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Round one : Fight!


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Ooh fights...


I myself started one, got me in loads of trouble...Then some months ago I was ambushed by 6 PPL (all 1 year younger) for some feking reason, when they do that usually one or two comes closer to you first. Beat the crap out of them asap (before the others 'arrive'), however they were with 6 the chicken****s ran away. I only got to touch 2. Fear is an important factor. I got that first person by grabning that one like, by the trouserneck or hair if possible (i preffer trouserneck) and kick em in the face. I 'pay respect' to certain rules like biting and nothing under the belt, but 6vs1 is way past fair


I started boxing recently, but thats not for the fighting, I got these 'fields of tension' in the middle of my chest and infront of my head, which cause me a lot of migraine from time to time


generally, i dont recommend it. When attacked i go for it, but only if i cant avoid it (i dont like running, they usually catch up and i've shown a great deal of fear then). Dont go for this one, michealmeexp

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I have a question for all the people advocating peace in this thread. Have you ever, and I mean ever have had your life threatened, or suffered the abuse via others?


I have, and if you have seen the crap I have, you would realize that there is a time for words, and a time for fists to fly.


The fact is that the dregs of society (in this case the bullies of public education systems) decide to throw around their muscle and harass people has gone on long enough. Teachers and administrators rarely decide to act on hearsay, and instead wait on the fight to occur and be harsh on both parties.


At the same time, it seems self-defense is no longer a valid excuse. Even if you do know the other person threw the first punch, it doesn't matter. It's as though they expect you to take the beating.


So do you want 13 year old Johnny to die from a 6 man gangbang because he was hoping a teacher would break up a fight, and thus did not attack? Or that an administrator would see this crowd and break it up? Yeah, maybe in a perfect world it would happen.


So in essence, to your pacifistic notions, I say two words:


F*** it.


I happen to have a little policy that is known to my real life friends, "You violate my space with mal intent, and I'll beat you like a red headed stepchild."


Granted, I have training in military self-defense, bo staff, and dual sais, but even without this leverage, the policy would still apply.


It was my third week in college last semester when one night I had a drunken person on the same floor of the dorms as me start badmouthing. After trying the age old diplomatic solution, he grabbed my arm tightly. Needless to say, I choke held him and jacked him up against a wall. Just to shut him up real quick, I put a right cross to his face.


I knew the idiot would have pulled a move sooner or later, but instead decided to play the innocent victim when people filed out of their rooms. He only got the pity of two people (the two girls he was about to smoke pot with) while the rest of the people looked with eyes wide opened.


Lets take a look at the replay:


1.) Drunken idiot invaded personal space, after talking smack, with physical contact

2.) Diplomacy failed: People who think they are all high and mighty tend to need to be a wee bit stubborn, and thus need to be brought down off their high horse.


As far as do's and don'ts in fighting, remember: Anything goes. Break some bones. Feel free to nail someone in the twig and berries if the opportunity presents itself. Hell, yesterday I learned an extension off an overhead bo strike that goes right for the family jewels. Chivalry is dead, and last I checked there are very few practicioners of Bushido. Just don't kill the person, and try not to discombobulate the person. This isn't war.


And if you do decide to fight, be humble about it. Don't go off saying, "I beat soandso's ass." You garner more respect by keeping it to yourself, and not creating delusions of grandeur.


So, to recap:


1.) Try to talk it over, but don't rely on it to get you out of all situations.

2.) If you feel your personal space being invaded or threatened, have at it.

3.) Running from your problems is never, never, EVER a solution.

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#1 rule: Always BLOCK YOUR BALLS!!!!

? I could go into that but I can't be bothered. All you gotta do is once you stop is don't stop, this works, block out the pain and give everything until he's down and you're knackered. Try and refrain from pulling coats and grappling etc, that is always in favour of the better/bigger built guy.


kicking someone in the privates can do irreparable damage...its not worth it in the grander scheme of things

Yeah, same with eye gouging, not good.


We have arranged fights outside the flagpole at my school, and usually 90-100 people turn up (My entire year is 140 people). If they don't take place on the day they're set for, then they never do.

Not in my school, unarranged fights break out and almost a thousand folk gather to watch.... way, way more than 100 people, more like 1000 heh. (my year is just under 800 though heh)


Well there's a difference between a bully, and someone that's insane. The bully that Michael seems to be dealing with doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who just thinks everyone can go to hell and if someone looks at me I'll freakin kill 'em. <- Those types of guys aren't usually that popular or with many friends.

