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Roots of Humanity


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"The senate decides what will become your destiny" Tepe said, stepping towards Roman. "We have three quarters free at the moment. You should go look at them" Tepe then said and stopped to see the group. "Yes, and these powers that we have, is only one side of the force. There is one side more, the dark side, that is quiker and deadlyer than the light side ability's that we have..." Tepe explained and then got quiet

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Interested, Aal heared KuuRa talking about Jedi. The good thing was, now when the discussion began he could easily forget his past, as it isnt so often the case. Banned he looked at the twileks

tentacles. After some minutes he noticed the Girl was staring at him. He tried to look somewhere else, not on the tentacles, but they were so nice, he didnt know why he thought that

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"I have been in the Senate chambers many times," Kuu'Ra announced. "Though I cannot say that I enjoy it, I'd have to say it's better than my home planet, Ryloth."


Seeing a few odd looks, she smiled. "Yes, I must admit that Ryloth is one of the worst planets in the galaxy. Burning hot on one side, freezing cold on the other, with only a narrow strip of moderate temperature. Most of the inhabitants live underground."

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"I don't like politicians, I find that they are mostly in it for themselves." Roman said.


"Well, if we stayed here any longer on Earth a seagull would have shat on us already, I'm going to sleep"


And with that, Roman left for his quarters.


Four hours later the ship dropped out of hyperspace and was orbiting Coruscant.

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Drake looked down on the capital of the Republic, smileing slightly. "Ahh, I've brought down my fair share of Jed-err scum bags in this place, theres good credits here." He said, haveing to stop himself from drooling over how much he imagened he was going to earn on his next bountys.

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((It's not too late to join is it? And I couldn't come up with any good names, so I just used the name of the main guy from Chrome. :/ ))

Name: Bolt Logan

Age: 38

Race, Gender: Human, Male

Occupation: Mercenary

Info: Bolt was being held prisoner inside the shuttle, but when it crashed, Bolt was knocked unconscious, and wasn't found, is now waking up, only to find strange creatures rummaging through the remains of the crashed shuttle.




Bolt awoke, the impact of the shuttle hitting this planet's surface broke open the cell that was holding him. He noticed a strange, green creature with antennas, and another stranger creature with 4 thin tentacles hanging down one side of it's head walking around the crashed shuttle. He reached for his gun, then he realized it was on the other side of the shuttle. "Damn, how do I get past these weirdos?" he said, but the Rodians and Weequays heard him, and walked over to Bolt. "Echu banna?"

"What the hell?" Bolt replied

"I'm sorry, but Mannis here doesn't speak Galactic Basic," said the Weequay

"Speak what?"

"Galatic Basic, the language you are speaking now,"

"No, no, I'm speakin' English. Now I've had my confrontation with aliens before, but you, you are a totally new one, as well as him," said Bolt, he pointed to the Rodian.


(Sorry for makin' it long, I do that sometimes)

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Craig laughed at the thought of the Senate. "I'm on whoever's side who doesn't like the Senate room. I've been in there my fair share of times, light stuff you know, like I would break the smallest law possible just to get my job done, and they would "reprimand" me for it...I don't like that many people looking in my direction at once, either, it's rather disconcerting."

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