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Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)

Fred Tetra

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I'm debating whether to continue spending time developing Kotor Tool. I've invested over 200 hours on it and I've kept going thus far because I felt quite a few people would benefit from it and, to a lesser degree, appreciate the effort. While my HD problem came at a bad time (is there ever a good one?) financially, it did 'open my eyes', so to speak, as to the attitude some folks seem to have.


I think everyone, myself included, has a limit to their altruism, and perhaps I'm nearing mine as I split my time between Kotor Tool development and other things. Since I do it for fun, when the "fun level" drops, so does my interest. It is not like the database managment and other tools I develop for a living, where the effort, while interesting and challenging, also keeps food on the table and roof over my head.


I am not one to make hasty decisions, but as I said, I don't know whether or not I still feel like putting more effort into Kotor Tool.

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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

I'm debating whether to continue spending time developing Kotor Tool. I've invested over 200 hours on it and I've kept going thus far because I felt quite a few people would benefit from it and, to a lesser degree, appreciate the effort. While my HD problem came at a bad time (is there ever a good one?) financially, it did 'open my eyes', so to speak, as to the attitude some folks seem to have.


I think everyone, myself included, has a limit to their altruism, and perhaps I'm nearing mine as I split my time between Kotor Tool development and other things. Since I do it for fun, when the "fun level" drops, so does my interest. It is not like the database managment and other tools I develop for a living, where the effort, while interesting and challenging, also keeps food on the table and roof over my head.


I am not one to make hasty decisions, but as I said, I don't know whether or not I still feel like putting more effort into Kotor Tool.

Well Fred, if you dont release this, i wont be able to release the rest of my mod, it's that simple.

I would go NUTS, if I had to to every planed what i did to manaan. I need your tool badly, the people of Holowan need it badly, Fred when I saw your tool, I thought "well thats great, we can finally show the game makers we dont need them to mod kotor, there is someone among our ranks with enough virtue to create his own tools. If anyone here deserves the highest praise, its you. Dont let the people down now, not when you are so close. You have achieved something, that in the beginning we only dreamed about. Dont stop here. Because if you stop, I will stop. Enough said there.

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Fred, your tool is so great but if you quit how will we continue to edit KOTOR, how will we have fun, and most importantly how will beginner modders ever get to start modding? I don't think you should quit at all. If it wasn't for your tool then hey...guess...what all these great mods wouldn't even exist. The entire community and I also need that module editor, I've been checking everyday about it. Think about US, what could the consequences be for not having it exist no more for the people. Holowan will shut down, have no more posters, and become ignored, and we don't want that to happen! Don't you see you've created a masterpiece of hard work and determination, that makes you more special than the rest of us. Deep down in your heart you know you want to continue the editor. You are the BEST! WE THE PEOPLE SUPPORT THE EDITOR THAT IS FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE!!!! Besides gsccc is making a cool mod and you should support him

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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

I'm debating whether to continue spending time developing Kotor Tool. I've invested over 200 hours on it and I've kept going thus far because I felt quite a few people would benefit from it and, to a lesser degree, appreciate the effort. While my HD problem came at a bad time (is there ever a good one?) financially, it did 'open my eyes', so to speak, as to the attitude some folks seem to have.


I think everyone, myself included, has a limit to their altruism, and perhaps I'm nearing mine as I split my time between Kotor Tool development and other things. Since I do it for fun, when the "fun level" drops, so does my interest. It is not like the database managment and other tools I develop for a living, where the effort, while interesting and challenging, also keeps food on the table and roof over my head.


I am not one to make hasty decisions, but as I said, I don't know whether or not I still feel like putting more effort into Kotor Tool.




I completely understand where you're coming from. If you do decide to pursue other interest, please do so knowing that you have my sincerest thanks for all of your hard work. I do hope that KotOR II will pique your modding interests again and that you will return to create yet another tool for the modding community.


Thanks for good times!