Mmmmmmm, that kind of lot usually stick together so it's worse. :p


Get a sense of what's going on, it's hard to imagine some 13 year old pulling WWE moves. When someone fights at school it's usually a pathetic display. Two really pissed off guys who think they're tough, shoving each other until a teacher breaks it up.

Hah, not here! I broke my friends arm and screwed up his tooth when I was fighting him. I was 12 ;)


Stand up to him but dont fight. Let him punch you a few times, if you can handle it. He'll start to get nervous, especially if a crowd's around. Make sure to not show any pain, and to grin evily at him. Give him a look like you're going to really kill him. If he's a real bully, acting like a physcopath will make him piss in his pants.

Hmmm, I think I'll disagree there, 3 punches to the head from a decent fighter and I'm pretty sure most would be knocked out or bleeding a waterfall.


3. Let him get one good swing at you, and then feign dead. He'll probably get scared, or become off guard, and that's when you get him. This is a last resort, by the way.
I tried that once... it doesn't work, in fact, you get the p*ss taking out of you for ages...


-Get suspended from school. - YAY!

-Get in serious trouble with your parents. - Um, I'm sure my parents wouldn't gimme into trouble for defending myself

-Get the crap beaten out of you. - Not gonna happen if he takes the advice in this thread about fighting

-Continue a world of pointless violence. - Well actually, if he kicks the bully's ass then he's mroe liekly to not bully others.

-Make yourself no better than the bully. - Who cares what everyone else thinks about that, you showed that bully who not to mess with.

-Get hated by the bully even more, and now his friends will be out to get you. - Solution: Get your friends QUOTE]


you won, what makes you think he'll just leave you alone? The exact opposite, he will be out to GET REVENGE!

If you can whoop him once, why not again? Seriously, almost everyone I've fought with, no matter what their injuries, I usually become their friend :D


but fighting back is just like starting it... only because you agreed, at the moment you hit the other guy, that you will fight him. If you never hit him back, you're basically signaling to him that you do not want to fight, and a fight will simply not happen. The other guy will try to beat the living guts out of you, but if you don't hit back, you can tell an adminstrator what happened, other guy gets expelled, end of story.

Heh, getting expelled for a measly fight?? Also, I notice lots of you seem to fight in school, get your ass out at lunch time and do the damage where no one can interrupt.


At my school, there are no loop-holes. You hurt someone intentionally, you are considered fighting. You will be given no mercy. Administrators aren't going to investigate it... anyone who is using their brain would not fight back.


Heh, that's weird. I'd tell the admin guys or whatever to seek help on their justice.


I'm gonna get so pissed and beat the crap outta that kid and get suspended from school because I don't know how to react properly.

Most people push back... then the punches fly in. Even if you are of the compulsive agressision type then say they were gonna hit you or you throught that... always works.


Of course they'll come after you! And how are you so sure that his friends will be as easy to fight? Maybe you win against the bully, but now you gotta face his friends. And you know what the school will do after you get in fight after fight? Remove you from school - permanently.

Um.... don't fight in the school? It's none of their damned business then. Also, explain your story and I'm sure you aint gonna get expelled


if you still don't move they're really gonna start beating the crap out of you. That's what I, and i think Obi-13 mean.

Add me to that list.


but i am an extremely good fighter i'm tellin what you need to do is go straight for the nose. you mess his nose up his eyes will tear up and he won't be able to see

Yah, excellent tactic. Once you start though, don't stop or you let them back into the fight.


Yeah, he may have won the battle, but has he won the war? The war I'm refering to is the chain of snowballing problems that are the consequences of violence that TK-8252 stated (who throws the first punch matters not).

Hmmmm, here, when you fight (unless jumped) and get beat, you take it. No need for revenge, there are no rules when it comes to punching first - if they had the equal chance then it's their failt for not using their brain (I'm not saying throw the first punch, just that you can)


Yeah, he may have won the battle, but has he won the war? The war I'm refering to is the chain of snowballing problems that are the consequences of violence that TK-8252 stated (who throws the first punch matters not).



Basically, if your school has no fairness or equality, fight outside at lunch or after school. In the real world, running away or standing still and taking a beating doesn't usually work in your favour. Being a chicken is worse than being whooped.


Also, if outnumbered heavily go bezerkoid or run away.... that's ok.





Also, for pain, a fast, strong whack that comes back quick (never slow) works wonders. Try not to swing as they can see it a mile away.

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Originally posted by MysticSpade

what you need to do is go straight for the nose. you mess his nose up his eyes will tear up and he won't be able to see. then you can wail on him real good. you just need people to take care of his lackeys.

