think that saying sex without an official marriage license is sinful is like saying you're a thief if you don't pay your taxes. :dozey: The state and church might want you to think so, but we're talking about something between you and God (or your conscience, if you will), not them.


What's in your heart? :max: Do you really want this person in a meaningful way, and are you prepared for the possibility of children with them? If so, dive on in. No wall, no box.


Redwing: Remember that anything written in a book by men thousands of years ago on the matter of bicycles might not necessarily be the last word on what God Himself actually thinks about it. ;) Ask Him.


No picts. I feel lazy. Damn you all.

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HOLY mr potty. melted brain? hui. someone must be playing with the microwave-oven again..


quick! apply this maximum-alu-minimum foil to your head using this hyper polychlorbutadiene adhesive stuff i stolegathered err.. there. or you better take 3 or 4 layers.. yes that is ok.



now do a 1983° turn CLOCKWISE.
















*misses a wall*










*misses a tree*







*misses jones* (ehehehe. got that one?:D)






*misses a birdy*



*misses deep hanging branches*








*misses another, 2nd wall*





*misses the point*



































eyh guybrush, watch out for that ..







..strange obstacle in the dark..






hey.. it's the 3rd wall! :p

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Originally posted by RayJones

HOLY mr potty. melted brain? hui. someone must be playing with the microwave-oven again..


quick! apply this maximum-alu-minimum foil to your head using this hyper polychlorbutadiene adhesive stuff i stolegathered err.. there. or you better take 3 or 4 layers.. yes that is ok.



now do a 1983° turn CLOCKWISE.
















*misses a wall*










*misses a tree*







*misses jones* (ehehehe. got that one?:D)






*misses a birdy*



*misses deep hanging branches*








*misses another, 2nd wall*





*misses the point*



































eyh guybrush, watch out for that ..







..strange obstacle in the dark..






hey.. it's the 3rd wall! :p





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*frightened by Ray's actions*


*strips down and begins to cry*


*runs naked and crying --aimlessly*































*misses the first wall*



























*runs by the second wall*


























*nearly dodges the third wall*
























*breaks the fourth wall* (baddum bum CHEE)







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Originally posted by Siv



uuhhmmmm.. .. nothing..

*whistles and goes out of the thread*






*drives in a big truck (sooo biig) loaded with tapestries .. and panties*


*unloads it over siv*





*get out of the truck, runs over to another biiiig truck loaded with cough walls*





























*unloads it over siv*

















*gets out of the truck, naked and crying*








*runs, naked, crying .. .. and jumps .. *




tse .. :rolleyes: youth nowadays .. :p

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*gets up*




*coughs up a pair panties*




*chases ray with a wet towel*




*trips over tapestries*




*coughs up a pair panties*




*gets up*




*continues to chase ray with a wet towel*





*jumps over a fence*







*dodges cow*






*hops over a chicken*






*tiptoes around the sleeping bull *





*jumps on the back on a horse*





*coughs up a pair of panties*




*panties land on horse head making it run round in circles until it falls down and lands on the chicken*





*chicken goes "BUUUCCCKKKAAHH!!" which wakes up the bull*





*coughs up a pair of panties and then runs away from bull*





*bull stops to hump the cow*





*cow tells bull thats she's got a headache*





*now even angrier and sexually frustrated, the bull gives chase*





*a naked ray offerd himself to the bull*





*the bull, seeing ray's naked body runs for it's life*





*misses the first tree*







*and second*






*... not the third*






*shrugs.... then continues to chase ray with a wet towel*











anyway, back onto topic...


I’m not religious nor do I not believe in god…i prefer to stay neutral.