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Just as Achillies has said I understand where you are coming from, I too have other things to do and will be hanging my modding coat on the rack temporarily, although I will still browse the boards and threads when I can and help out if needed. I as well as almost everyone here owes almost all of our mods to you and with the deepest respect I thank you for what you've done, but I suggest that you browse the forum every now and then and I really hope you come back for KotOR 2 as will I. I don't think you really need to listen to what anyone here tells you as far as whether or not you should give it up, if you are tired of it or have other things to do, do them, because I think that when modding in general you really have to enjoy it to be able to do it right and you shoud only do something if that is what you want to do not because somebody qsks or requests you to. Anyway you have my thanks for making this great tool that let's us do basically everything that we do.


Much Thanks,



P.S. If you hang it up for a while I'll see you in Winter 2004 ;)

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If you do decide to pack it in Fred, it will be a sad day to see you leave. I do understand If your leaving becuase it no longer holds any joy for you, this is just a hobby after all Noone pays you to do the work you have put in.


IF it wasn't for the the original KT that extracted files and allowed me to edit 2da's modding KotOR might have just been a short interest to me. You have done GREAT work for the KotOR modding scene and everyone appreciates it. I do however have My own reasons for not chipping what I could.


I hope you do realize that many that use your tool Do so out of a desire to make something fun, to make a mod that will prolong the life of the game so that buying a new game can be avoided for a little longer ;) That was the reason I first persued learning about how this game works and KT made it easyer to browse the files to get a better understanding of the workings.


I have Really appreciated all hours you have put into making KT. You have my thanks.



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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

I'm debating whether to continue spending time developing Kotor Tool. I've invested over 200 hours on it and I've kept going thus far because I felt quite a few people would benefit from it and, to a lesser degree, appreciate the effort. While my HD problem came at a bad time (is there ever a good one?) financially, it did 'open my eyes', so to speak, as to the attitude some folks seem to have.


I think everyone, myself included, has a limit to their altruism, and perhaps I'm nearing mine as I split my time between Kotor Tool development and other things. Since I do it for fun, when the "fun level" drops, so does my interest. It is not like the database managment and other tools I develop for a living, where the effort, while interesting and challenging, also keeps food on the table and roof over my head.


I am not one to make hasty decisions, but as I said, I don't know whether or not I still feel like putting more effort into Kotor Tool.


First off I would like to say, KotOR Tool is the most useful tool for modding KotOR, in my opinion (and everyone else's too, I'm sure). GREAT work thus far. :clap2::thumbsup::clap2:


I'll understand if you don't want to continue making/updating KT, because it isn't fun anymore. It will be a sad day when/if (please, please be if) you leave. You could also just take a hiatus from making KT, and then go back to work on it if it interests you again. If you do decide to competely leave KotOR, you should come back for KotOR:TSL, because then you can make KT be the most useful tool for modding KotOR:TSL.


[Persuade] You could make the current KT open source if you aren't going to continue making/updating it at all. We can continue to make it better, until you come back for KotOR:TSL and make KT 2.0.xxxx.xxxx. ;)



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Originally posted by StormTrooper789

Fred, your tool is so great but if you quit how will we continue to edit KOTOR, how will we have fun, and most importantly how will beginner modders ever get to start modding? I don't think you should quit at all. If it wasn't for your tool then hey...guess...what all these great mods wouldn't even exist. The entire community and I also need that module editor, I've been checking everyday about it. Think about US, what could the consequences be for not having it exist no more for the people. Holowan will shut down, have no more posters, and become ignored, and we don't want that to happen! Don't you see you've created a masterpiece of hard work and determination, that makes you more special than the rest of us. Deep down in your heart you know you want to continue the editor. You are the BEST! WE THE PEOPLE SUPPORT THE EDITOR THAT IS FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE!!!! Besides gsccc is making a cool mod and you should support him


Really Fred should think abouit himself first and foremost , if he doesnt want to continue he shouldnt. Telling he should think about us is sorry to say selfish , besides , we will continue to mod items , npcs , characters etc with the current tool. Suggesting the Labs will collapse if Fred stops is rediculous.


