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Lego Melée Island


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Originally posted by Live Undead

"Those idiots" have a right hear as anyone else. and If I... I mean they want to tell someone it is a rubbish idea then that should be allowed, the moderator took it to the next level by banning...him for an anal hair joke... which btw.... was hillarious and I know at least 2 people who found it humorous :p


Not to acuse you or anything but I have a feeling your LeChuckie.


Can't wait for the pics man!

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Yeah I thought the Anal Hair joke was hilarious.... *cough*


But seriously can you lot drop the whole banning thing, he got what he deserved and that's that. Everyone knows that on most forums you have to be mature and not stupid, he's an example of being stupid and not following the rules, thus he gets banned.


*End of Story*

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Originally posted by Let's make love

Ahh but I'm not actually LeChuckie... just one of his mate (well his only mate) so it would be morally wrong to ban me...

Wanna bet?


Also, Scummbuddy, WHERE did you get that picture from? It rocks.

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Here's the thing...In a few hours I'll post 4 or 5 pics. Some fo houses are still very incomplete...Monday I should get a batch of 900 pieces to finish these houses. The pics you'll see in a few hours show a still incomplete International House of Mojo (it should be complete by Monday) and still no specific minifigs (What I mean by this is that in the pics you will only see generic pirates. In a few days I'll hae guybrush, the map vendor and the men of low moral fiber). I was waiting to finish these houses and for the minifigs before I post any pictures, but since so many of you, and rightly so, doubt my sincerity, I will post a few pictures in a few moments. See you then.

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I've sent 10 pics to the Scumm Bar webmasters, and I hope they will be posted on the main page pretty soon.

The construction is still on early stages, some houses are not complete and the minifigs are generic. In a few days, severla houses will be finished, as well as the specific minifigs (guybrush, Map Vendor and Men on Low Moral Fiber). I can't host the pics, but if someone is interested and does not wnat to wait for the main page to uptade, I can send you the pics and you can host them and post them in this board.


Anyone interested, my e-mail is Darthromas@hotmail.com

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