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Star Wars Battlefront Wishlist

Elite Jedi

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1) I hope that it has a good physics engine. I dont wanna play a game that makes it so someones head goes through their hip. Also, a good collison field, if i run into someone, and i go through them or my arm arm goes through their face, im gonna quit


2) I also hope that the weapons cope with the environment. I dont want an explosion to look so real its fake, almost making it look like a real explosive that was imported into the game.


3) And lastly i wish that the game wont be too similar to BF:1942. If it has built in laser turrets, im gonna scream. If it has crappy ai, im gonna scream, and lastly if you can drive a vehicle of a cliff roll into the water, and still live, im gonna laug my @$$ off. :D

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I hope the vehicles aren't cheesy and they control like one would expect them too. I want them to move like vehicles, not soldiers. That irks me when games add vehicles but then they are lame because they control unrealistically.



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1. Uber-large maps.


2. Weapons that dont suck.


3. Explosions that are realistic, and that the trees contort to the wind.


4.High-resolution skymaps. This really does make a difference, low-quality skies make my eyes bleed.


5. Rag doll physics. Please please please, let me have the fufillment of shooting a stormtrooper off a body and see his body go splat at the bottom. :p


In no particular order, of course.

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Realism, fair realism.

Adding physics to both soldier (getting tired) and guns (bullet dropping at distance and aiming when running).

Making the terrain interactive where you can use/abuse it (how about you throw a grenade that explodes at a tree and makes it go down or making a hole to get your ass covered).

Makes the terrains big enough and cover various gametype (I´m sure it will be included).


Well thats a bit of my ranthing.

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I have far too many to list here, so I'll just go with what this wise gentleman said...


Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Right now my wishlist stands with just one wish; that being, "please don't suck."


Basically, I want it to be "Star Warsy" - and include all the characters/enemies and vehicles we have all come to love.


If they can make it so you feel like you're fighting in one of the battles from the Star Wars films, then they've done their job right :)

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All planets, vehicles, weapons, etc. Leave none out!

Episode 3 Expansion Pack! (like RtR)

Better graphics than screenshots


BIG maps

Single-player option (usually I can't/don't play multiplayer, which sucks, but I must live with it. I like SP better anyway )


Better controls for Air crafts
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crazy_dog in the interview they stated no jedi and a single player option that doesn't really have a storyline but won't be the same everytime you play it (it appears to be multiplayer with bots).


what i want is object based multiplayer like seige in jedi academy except on a much larger scale. also i know this probably won't happen but a smuggler, mercernary, bounty hunter secret faction or class would be fun. what would star wars be without its smugglers, mercernary, and bounty hunters.

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My wishlist :

1) Alot of guns to keep people busy.

2) Huge environments to encourage people to use vehicles together and travel.

3) NPCs around the map like Ewoks who team up with a team if they are losing to help them. [Like Ewoks + Rebels vs Imperials]

4) Many vehicles to travel in.

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I want stormtrooper armor to fricking DO SOMETHING! Right now, a Rebel in SP (helmet, MAYBE flak vest) has more health then a Stormtrooper (supposedly elite, every !@#$ inch of his body is covered in armor!) Also, I want the weapons to be REALISTIC (1-5 hits kill, as opposed to JA's 10 pistol shots from a weapon described as a "heavy pistol"). Plus, I want to be able to own Rebel scum as one of those flying repeater-troops or the hazard-suit men from JA.

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i don't want this game to be "realistic". i don't want die within 5 hits from a pistol to the chest. i want a weapon damage system that balances the weapons and is high action.


also considering that this game isn't being made by raven, i think it safe to say gameplay won't be anything like jedi academy (if anything close to seige but probably still very different).

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1)Balanced weapons that do a good deal of damage and are balanced(unlike JA's 20 shots on the head and he's still alive).


2)Balanced vehicles


3)Balanced civs


4)An option where you choose a civ to begin with and you,re stuck with it until the game or round ends(BF1942's team swapping is horrible).



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