Fred all i can say is its up to you , your choice , if you stop making any ew versions then obviously youve come to the end of making the tool and i say good luck with what ever you are doing in your life etc.

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Cest La Vive...you will be missed, Fred Tetra - but not forgotten...as (and I can't remember offhand if it was tk102 or t7nowhere) once said - your KotOR Tool was "The Swiss knife of modding".


That being said - I hope you won't be discouraged from further effort...if I might take a moment to share a personal thought or two (rare for me - but I feel it is appropriate here)...


I'm a former military man - having spent a career in both the Army (originally) and retiring from the Navy. I spent 14 & 1/2 months in a lovely place in Southeast Asia (more specifically known as Vietnam) when I was in the Army (in addition to a later tour in Germany)...my naval career included two offshore tours of Lebanon, Grenada, and culminating in the entire Desert Shield/Desert Storm campaign (or more commonly known as the first Persian Gulf War). I might add that I left the Navy "involuntarily" due to physical handicaps brought about by old war wounds. Be that as it may - many used to comment on how I looked in uniform with all my citations.


Save for either Memorial Day or Veteran's Day - all my citations and experience won't buy me a single cup of coffee (unless I have the $1.50 or so to pay for it). Yet if I tell people I'm an "Online Journalist"...I can't drink enough of the free coffee at any one sitting.


It just goes to show that it is not only what you do in life that counts...but moreso it is how what you do in life is perceived by others that determines your success/reputation, etc...again - cest la vive. I suppose the moral to life would be "Get yourself a damned good Press Agent" *chuckles*.


May the Force be with you in all your future endeavors, Fred Tetra!!

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Not many people know me, as I have only been on Holowan for a month, and modding for three weeks. I'm here to tell you that your tool is unbelievable. If we had to do all that KT does in GFF editor, we'd have a lot less modders. No offense or anything, but I personally am surprised at the people who are putting pressure on you to continue. I understand where you're coming from, and I hope you make the decision that's right for you. If you do stay, that's great, and if you don't, that's your decision. No matter what you do, Holowan Labs will back you up. I hope to see you again for KotOR II: TSL, and I hope you have as much success in the rest of your life as you did with the KotOR Tool.



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I have been in and out of these boards for a while now, and hate to see you go as well, but agree that you have to do what is right for you.


(Truth be told if your problems hadn't coincided with mine, I would have sent money your way, but that's a tale for another time.)


Hopefully you will continue to make your tool available for use even if you don't open the code for others, though I wouldn't mind looking at it just out of curiosity (programming is one of my hobbies even though I don't have much time to indulge these days).


Best of luck, and as others have said,


May the Force Be With You.

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Being new to the Kotor modding scene I just wanted to say thanks for what you have done. Your tool helped me understand quite a bit in a short time.


Being old to the "general" modding scene I can understand how you feel. Once you get tired of something you want to move on .. or read a book or 5 or get out with the wife or something .. so go have a life.


Oh .. but before you go .. hehe .. could you make it so that the tool overides the default files (preferably by setting a different "override" directory in the prefernces)



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I just tried to edit a character's inventory, and... I CAN'T!?!!? It tells me "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." This happens on the 1.0.1636.25345 version and the 1.0.1664.28435 version. With the 1.0.1530.39101 version, it says that it can't find dialog.tlk. I put it in the place where it expects to find it, and it says the same thing as the 1.0.16xx.xxxx versions.



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Originally posted by jedi_5002

I just tried to edit a character's inventory, and... I CAN'T!?!!? It tells me "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." This happens on the 1.0.1636.25345 version and the 1.0.1664.28435 version. With the 1.0.1530.39101 version, it says that it can't find dialog.tlk. I put it in the place where it expects to find it, and it says the same thing as the 1.0.16xx.xxxx versions.




What were you trying to add and what was the character you were trying to add it too. That might help us to answer your question.

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