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Offical Square-Enix Thread!


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YAY ! Cool Thread !


FF X-2 : Love it. A bit girly storyline-wise, but I love the gameplay. I think the garment grids and dresspheres are great, as you no longer have to rely one one character to be the big hitter, the other the magic specialist, the other the thief etc like in all other previous FF games !


FFTA : I play it on my GBA SP every night before I go to bed :) Ive done 75 missions so far, with my clan 'Beasties' ( I occasionally do play the PsOne version emulated on my pc, as it was never released here in Ozstralia....)


FFXI - I wish I could play, cant afford it at the moment, and not much free time either


FF CC - I am getting this when it comes out in a cpl of weeks here.

Although I have heard mixed things about SP, I am *really* looking forward to giving MP a go. WOW - FF MP !! (it is a bugger though that you need at least two GBAs to do this..... I was lucky I have one, and borrowed another one)


FF9 - Actually my favourite. I just like the look of it and how it plays like an epic fairy tale. Kuja is a cool villain. Vivi is great...I love all those characters..... It is also cool that you can find out Garnet's real name is 'Sarah', the name of the princess from FF1 !!


FFXII - It just looks great ! And is set in Ivalice, the same setting as the Tactics games....



KH - never got into it, mainly because of the Disney factor *eeek*


Unlimited Saga - thats one strange game. Interesting, but I think ultimately boring. I hope they come up with something better in the unlimited series....




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FFX-2 is fun as hell. Rikku in her Trainer Dressphere makes it all worth it. The storyline is weird, but then again, it's Final Fantasy.


And there are plenty of better RPGs out there than FFVII. PLENTY.


And don't stray away from KH simply because it's Disney. They actually did a smash-up job with it.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

And there are plenty of better RPGs out there than FFVII. PLENTY.


And don't stray away from KH simply because it's Disney. They actually did a smash-up job with it.


FF7 was mind blowing for it's day..ya gotta admit


KH and Disney, I just get bad mental images of battling foes, and or having to rescue the likes of mickey, goofy, pluto, pooh, Donald Duck..... *ugh* man, I'd need to poke my eyes out after being exposed to that



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You guys are idiots for thinking FF and Disney doesn't mix, This game is...awesome! Either rent it, or buy it (I prefer the latter) And you will like it, great combat/magic system, you don't have to rescue Donald and goofy (only at 1 point).





When you have to rescue donald and goofy, its the final boss, Ansem, so beware folks!






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FFVII was certainly revolutionary, I'll give it that. But deserving of all the praise that is given unto it? I think not. It's a good story and has a fun combat system and great characters, but eh. So did a whole bunch of other Final Fantasies. What it boils down to is:



Chrono Trigger > FFVII

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Originally posted by IG-64

Mario RPG got you ppl own3d :xp:


Mario RPG = Best. RPG. ever. :p


w00tage :D


I still play that on my E-M-U-L-A-T-O-R.

Come on people, don't be afraid to say it. Astrotoy already said emulator and nothing has happened.


Anyhow, KH is a great game. Go buy it, orI will have Obi release Comander Bun-Bun on your buns :p

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FFVII is the best because every FF game AFTER it has the exact same storyline, save one or two things.


And I refuse to play Final Fantasy X-2. If Square-Enix thinks I'm stupid enough to give them 50 bucks so I can play Pretty Princess Dress Me Up for 40 hours, they are sadly mistaken.

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Originally posted by ExcelsioN

I never bought it because a lot of my friends just saud it was stupid, and some of them had bought it.

If you like RPGs, you'll probably like KH, my friends said the same thing, but it turns out they still haven't gotten past Destiny Island (the first area)

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Originally posted by Tyrion

FFVII= The best rpg ever created. Ever.


OH YEAH. i am forced to agree here with Tyrion. i'll put it this way i have FF7 and 8 still and i only play 7 and KH not 8.


and for those that won't play KH because of the disney factor you are really missin out. i too did this for like 2 1/2 months. then come christmas my cousin was gettin me a game and they were out of it. so i was like what the hey i'll give KH a shot. and to this day i do believe 2 or so years later i still love this game and just got finished beating it again last week.

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Anyhow, KH is a great game. Go buy it, orI will have Obi release Comander Bun-Bun on your buns Anyhow, KH is a great game. Go buy it, orI will have Obi release Comander Bun-Bun on your buns




Luckily I have my copy, don't let Bun Bun get the scent of blood, or else, :D

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FFVII had the same storyline as the previous Final Fantasies, so I don't know what you're smoking.


And FFX-2 is surprisingly deep. Just because it has three girls as its main characters and they change clothes doesn't mean it's a bad game. The strategy and thought that goes into managing the dresspheres and their specific abilities is integral to the enjoyment and value of the game. Not to mention the precious one-liners delivered by Paine and Rikku.


Your criteria for what makes a good Final Fantasy are sorely weak, Kain.

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Perhaps my criteria for a FF game is weak, ROUGE NINE, but my taste in RPGs is not. I've played FFX-2(didn't pay for, played), and I wanted to vomit because of it. The story line is shallow and its a money ploy to get horomone crazed teenage boys to buy their products so they can get more money. And its not like I'm saying I only lived 7, either. I loved 8 and enjoyed 9, but 10(all but Blitzball) made me want to gouge out my eyes and ears to stop myself from ever being violated in such a manner ever again, as with X-2. And 11 is playing on the whole Everquest craze, so it is just ANOTHER money ploy by SQUARE ENIX. SQUARE ENIX was better off as SQUARESOFT, because atleast THEN they could put out HALF DECENT GAMES AND NOT SHODDY SEQUELS TO SHODDY GAMES.


Don't get me wrong, I love a good RPG(most of my games ARE RPGs after all, plus I play D&D, Hero Games, Vampire the Masquerade, LoTR, and Shadowrun), but FFX and FFX-2 are NOT good games. Maybe if I had lost control of my horomones I'd be loving

Rikku in her Trainer Dressphere


...and KH was cool for the soul fact that Sephiroth is so badass in it. (anyone wanna tell me how to beat him because my cousin can't seem to get past him)

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