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Originally posted by Siv


I’m not religious nor do I not believe in god…i prefer to stay neutral.


well. i could second that. i am not religous in any way nor do i believe in the power of one "person" some may call god and some err.. "the one that does it all".. or both. .. .. hey i just repeated what siv said. WOW.


and havent i stated something similar before?


crazy time. :rolleyes:




i've had a thought last night.. IF there is a god .. would he be a female or she be a male? or both? or nothing of that?


oh, and has anybody seen this futurama episode where bender got lost in space and somehow "becomes" a "god" and then somehow screws it all up and then somehow finally meets somehow some "thing" which somehow turns out to be somehow "god"? they talk somehow about something like "what god is meant to be" or so.

the 'real' answer to it then somehow came with a part of the story of this episode. (huh?)


if you've seen it, my question would be: could that be the way "god" works? or is he some sort of 9 to 5er but more like 24/7?


and will we turn to "gods" if we one day will be able to construct "machines" which are able, based on basic "programs", to "grow", "learn", "develop", "reproduce" themselves and such things?

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

I think that saying sex without an official marriage license is sinful is like saying you're a thief if you don't pay your taxes. :dozey:


Thank goodness Christian morals arn't actually the law all the time, eh? This is what I absolutely despise about religion. For example, in the UK and US Christian moral law, or whatever you want to call it, in the past was implemented as law and to a certain degree is so today. Hello? Not everyone lives by Christianity, there are other religions too. If you don't want to have sex before marriage then fine, but don't implement such a worthless law on other people who'd rather not have anything to do with religion or don't follow Christianity.


There have been a lot of documentaries on TV here in the UK about George Bush's scheme in Texas to ban proper sex education (the only sex ed. teens are getting is being taught abstinance). As a result, these documentaries have been talked about to a great degree and, for the most, part the British public is disgusted that teens arn't being taught how to protect themselves in the event of them having sex. I'd hate to see things turn that way over here.


The state and church might want you to think so, but we're talking about something between you and God (or your conscience, if you will), not them.[/b]


Bollocks. Have you even had sex? It's an act between two people who care for one another and have sexual needs (which is the greatest instinct of humans). The only way it will damage you is if you are not ready for it. I don't regret having sex with any person I've slept with and it has not damaged me in any way.


What's in your heart? :max: Do you really want this person in a meaningful way, and are you prepared for the possibility of children with them? If so, dive on in. No wall, no box.



Having sex with someone very rarely ends up with pregnancy if you are using adequate contraceptives. The Pill has a 99% success rate, which is as good as you can get. In the past 5 years I have had zero instances of pregnancy.


So there you have it, having sex with someone without having a piece of paper decreeing it's fine to do so is not the evil you have made it out to be.


Next you'll be telling us eating is evil. ;)

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Originally posted by Emma

It's an act between two people who care for one another and have sexual needs (which is the greatest instinct of humans). The only way it will damage you is if you are not ready for it.


this instinct is basically THE main property of LIFE. EVERY FORM OF LIFE we know strives for REPRODUCTION and SPREADING. there is nothing dirty, evil, immoral or whatever..

and DAMAGE? .. hmm. i think there was enough damage done in "the early years" when it was usual to marry the own 12 year old daughter to some 35 year old guy. that fact also might change the meaning of "no sex before marriage" slightly ..




also sex should not silenced down by saying "SSSHHHHHHHDD!! it's bad. DONT DO IT" and in the next second we step into the next porn video store. :rolleyes:

anyone want to teach our youth the "proper" way to practise sex?

deal with it open and straight. they will have their experiences anyway. it is about US ADULTS *cough* to decide how they deal with it. :dozey:


of course this is not meant like "hey, you.. how old are you? 14? then go and do it!"

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Very true, people under 16 aren't normally ready for the emotional crap that comes with sex, but by the time they turn 16, they begin to understand the world around them and how sex fits into it and by then have enough maturity to be able to make a decision, and most of the time it's right.


Then again, some people mature sooner or later than others (and if a 14 year old wanted to have sex and found someone to do it with, there are really no barriers and they will do it, so the age consent doesn't really count)


Back onto the subject in hand.