Yeah, then you get suspended from school and pretty much further on you're screwed.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

I say throw the first punch. Sure, you'll probably get in more trouble, but if you slam him in the nose before he's even thinking of swinging, you've pretty much already won the fight. You've saved yourself alot of physical pain, and you probably would've gotten in trouble anyways.

Or how about this: DON'T FIGHT


Originally posted by ET Warrior

Just ignoring it won't make it go away either. And if you get teachers invovled, odds are that's going to create a lot MORE resentment from the bully.

The bully can't do much harm when he's suspended from school!


Originally posted by ET Warrior

If the bully got beat around a little, there's a really good chance he'd try to find another target, one with less bite back.

Absolutely not! If you fight him, and kick his ass, there will only be MORE reason for him to try to get revenge. THAT is how rivalries start.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

And don't give me that ignorant bull. Michealmexp lives in a little place called the real world where there is NOT always an alternative to fighting. Face it. Humans are animals, and our instincts drive us sometimes. Some people can't be reasoned with, such as most bullies.

There is a way: Go to the school and have him removed. Then you don't have to deal with it. OH!


Originally posted by obi-wan13

I'm saying that if a jackass comes up wanting trouble, you give it to him.

And he gives it right back. Then the school gives some more.


Originally posted by obi-wan13

Even if you get beaten up, they'll know you'll fight back. Possibly, they might think twice about trying to gang up on you again.

Exact opposite. If they know that you're gonna fight back, and they can win, they'll take every chance they have to start a fight. Just so they can beat the crap outta you, over,... and over,... and over...


Originally posted by obi-wan13

When I was in Junior High, I was made fun of frequently, and I was a main target for the bullies. Everytime they came around, they would abuse me physically in some way. I had enough of their idiocy, so I fought back. Hard.

Please tell us more! What happened? Suspended? Hospitalized?


Originally posted by obi-wan13

After that day, I have never been in a physical confrontation. The bullies left me alone. Not altogether, of course, but they never tried anything to harm me again.

There's the thing - they still were there. They still bugged you. Fighting does not get rid of them completely.


Originally posted by obi-wan13

Someone said that inner strength comes from not fighting, when I know from experience that there is no such thing as inner strength. You have your wits and your arms, and thats it. There's no magical power you can use to simply sway your opponent from fighting.

YOU can't "sway them away", but the school can.


Originally posted by obi-wan13

Bottom line, if he does something to you, you retaliate with all you've got.


Give 'um Hell.

And they give you hell right back. :roleyess:


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

also, buy some pepper spray, easy to use, very effective

That's illegal to use at school, silly!


Originally posted by jokemaster

but if the other guy throws a punch, defend yourself.

There's a better way to defend yourself: TELL THE SCHOOL!!


Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

I have a question for all the people advocating peace in this thread. Have you ever, and I mean ever have had your life threatened, or suffered the abuse via others?


I have, and if you have seen the crap I have, you would realize that there is a time for words, and a time for fists to fly.


The fact is that the dregs of society (in this case the bullies of public education systems) decide to throw around their muscle and harass people has gone on long enough. Teachers and administrators rarely decide to act on hearsay, and instead wait on the fight to occur and be harsh on both parties.


At the same time, it seems self-defense is no longer a valid excuse. Even if you do know the other person threw the first punch, it doesn't matter. It's as though they expect you to take the beating.


So do you want 13 year old Johnny to die from a 6 man gangbang because he was hoping a teacher would break up a fight, and thus did not attack? Or that an administrator would see this crowd and break it up? Yeah, maybe in a perfect world it would happen.


So in essence, to your pacifistic notions, I say two words:


F*** it.


I happen to have a little policy that is known to my real life friends, "You violate my space with mal intent, and I'll beat you like a red headed stepchild."


Granted, I have training in military self-defense, bo staff, and dual sais, but even without this leverage, the policy would still apply.


It was my third week in college last semester when one night I had a drunken person on the same floor of the dorms as me start badmouthing. After trying the age old diplomatic solution, he grabbed my arm tightly. Needless to say, I choke held him and jacked him up against a wall. Just to shut him up real quick, I put a right cross to his face.


I knew the idiot would have pulled a move sooner or later, but instead decided to play the innocent victim when people filed out of their rooms. He only got the pity of two people (the two girls he was about to smoke pot with) while the rest of the people looked with eyes wide opened.


