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I want a Gamecube!!!


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Originally posted by Tyrion

Or you could just save the money in a bank account and wait until the next generation of consoles come out.


Or just buy some more games for the PC. :p UT2k4, Farcry, and Battlefield 'Nam is coming out in the next month or so.


But, its like a collection. Ya know, PS2, PC, XBOX, Gamecube = Family.

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I find that there are games that become shelved as soon as they are 'finished' or their novelty wears off.....and that this can be used to your advantage


I received a $100 eb games voucher for xmas....


i traded in :

*dynasty warriors 3 and dynasty warriors 3XL(which I dont play anymore as I have DW4....) and got Final Fantasy x-2, usually valued at 99.95(aussie dollars) for 49.95....


*devil may cry2 and jedi starfighter (neither of which I play anymore), traded for rebel Strike at 49.95, also usually priced at 99.95



*1 xmas voucher

*4 unwanted games

2 brand new games worth $200 at no extra cost !


Me likey very much !


*resumes wait for gamecube to arrive in mail.....*



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Originally posted by ZBomber

Acrylic, I haven't read all the thread, but if you on't get SSBM, get the next best thing! :D




I dont have JA. MAybe I'll get it one day.




Mydad pwned me again today, cuz I asked hima bazillion times. He started shouting at me cuz I asked him too much. He said when I get a job (If I find one around here) I can buy it.

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Originally posted by Acrylic

I dont have JA. MAybe I'll get it one day.




Mydad pwned me again today, cuz I asked hima bazillion times. He started shouting at me cuz I asked him too much. He said when I get a job (If I find one around here) I can buy it.


oh, guess its not that helpful then.... :(


Good luck with that though. Maybe the N5 will play Gamecube games? :confused: Lets hope......

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Er..what happend to that 100 dollars you got for your birthday? If he wants you to get a job to pay for it, cant you already pay for it yourself?


My dad is really complicating. I dunno. Id say yes to my kid, mainly cuz its HIS money, and he can do wahtever he wants with it.

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As a parent - I'd tell you no too. You need to learn not to spend all your money on video games, its not like you are deprived. You need to set some limits.





As a parent, who loves video games - I'd tell you okay spend your $100 on it - but if you need more you'd have to save up for it.

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Originally posted by STTCT

As a parent - I'd tell you no too. You need to learn not to spend all your money on video games, its not like you are deprived. You need to set some limits.





As a parent, who loves video games - I'd tell you okay spend your $100 on it - but if you need more you'd have to save up for it.


I know, I'm a spending maniac. At least I dont steal, my parents should be proud of me.



What did I just say?:confused:

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Originally posted by STTCT

You should squawsh the obsession now - before you 24 like me and have all kinds of debt = and STILL find ways to buy new video games when you should be paying off credit cards....


*hangs her head in shame*


I had recently paid off a credit card and personal loan - two huge debts... all I have left is the mortgage..... I find that if you do some good bargain hunting and trading in you get the things you want to play....eventually I've wanted a GC for years now, but havinga PS2 and PC made it an excessive thing that i just couldnt afford.... having fun is important, but you do need to set limits and be responsible about it, especially if your financial decisions affect others, as is inevitably the case if you are married, have kids etc.....



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