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drumming up convo (game talk)

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Originally posted by STTCT

quit your whining guys - we all know the x-box has a far more ****ed up controller by far - and if Rhett comes in here screaming they don't have that damn controller anymore I'm going to strangle him :)


I think you have massive amounts of brain damage. I'd get that checked out if I were you.

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i rember the neGcon controller for psx. that was a cool one. it had no sticks but you could turn it in the centre and id had analogue buttons.


teh best controller ever for games like wipeout or ridge racer.


when i first time played the n64 controller it was totally spoot like crap.

but after playing diddy kong racing and mario kart 64 i somewhat got used to the n64 controller.


but like edlib said, those "thumbsticks" are quite difficult to handle in the big rush.


and err yes, i never played any starwars game.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

The N64's controller had my favorite thumb stick of all time. It was very well placed...I liked it compared to the newer ones(especiallly the horrible ones on the PS2).


My thoughts EXACTLY.

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FPS are not for consoles period, the N64 controller sucks for FPS as well. When I first used a playstation controller, I was getting hand cramps cause of its design. The best controller was the SNES controller. XBOX still has by far the worst design ever. It's like a giant keyboard for your hands, speaking of which, I want to get a keyboard for my PS2. GC's controller is kind of annoying, weird button placement, but its ok for some games.

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GC is a small controller, that's why i hate it, and I haven't seen the newer XBox controller, the original was terrible. I played Halo on XBOX with that controller. God, movement sucks for that game. I prefer my mouse, cause it actually moves like a reflex, rather than like I'm taking some f*cking drugs. Mouselook all the way. ...remember when you could look everywhere like in Wolf3d, the first FPS....ah, those were the days, we lived off of such pixelated graphics.....


*goes off into his own little world*

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