Lets take a look at the replay:


1.) Drunken idiot invaded personal space, after talking smack, with physical contact

2.) Diplomacy failed: People who think they are all high and mighty tend to need to be a wee bit stubborn, and thus need to be brought down off their high horse.


As far as do's and don'ts in fighting, remember: Anything goes. Break some bones. Feel free to nail someone in the twig and berries if the opportunity presents itself. Hell, yesterday I learned an extension off an overhead bo strike that goes right for the family jewels. Chivalry is dead, and last I checked there are very few practicioners of Bushido. Just don't kill the person, and try not to discombobulate the person. This isn't war.


And if you do decide to fight, be humble about it. Don't go off saying, "I beat soandso's ass." You garner more respect by keeping it to yourself, and not creating delusions of grandeur.


So, to recap:


1.) Try to talk it over, but don't rely on it to get you out of all situations.

2.) If you feel your personal space being invaded or threatened, have at it.

3.) Running from your problems is never, never, EVER a solution.

Rad, man, we're not talking about drunken college guys. We're talking about 13 year old middle school kids!


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator



Also, for pain, a fast, strong whack that comes back quick (never slow) works wonders. Try not to swing as they can see it a mile away.

Michael doesn't need anymore worthless fighting tips! He needs advice that will actually HELP HIM! NOT THAT WILL MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE!!


Anyone up for some actually good advice?

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Look I was taking crap all my life, then when I finally got really angry couldn't hold it. (I beat the guy to the ground) NOBODY wanted to mess with me. Now the kids like my friend, so are alot of people. Though Violence ins't a way to make friends, it can show that your not going to take crap from anyone. Most you'll get form the school is a slap on the rist



PS. Good one OBI (run for the hills)

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Look, if someone starts any crap with you at school, you fight back, simple as that, if not you will be getting the crap beaten out of you for the rest of your life, and telling the teachers is just about the worse possible thing you can do. So what if you get detention or suspensed, or in trouble with your parents. Getting beaten up, embarrassed in front of everyone and a weak reputation at school is a lot worse.


Learn a martial art kids. Trust me.

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Originally posted by leXX

Look, if someone starts any crap with you at school, you fight back, simple as that, if not you will be getting the crap beaten out of you for the rest of your life, and telling the teachers is just about the worse possible thing you can do. So what if you get detention or suspensed, or in trouble with your parents. Getting beaten up, embarrassed in front of everyone and a weak reputation at school is a lot worse.


Learn a martial art kids. Trust me.

Yes take word from a mother.
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Originally posted by leXX

Look, if someone starts any crap with you at school, you fight back, simple as that, if not you will be getting the crap beaten out of you for the rest of your life, and telling the teachers is just about the worse possible thing you can do. So what if you get detention or suspensed, or in trouble with your parents. Getting beaten up, embarrassed in front of everyone and a weak reputation at school is a lot worse.


Learn a martial art kids. Trust me.

The forum mom has spoken


BTW TK-8252, Gee, I just got punched in the face, I think I'll somehow get to a teacher whilst getting the crap beaten out of me.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Yeah, then you get suspended from school and pretty much further on you're screwed.


Or how about this: DON'T FIGHT


The bully can't do much harm when he's suspended from school!


Absolutely not! If you fight him, and kick his ass, there will only be MORE reason for him to try to get revenge. THAT is how rivalries start.


There is a way: Go to the school and have him removed. Then you don't have to deal with it. OH!


And he gives it right back. Then the school gives some more.


Exact opposite. If they know that you're gonna fight back, and they can win, they'll take every chance they have to start a fight. Just so they can beat the crap outta you, over,... and over,... and over...


Please tell us more! What happened? Suspended? Hospitalized?


There's the thing - they still were there. They still bugged you. Fighting does not get rid of them completely.


YOU can't "sway them away", but the school can.


And they give you hell right back. :roleyess:


That's illegal to use at school, silly!


There's a better way to defend yourself: TELL THE SCHOOL!!


Rad, man, we're not talking about drunken college guys. We're talking about 13 year old middle school kids!


Michael doesn't need anymore worthless fighting tips! He needs advice that will actually HELP HIM! NOT THAT WILL MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE!!


Anyone up for some actually good advice?


What did I just get done saying?


Seriously, stop playing the pacifist card because it doesn't work like your mother and father tells you. No one is going to hold your hand and walk you through life. Chances are your teacher and/or administrator will tell you the same.


And as far as my story goes... drunken college guys, 13 year old middle schoolers... Not much of a difference. One of my best friend put an idiot through a plexiglass screen door in middle school because the person was stirring up crap. What's the similarity? Both were being assholes, and got what they deserved.


