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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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"Need you ask?" Tarila demanded. "Yes, we want you to deliver the money to us in person... alone."


"If it's not you and you're not alone, we'll stop working for you," Nom continued. "I hope you understand. If not, well.. that's your problem."

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*A House Gaurd approches Flax and Mirra. The man wears a blue tunic and ceramic cortosis ore armour.*


Gaurd: My, Lord. They have arrived.


Flax: I will see then shortly.




Dasken: Okay, here we are then.


*They arrive at a small, unasuming shop front.*




*Hal looks at Rwos, worried and mouths. "Different."*

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Odin: is everything ready?


Svafa: Yes, that station has just been brought online, a message has been sent to Cracken, and one of our ships should be arriving at Agamar now.


Odin: Perfect. Let us go, and see this embassy.





*A valkyrie ship drops out of hyperspace in the Agamar System, they immediatly contact Agamar's defense force*


Hirst: Hello, I am Hirst commanding the Disen, an Aesirian Destoyer. I carry a message for Lord Flax, from Lord Odin of the Aesir. We respectfully request permission to enter orbit and have a meeting with your Lord.

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*As "Deac" speaks, Rwos slows, seeming to lose his momentary burst of confidence. Then he catches the look from Flax*


What if...


There is one way. If Deac's body is being subverted by a spectre, even a mechanical specter...


No. Too risky. Can't do that, unless all else fails. And only when I'm sure I'm not wrong.


But what to do now?


Ellela...she's the unknown factor here...we should meet her first...and we should also escape this planet...we have only minutes left...


*Rwos activates his teleporter and touches Deac with one hand, Hal with the other. The three vanish in a flash of blue light.


They reappear outside Rwos' ship, close to where Deac had landed*

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Phobos: Excellent. We are here. I'm ok to fly this ship, right? I am? Well I guess there is no harm in telling you your friend is dead. I am Phobos. You'll be dying now.


*Phobos leaps onto Rwos*

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*Rwos lets himself fall backward, balancing on his tail, and Phobos overshoots. Rwos grabs him from underneath and flips him backwards onto his back. Before the cyborg can react, Rwos has his head pinned under his foot*


Rwos: Looks like I guessed right. You're Norl, aren't you? The ghost in the machine...

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The comlink clicked off and Tarila turned to look at Nom.


"Now what?" she asked. He shrugged.


"As soon as he steps out of the shuttle, send all of the holographic crew to surround him," he answered. "We'll take him to Greer, but since we're not working for him any more, we'll let him keep his money."


"Right," Tarila nodded. "No sense in taking something we don't want, right? In taking that money we'd be working for him again."


"Get ready, his shuttle's on its way," Nom said. Tarila moved over to one of the control panels.

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Phobos: All right, let's play this a different way. Deac still has that old self destruct device installed. If I set it off, we all go. Choose quickly, I think his skull's starting to crack.

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Rwos: You won't do that. You value your own "skin" too much. Also, you must know I'm harder to kill than that.


There's no way I can let him do this. If I let him upload himself to the Obra-Skai, he could easily leave a program behind to kill Deac anyway. And he would have access to any of the Emperor's deadly remaining secrets as a bonus...

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*Lokpihet's.... F. Irvines SSD, Command deck*


Officer "My lord, the facility you ordered us to keep watch of, the ractor hasn't detonated yet."


F Irvine "All stop." *everyone one aboard jerks towards the front of the ship as the ship makes an emergency stop* "Are we still in range of facilities' comms?"


Comms "Yes my lord."


F Irvine "I don't care how you do it, display its internal and exteroir sensors and survalence sensors. Hack into it is you have to! And get back to there! Ready the fighters if they are still alive on that planet, I want them taken alive. So if they try to excape, DISABLE THEIR SHIP!"


*The fleet turns around and jumps back towards the planet.*

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((Umm... Jokemaster, the Vilnovs ship is in orbit because it's too big to land conveniently. I'll write this as if you had taken a shuttle.))



"He's here," Nom said. Tarila nodded and grinned.


"Let's wait till he starts on his way to the bridge and clog it up with our crew. He'll be trapped in the middle them!"


"Brilliance," Nom laughed. "My sister has brilliance!"

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((Sorry about the lack of posts...Am webcomicking, job-hunting, and busy with schoolwork ^^;;


Oooh, I know a beautiful way to stall... ;)))


Rwos: Yes, an interesting predicament you've got us in, Norl. I can't help you because you might hurt Deac. I can't hurt you because I might hurt Deac. Hal? You're the Jedi...what do you think we should do?

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((Damm school, exams, depression. (I get miserable around May.))




Agamar Ground Control: Asier Emmissery, you are cleared to land. Transmitting co-ordinates. Lord Flax is currently meeting with Nobles from the Outer Rim, he will be able to see you shortly. Will this be an extended stay?




*Flax arrives in the main council Room, this time, in adition to the High Command several Noblemen from the Outer Rim are seated.*


*The gaurds snap to attention as Flax enters.*

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Valkyrie: It should not be an extended stay. Valkyrie Hirst is on her way to the coordinates you provided.


*The Disen enters orbit of Agamar, a dagger shaped shuttle leaves the destroyer and follows the coordinates down it lands gentle on the field. A ramp lowers Hirst steps out flanked by another two Valkyries. They are wearing Blood red armor with gold trim. Gold Runes and Triads decorate the armor. They carry swords at their side, and each is wearing a red cloak. Hirst' cloak has a triad on it.


They stand in front of their shuttle waiting for an escort.




*Odin, Svafa, and Vidar enter Sleipnir and take the ship to orbit, engage the slipstream drive and head for the station*

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*As the Valkiries decend the ramp the doors open onto the docking platform and the same House Gaurd as earlier strides out, flanked by 12 House Gaurds in Cortosis armour and green robes with blue trim, they carry battle axes and shields, with shortswords at their sides.*


When they reach the group the Gaurd kneels infront of Hirst.


Gaurd: Lady, I am Rasnar Telaris-Flax, Captain of the Royal House Gaurds. My Lord is in Council, he wishes me to escort you to the gardens.




*The Noblemen are now in heated discution.*


Ackbar: Bickering serves no purpose, we are here to conferm General-Lord Flax as Dictator.


*The Noblemen take a vote.*


Ackbar: Very well then. Lord Flax, you are confermed dictator by this Coucil for a standard term of six months.


*Flax bows.*


Flax: Thankyou Admiral. I will do my best. Now we must get down to buisness. As Dictator I call the loyal systems to arms. The forces of the Outer Rim are now united under my banner.............


*Fifteen Minutes Later.*


*Flax arrives in the Castle Gardens, with Mirra.*


Flax: Lady Hirst, this is my daughter, Mirra. *Gestures.* I understand you have a message for me.

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