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Star Wars Battlefront Wishlist

Elite Jedi

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fists would be great. I can imagine reading that kill message. Or better yet, sneaking up on that sniper picking off your mates and beating him to death... brutal. I can hear the robotic servo and clunk sound fx as the battle droid punches.


Can you imagine how easy it will be for them to do the voices for the clone troopers and droids? Its all the same voices. Guess its plenty fo work for those voice actors.

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I think that a pilot being a mechanic is okay...


Originally posted by Lt. Havoc

12. If the scout battle droid can call "orbital strikes" then they should have an added restriction.

I'm guessing an orbital strike is an SW version of artillery only minus the 2nd player which would fire the rounds which the scout spots. So what's to keep you from laying next to an ammo recharge and spamming "strikes"? I say force the scout to remain still and paint the target until the strike comes in. Calling it on the run won't work and calling it and moving will break the signal. Then provide a 6-8 second pause before another strike maybe called in. You could even have a clever sound bite say "One moment... our laser batteries are recharging." They could even build in code which calculates if the player is at the same location or with a small radius and calls in multiple strikes the time between each gets longer and longer. That forces the player expose themself and get in the game.


The way orbital strikes function (for the Imperial Officer, at least) is discussed in this article:




For the Imperial side, their special unit right now is the Imperial officer. He can heal troops, he can also deploy a probe droid to steer remotely around the battlefield. The cool thing about the probe droid is he can also call in a bombardment from orbit. He can drop off a beacon, and sound a warning, but then that area is pretty much going to be pummelled from space.


So the downside to orbital strikes is that you have to leave your player idle and unable to defend itself while you're remotely controlling the Probe Droid.

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melee attacks with weapons that are out of ammo. For instance run out of blaster ammo and you automatically try to butt-stroke your opponent with the same fire button. This would help prevent the "knife fight" mentality. You'd have to first totally run out of ammo before you could run around like a jackass saying "knife fight only, knife fight only".


Rockets should penetrate a Droideka's shields.









FL has gone off in recent years, a far cry from years and years past though.

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I want Jabba and the Rancor!!

You fight in Jabbaspalace, don´t watch out and fall into the rancors pit.... *dreaming*


Space battles: If the Empire has unlock the Deathstar , the rebels has the chance to destroy it like in episode 4 :deathstar

or 6 :deathii: in a big spacebattle. If the rebels lose the fight, the imps can use their big weapon...


And I want Dewbacks on Tatooine!!

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I Want:


1) Awesome Graphics, such as droids busting apart, burning stuff, Falling AT-ATs, Flying debris, smoke

2)Stealth tactics

3) Battles occuring in space (ships)

4) The death star with all the pits!

5) Be able to capture people and use as hostages

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Oh yeah, some sort of Friends list.


Don't worry guys, this game won't turn out like JO/JA at all. Nobody's gonna care if you are typing, anyone would be wise to not start typing in the middle of a war... do it while you're safe from enemy fire.


As for Pilots only be able to control aircraft, I think they're gonna go with the BF1942 style...

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Okay things I wish for.


1. If you are in an area where there is flying debris I would like to see it do somesort of damage.


2. Ships that feel like how they are supposed to.


3. Maybe picking up a dead teamates weapons like if you need ammo or grenades. Only would work for your own class Like a scout cant pick up a rocket launcher.


thats all i can think of for now.

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Originally posted by killer007

3. Maybe picking up a dead teamates weapons like if you need ammo or grenades. Only would work for your own class Like a scout cant pick up a rocket launcher.


thats all i can think of for now.


That has already been confirmed. You can pick up ammo from dead teammates/opponents. However, you can't pick up weapons.

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1) Pilots should be able to throw their teammates out of a vehicle when they want to pilot it (what purpose has a pilot when it vcan't pilot something?).

It would be good cause ppl that cant fly wouldnt fly etc etc, but would be overused dont you think? Instead of Tkers they'd just come around drag you out



Lets see...

*Good voting GUI, with everything on it

*Balance system (You may not have double the amount of assault guys than pilots, for example, that stuff...also for vehicles)


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Originally posted by jasperw

1) Pilots should be able to throw their teammates out of a vehicle when they want to pilot it (what purpose has a pilot when it vcan't pilot something?).


agree to alegis (^). just suppose there are two skilled pilots but both think he/she is better ... this would stop the whole actio cuz they would drag each other out all the time.


its better to bind an alarm like "hey, im pilot, let me do this job" to tell the player that a skilled one is near, bt not just drag them out.

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Why don't put Rankings in it ! that would be awesome !

like every single player has its own ID ( no mather what name he/her chooses ) and than like after 100 kills you become Private First Class , 200 : Corporal , 300 : Corporal First Class , and so on.

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