I'm ripping a word from George Carlin right here, right now: Your arguments are contributing to the pussification of the masses, which defies the grand order known as reality. Get out of your little fairy tale land and see the bigger picture.


You can bitch and whine about the consequences all you want until you're blue in the face, but what's better? Continual harassment because you fail to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, or getting bitched out by an administrator and sent to detention for a one time deal. Sounds like the latter is the lesser of two evils.


The fact that Administrators are blind to this crap and fail to see the evidence before an incident occurs does NOT help. That's when you take things into your own hands.


So like I said, take your fairy tale pacification and show it to those who are still wearing blinders shutting out reality.

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Originally posted by leXX

Look, if someone starts any crap with you at school, you fight back, simple as that, if not you will be getting the crap beaten out of you for the rest of your life, and telling the teachers is just about the worse possible thing you can do. So what if you get detention or suspensed, or in trouble with your parents. Getting beaten up, embarrassed in front of everyone and a weak reputation at school is a lot worse.


Learn a martial art kids. Trust me.

If you get beat up at school, it's not an embarrassment. You know who's really being embarrassed? The guy who beats up the kid who is standing there taking it. It doesn't take much to beat up a kid who will not retaliate. And, no, telling a teacher or administrator what is going on is the best thing to do. It's the way that you deal with a problem, and remain within the rules. Plus, fighting does not take care of the problem. Does fighting make that person just go away forever? No, you still have to deal with that person. When you get help from the school, you're likely to be safe from that person.


Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

Yes take word from a mother.

I can listen to my own mother. She has raised my older brother before me, and neither of us have ever been in a fight. And my brother went to middle and high school while my family was still living in southern California, a city outside of L.A., can't get much rougher.


Originally posted by jokemaster

BTW TK-8252, Gee, I just got punched in the face, I think I'll somehow get to a teacher whilst getting the crap beaten out of me.

There's the thing - people's arms are only so long. If you stay away from the person until you can get help from the school, they can't hurt you.


Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Seriously, stop playing the pacifist card because it doesn't work like your mother and father tells you.


Originally posted by TK-8252

I can listen to my own mother. She has raised my older brother before me, and neither of us have ever been in a fight. And my brother went to middle and high school while my family was still living in southern California, a city outside of L.A., can't get much rougher.


Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Continual harassment because you fail to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, or getting bitched out by an administrator and sent to detention for a one time deal.

Standing up for yourself - getting the school to help you. That's a far more effective defense. Because just if you stand up and kick the kid's ass, why will he go away? He'll only go away if the school takes him away. And no, getting yelled at by an administrator is not what will happen. That's what happens when you talk in class. Fighting leads to immediate suspension, no matter what the situation. Suspension goes down on your permanent record.
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Yeah, then you get suspended from school and pretty much further on you're screwed.

Look, who the hell cares? Another story to tell the grandchildren :rolleyes:


The bully can't do much harm when he's suspended from school!

He can when he's back!


Absolutely not! If you fight him, and kick his ass, there will only be MORE reason for him to try to get revenge. THAT is how rivalries start.

Nope, that's normal folk, most bullies move onto someone weaker :p


There is a way: Go to the school and have him removed. Then you don't have to deal with it. OH!

Yeah, all my teachers get people expelled because I said they're bad :rolleyes:


And he gives it right back. Then the school gives some more.

No, you kick his ass and he'll go screw himself somewhere else and anyway, if he repeated it, the school would come in and then get rid of the diddeh.


Exact opposite. If they know that you're gonna fight back, and they can win, they'll take every chance they have to start a fight. Just so they can beat the crap outta you, over,... and over,... and over...

Um... go take up boxing, quick and easy to learn and effective... there's also the option of getting him to fight you in public (ye know, provoking him) and then he gets in trouble if you're just a p*ss poor fighter. That's the last option though. Usually bullies move on. :p


Please tell us more! What happened? Suspended? Hospitalized?

No, probably 10x happier :)


There's the thing - they still were there. They still bugged you. Fighting does not get rid of them completely.

I'd rather have the odd snydy remark than get everyone laughing their asses off at you and being classed a wimp for your life. It's a bit worse than the odd snydy remark, eh?


YOU can't "sway them away", but the school can.

Swayed but ridiculed, great idea :rolleyes:


And they give you hell right back.

Have you ever been in a bully situation? "Oh yes, I done this and everything worked out perfect and you all believe me!"


That's illegal to use at school, silly!

The Law's not perfect. Did you know it is illegal to slurp soup in New Jersey?


