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Roots of Humanity


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"Well, what matters is that we're here and were not go . . . . . Ok I can accept how we might be able to evolve in another galaxy, it could happen, but can you explain to me how everyone here in this galaxy can speak English."




The look on the faces of the people in the shuttle showed that they've never heard of this "English".


"Ok, what do you call the language you are speaking?"

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Drake was somewhat confused by the whole situation, but quickly regained his composer. "Well, I can't really give you any reason there, friend. Who knows how you traveled back in time, hell, it could be some malfunction in your hardware!"


Drake examined his shuttle once more. "This is also made of very old tech, we had stuff like this back in the time of Xim the despot! I don't know what to tell you."


"If you really did travel back in time, maybe some great catastrify came over us here, and a group of humans set off for another Galaxy, yours. And when they arived, they found the earth, left all of there stuff on the ship, and sent it into your star or somethin'. And I just pulled that out of my head! You could make endless theorys. And of course, your ship could just be screwed..."

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Craig looked from one person to another, then smacked his head. "Galactic Basic IS our common language, or as this man calls it, English." He sighed and looked around the ship.


"Apparently, your timeline is much farther ahead of ours, as your chronometer shows, but it seems that the technology of these ages was either lost between those times or did not evolve on this "Earth."


He sighed, then looked at Roman. "Also, you're not the only one with out of date material." He pulled out his dual handguns, both modified by him, but they were regular handguns, loaded with regular bullets rather than energy power cells. "Some really old guy in the Outer Rim traided these to me, they were so old they didn't work, but I fixed 'em. Thought they might look familiar to you, and to you creeps wondering why I'm carrying such an ancient artifact, I find these to be more effective than blasters."


(They're both modified Desert Eagles btw :))

[Edit: How often do you guys check this thread? Geeze I posted not too long ago, come back, and theres a whole 'nother page!]

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Craig nodded, but shrugged. "Just thought it may look a bit familiar to you." He spun both pistols and holstered them.


"Bullets fly faster than blasters, and are so much more useful." He looked around the ship. Craig, being a mercenary, had used quite a few different ships in his time, but could not recognize this design. "This is the oldest looking ship I've seen, even older than some Cargo Freight ship I served on once, and that thing was ages before the Republic, too."

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"We do not posses any technology that allows us to travel faster than light, seeing as how we always thought it was impossible. Instead, this ship travels by punching a hole through the very fabric of space, opening it at the selected destination. Of course, the rift closes a few minutes after it is opened." Roman said.

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"We can scope pretty much our entire galaxy, which is about 200,000 light years in diameter, but the calculations required are so precise, that we have to have the on board computer plot our courses, of course, that is just a shuttle, its not an actual ship, so it only has a sublight drive unit. The power source needed to power such a unit takes up 5 decks on our capital ships."

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Kuu'Ra remained silent as she followed the others, but was stunned at Roman's comment.


"Even hyperspace can't allow us to travel that fast," she said. "It's not surprising that it takes such a large power source."


((JEEZ!! You guys post WAY too much. In a matter of one or two days, you bumped this thread to 3 pages.))

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((I only have two things to say, then. First, they must have nothing else to do with their lives and second, they must not go to church. If they did, like you and I, they wouldn't have been able to do all of that while we were away, unless their time zone is that much different.))

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((I know, I just came back for one moment, and BOOM there was already a page and a half new posts.))

"The technology that allows us to do that is quantum processing. most of the space is spent on the computers needed alone, the rest is the engine itself." Said Otacon, noticing Kuu'Ra's shock.

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Still listening to their discussion, Aal heard something about the hyperspace. He asked Snake whether he can give him a cigarette, too and got one pressed hard in his hand. Snake lited it for him and Aal said "thank you". He walked beside snake a few moments, hearing the others were still depended in their discussion. Then he went to KuuRa, the jedi women, which he had noticed. She also didnt talk very much and he asked: "what r ya doing here?"




[[ou.. you guys write to much i think.. already 3 sides while i sleep. Damn time differences]]

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Kuu'Ra turned to look at Aal and smiled. "The Jedi are the peacekeepers of the galaxy, but sometimes things get a little out of hand. If such things happen, we are here to put an end to it as quick as possible. Our lightsabers are the only weapons we have and you saw how short range they are."

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