Originally said by Ray

and will we turn to "gods" if we one day will be able to construct "machines" which are able, based on basic "programs", to "grow", "learn", "develop", "reproduce" themselves and such things?


Yeah, these are called children, or babies when they start. don't forget, we as mere humans create these. one could argue that a birth is the act of God and in my view, it is, partly. Of course there would be no child if the couple hadn't made a decision to at least have sex (or at least one of them did... but that's a tragic was to be concieved really, no offence to those who were). In other words, cause and effect created a baby, but I won't, on principals, rule out the idea that god acted as a catalyst in this, or at least was a factor in this. And this is because I believe in him so. I'm not preaching, i'm sharing my views, and don't think of me as one of those "do as god says, do everything god tells you, be good, have no life to speak of, listen to your mother" kinds of people (I'm not Mek), I simply have in my mind that idea that someone, or something out there (and because of common belief, up there) is doing something that's making the world run.

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hehehe joshi, i never was talking about kids.. but its true, from a certain point of view. but i think you got what i mean. also i never was thinking you were preaching, but even if, you could preach until you turn blue, anyways :p ..




i dont know mek, but i what you've said about those "preaching" people is right.. in my opinion.

aaaand even if i tend more to "something" does (causes) something that makes the world run, i cannot surely say it is not "someone", i actually must admit that there is probably "someone" and not "something".. but my experiences and my knowledge ( :confused: ) let me think that i would have to expect "something" .. err.. incredible .. that, for unknown reasons, i refuse to call "god" .. :)

and perhabs i'll ask myself then: "who the heck made this?" :p


so somehow, we may share the same views. we can surely say now, you're complete screwed. :D:D

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I agree, Emma. Right now, in NY, the legal age is 18 and that angers me. You also have to be 18 in order buy pornography which REALLY angers me. Personally, I'm not into porn at all, but the fact that people can't have the right to freakin' look at a naked body (and then some) isn't right. Hell, people who don't want kids to have sex should be encouraging the distribution of legal pornography (I say legal in the sense that the models are willing, eighteen, and aren't exploited or abused in any way) because (1) it's much more harmless than sex. (2) It's certainly not going to hurt ANYBODY of ANY AGE (a five year old, for all we should care, should be able to look at these things because what's it gonna harm him? Granted, a five year old probably won't WANT to look at it--- "ew! girls" or "ew! boys!" ---but they should have the same viewing rights as adults). (3) Mentally scarring? I think not. Violence at a certain age? Yes. Cruelty? Yes. Female and Male anatomy? Riiight.


Overall point, if some guy or girl wants to check out a member of the opposite sex nude (for personal pleasure, for self-education, for whatever) then let them do so with pornography. Hell, I know people who resorted to looking at pornography to understand the Female anatomy---what does THAT tell you about Sex Ed.? We might as well ban Vladmir Nabokov's novels, Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, and Led Zepplin's music. All of those things were considered lude, grotesque, and raunchy when they were first written/composed. But they're not banned now, are they?

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Originally posted by Emma

Bollocks. Have you even had sex? It's an act between two people who care for one another and have sexual needs (which is the greatest instinct of humans). The only way it will damage you is if you are not ready for it. I don't regret having sex with any person I've slept with and it has not damaged me in any way.


I was talking about marriage and the morality of sex without it being between you and God, not sex. :dozey: Feel free to argue against this, but I connect morality with God.


For the record, I've had lots of glorious sex. ;) I've even had Madonna...
























--AND Britney Spears. :D (At the same time.)


Ray: Ever notice how a pair of panties has THREE holes in it? I have.

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did you notice how (nearly) every pantee is made of cloth which is actually woven thread? and did you notice that woven thread actually could be produced out of 1 thread and contains quadraziballions of holes? :) i err.. have.. :p


also, i've already seenheard about pantees with "4" holes in it.. *cough* :dozey: i would wonder what you'd use these for *points to zooms helmet* .. :D:D:D

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