There's a better way to defend yourself: TELL THE SCHOOL!!

No mental defence.


Michael doesn't need anymore worthless fighting tips! He needs advice that will actually HELP HIM! NOT THAT WILL MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE!!

MMMmmmmm, I'm sure it's more useful than telling everyone to cry at the school. From experience, kicking ass in a fight puts your rep way up - you get hardly any physical [ain and you're don't have the mick taken!

You can tell straight away that Mich aint gonna grass up, yours is far more pointless imo.


Now the kids like my friend, so are alot of people.

Heh, I've made ltos of friends through fights.


Look, if someone starts any crap with you at school, you fight back, simple as that, if not you will be getting the crap beaten out of you for the rest of your life, and telling the teachers is just about the worse possible thing you can do. So what if you get detention or suspensed, or in trouble with your parents. Getting beaten up, embarrassed in front of everyone and a weak reputation at school is a lot worse.

Spot on!

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Look, who the hell cares? Another story to tell the grandchildren :rolleyes:

I think that if your parents actually cared about you, they would care if you got suspended. Suspension goes down on your permanent record. I don't think that Michael wants any of that.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

He can when he's back!

It's called expullsion. They don't come back after that.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Yeah, all my teachers get people expelled because I said they're bad :rolleyes:

You'd be suprised!


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

No, you kick his ass and he'll go screw himself somewhere else and anyway, if he repeated it, the school would come in and then get rid of the diddeh.

We're talking about Michael here. How do you know that he even has the ability to fight at all? I'll tell you this - bullies know how to fight.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Um... go take up boxing

Or you could do something productive.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

No, probably 10x happier :)

He's happy because he got suspended from school and/or got the crap beaten out of him?


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

I'd rather have the odd snydy remark than get everyone laughing their asses off at you and being classed a wimp for your life. It's a bit worse than the odd snydy remark, eh?

You're not a wimp if you refuse to fight a bully. You know how you're considered a wimp? If you start a fight, and THEN chicken out.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Have you ever been in a bully situation? "Oh yes, I done this and everything worked out perfect and you all believe me!"



Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

The Law's not perfect. Did you know it is illegal to slurp soup in New Jersey?

Okay, so the police go around into restaurants and arrest people if they slurp their soup? And get a search warrant to get into someone's house for suspected slurping of soup?


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

MMMmmmmm, I'm sure it's more useful than telling everyone to cry at the school. From experience, kicking ass in a fight puts your rep way up - you get hardly any physical [ain and you're don't have the mick taken!

You can tell straight away that Mich aint gonna grass up, yours is far more pointless imo.

Michael doesn't need to fight some kid to get a reputation. Michael's a good kid, I don't think that beating someone up and then being suspended would give him much satisfaction.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Heh, I've made ltos of friends through fights.

You have some weird friends.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Spot on!

Spot off!
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Originally posted by TK-8252

I think that if your parents actually cared about you, they would care if you got suspended. Suspension goes down on your permanent record. I don't think that Michael wants any of that.

Um, good people are suspended all the time. It's not unusual.


It's called expullsion. They don't come back after that.
Read what I quoted, you said suspension. :rolleyes:


You'd be suprised!

I wouldn't


We're talking about Michael here. How do you know that he even has the ability to fight at all? I'll tell you this - bullies know how to fight.

He asked for tips on fighting

So has anyone got any fight tips? I'm going to eat lots of fruit and get plenty of sleep, and jog

in the morning as well. >.>


Good thinking can overcome pure brawn.


Or you could do something productive.

Ok, don't take up any self defence and get the crap beaten out of you for the rest of your life.


happy because he got suspended from school and/or got the crap beaten out of him?

It only seems to be your school who does this lol.


You're not a wimp if you refuse to fight a bully. You know how you're considered a wimp? If you start a fight, and THEN chicken out.

Even if you're not you're looked on as a wimp. End of story.


Okay, so the police go around into restaurants and arrest people if they slurp their soup? And get a search warrant to get into someone's house for suspected slurping of soup?

Do the police come into 87% of people's houses to look for illegal things? Nup :p


Michael doesn't need to fight some kid to get a reputation. Michael's a good kid, I don't think that beating someone up and then being suspended would give him much satisfaction.

Who says he's getting suspended? Self defence.


You have some weird friends.

I am gonna start assuming you have none the way you are going on. :rolleyes:


Spot off!



If you get beat up at school, it's not an embarrassment. You know who's really being embarrassed? The guy who beats up the kid who is standing there taking it. It doesn't take much to beat up a kid who will not retaliate. And, no, telling a teacher or administrator what is going on is the best thing to do. It's the way that you deal with a problem, and remain within the rules. Plus, fighting does not take care of the problem. Does fighting make that person just go away forever? No, you still have to deal with that person. When you get help from the school, you're likely to be safe from that person.

There's a huge world outside school.


I can listen to my own mother. She has raised my older brother before me, and neither of us have ever been in a fight. And my brother went to middle and high school while my family was still living in southern California, a city outside of L.A., can't get much rougher.

Most people here seem to not be on your mother's side :p


There's the thing - people's arms are only so long. If you stay away from the person until you can get help from the school, they can't hurt you.

Yes they can, an older friend of mine was stabbed by someone, who went to the school at the same time he had years earlier, he grassed and got him suspended loads of times while he was in school ( about fighting among lots of other things). Great. (The guy served a mere 6 months for this!)


Fighting leads to immediate suspension, no matter what the situation. Suspension goes down on your permanent record.

Definately not in the UK. Things are sorted and we're not dumbasses, we fight after school and outside.


You can bitch and whine about the consequences all you want until you're blue in the face, but what's better? Continual harassment because you fail to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, or getting bitched out by an administrator and sent to detention for a one time deal. Sounds like the latter is the lesser of two evils.

Go you! :D

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Originally posted by jokemaster

^Do you actually know Micheal personally? Cause you're talking as if you do.

I know him very well, actually. That is why I want him to make the right choice.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Um, good people are suspended all the time. It's not unusual.

No one at my school has got suspended unfairly.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Read what I quoted, you said suspension. :rolleyes:

What's your point?


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

I wouldn't

Yes you would.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

He asked for tips on fighting

Well we can give him better advice than that.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Ok, don't take up any self defence and get the crap beaten out of you for the rest of your life.

OR you could do the right thing, and seek help from the people who are MEANT to defend you. And later in life, 9-11 can be your best friend.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

It only seems to be your school who does this lol.

Read the thread again, you have missed a lot.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Even if you're not you're looked on as a wimp. End of story.

Well the story is getting longer.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Who says he's getting suspended? Self defence.

What are the chances that the administrators are going to take the time to investigate the fight and see who attacked who? They don't do that, if you're fighting, you're breaking school policy. Self-defense or not.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

I am gonna start assuming you have none the way you are going on. :rolleyes:

Don't assume things which you have no knowledge of. I have 38 friends on MSN alone, this is only a small portion of my friends.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Most people here seem to not be on your mother's side :p

Read the thread again, you have missed a lot.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Yes they can, an older friend of mine was stabbed by someone, who went to the school at the same time he had years earlier, he grassed and got him suspended loads of times while he was in school ( about fighting among lots of other things). Great. (The guy served a mere 6 months for this!)

Stabbed at school? We're talking about petty bullies here, not soon-to-be murderers.


Originally posted by ZBomber

TK - Your damn welcome for that information! :thumsup: right back at ya, big boy! :xp:

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I know him very well, actually. That is why I want him to make the right choice.

He can fight his own battles I'm sure.


No one at my school has got suspended unfairly.


"What are the chances that the administrators are going to take the time to investigate the fight and see who attacked who? They don't do that, if you're fighting, you're breaking school policy. Self-defense or not."

Oooh, contradictions.


What's your point?

We were talking about suspension and then you blurted out expulsion.


Yes you would.



Well we can give him better advice than that.

You think you can. He has to get this over with. Anyone can become a good fighter and solve certain troubles that way. He's tried everything else and telling teachers doesn't work... he said it :p


OR you could do the right thing, and seek help from the people who are MEANT to defend you. And later in life, 9-11 can be your best friend.

Although they won't according to Mike.

911 or 999 aren't psychic, if you're attacked - you're attacked and can't defend. Bit daft imo.


Read the thread again, you have missed a lot.

Re-read, nothing missed. Quote it. :rolleyes:


Well the story is getting longer.



Don't assume things which you have no knowledge of. I have 38 friends on MSN alone, this is only a small portion of my friends.

This is incredibly petty but I have waaaaaaay over 500 MSN contacts not to mention over 100 icq contacts.

About 70+ are my real life buds. I know about the 300 limit, I have Trillian Pro .


Stabbed at school? We're talking about petty bullies here, not soon-to-be murderers.

No, the boy was a bully at school but my friend got him suspended many times. They're older and out of school, friend got stabbed. That's simpler for ya. :p

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Originally posted by TK-8252

If you get beat up at school, it's not an embarrassment.


Yes, it is, it always will be and always has been.


You know who's really being embarrassed? The guy who beats up the kid who is standing there taking it. It doesn't take much to beat up a kid who will not retaliate.


He's not being embarrassed. He's looking hard in front of everyone, giving himself a reputation not to be messed with.


And, no, telling a teacher or administrator what is going on is the best thing to do. It's the way that you deal with a problem, and remain within the rules.


No, that's how people get labled a grass and who likes a grass? Noone.


Plus, fighting does not take care of the problem. Does fighting make that person just go away forever? No, you still have to deal with that person.


Yes, it does make them go away. Give them a good beating and they won't be so quick to mess with you again.


When you get help from the school, you're likely to be safe from that person.


What will the school do, slap his wrists and tell him not to be a naughty boy and a bully? It doesn't work like that, wake up. After his little telling off, he will just keep doing it again and again and again. He will remain a bully until someone teaches him a lesson.


Look, I don't condone fighting, but I sure as hell condone self defense. I never started fights at school but if someone started on me, I finished it. I am teaching my kids the same attitude aswell.


Running from a fight is weak.


You show weakness at school and people are more than willing to take advantage of it and make your life hell.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

He can fight his own battles I'm sure.

Then why did he create this thread? For help.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Oooh, contradictions.

You fight, you're guilty. That was my point.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

We were talking about suspension and then you blurted out expulsion.

So... what's your point?


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator


Come on, use some verbs, and nouns...


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

You think you can. He has to get this over with. Anyone can become a good fighter and solve certain troubles that way. He's tried everything else and telling teachers doesn't work... he said it :p

Fighting doesn't solve your troubles. That's like saying smoking weed solves your problems. I really don't think that if Michael and his parents raised hell with the school that they'd just ignore it.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Although they won't according to Mike.

Oh they will, even if it takes his parents to call the school.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Re-read, nothing missed. Quote it. :rolleyes:

I have better things to do. Read it again.


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

This is incredibly petty but I have waaaaaaay over 500 MSN contacts not to mention over 100 icq contacts.

About 70+ are my real life buds. I know about the 300 limit, I have Trillian Pro .



Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

No, the boy was a bully at school but my friend got him suspended many times. They're older and out of school, friend got stabbed. That's simpler for ya. :p

Yes, I'm so confused, please help me...


Originally posted by leXX

Yes, it is, it always will be and always has been.

I hope you read farther than that first sentence. It's really not much of an embarassment if you're walking down a hallway and all of a sudden some kid knocks you out with a fist blow. I mean... you didn't call that kid out and then chicken out.


Originally posted by leXX

He's not being embarrassed. He's looking hard in front of everyone, giving himself a reputation not to be messed with.

Michael did not mess with him! The bully just picks some random kid and beats him up? Not a good reputation.


Originally posted by leXX

No, that's how people get labled a grass and who likes a grass? Noone.

The school does, because they're taking care of their problems correctly, rather than resorting to breaking school policy.


Originally posted by leXX

Yes, it does make them go away. Give them a good beating and they won't be so quick to mess with you again.

Not from what I've seen. Beating a bully up only makes them want to get even.


Originally posted by leXX

What will the school do, slap his wrists and tell him not to be a naughty boy and a bully? It doesn't work like that, wake up. After his little telling off, he will just keep doing it again and again and again. He will remain a bully until someone teaches him a lesson.

No, they can expell the bully, and he doesn't come back.


Originally posted by leXX

I am teaching my kids the same attitude aswell.

Don't be suprised when you get a phone call in the middle of the day, the principal informing you that your child has been suspended.


Originally posted by leXX

Running from a fight is weak

No, it's the smart thing to do. People who fight are going by their caveman instincts. They don't know the proper way to react.


Originally posted by leXX

You show weakness at school and people are more than willing to take advantage of it and make your life hell.

Refusing to fight a bully is not weakness. It's showing that you're not stupid. And if more people bully you, nothing stopping you from telling the school again!


Originally posted by ZDawg

Go straight for the JAW, get him to the ground, and dont stop hammering.


If hes bigger then you, and theres more then 1, kick him in the nuts, screw honor, you fight to win.

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Originally posted by jokemaster

^Why do I think you're one of those persons who always follow the rules, no matter if you don't agree with them, or if they're just plain wrong.

Because I am. Rules are set for a reason. I, proudly say, that in my entire school career, I have never been disciplined for behavior reasons. The only time I ever got a detention was for forgetting to get my report card signed.
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