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Holes in JA+ Mod? (Formerly: I'm sorry, but this is too funny..")

Lathain Valtiel

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All righty. I was in Chop Shop, and noticed one particular user was using the JA+ Mod /model yoda ish command. Namely, he was short, and yet had a normal size saber. Now, either way I don't give a damn, I will speak my mind freely, but this was pretty laughable when technically I didn't even complain. Allow me to state the gist.


Me: "Hmmm... The yoda model exploit. Interesting."

The small guy: "Actually, it's more of an all model exploit."

Him, later: "I learned to use it properly from vengeance anyway." (I think he thinks I was referring to lunge, which was utterly not the case. There was repeated use of it by one other user which I commented on, but nothing more.)

Me: "Nonetheless, it offers a clear advantage with no penalty. That is an exploit."

Him: "It uses force."

Me: "...Being short uses force?"


At ewhich point I was interestingly enough banned from the server.. And, surprise, I never technically complained. What i said is like saying in Diablo II that Guided Arrow _ Pierce was a bug (Hint: It was). Now, picture it. A short guy with a saber that was larger than his body. Do the math. How is that NOT calling it like it is?


I, personally, am just amused by this. Ami, did you misunderstand me or what? Check my record, it doesn't really matter to me if they're short, ask Satan/Icestorm, stormy, and various other reputable players about me if you will. Very very few will have a bad word abut me. Hell, if my earlier comment about not seeing lunge spam in awhile was what set you off, be aware that me and JE Satan discussed spam while playing today in fact.


I'm hoping this is a misunderstanding, but if not.. I'm bemused. Very bemused.

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I'm sorry for the late response, luckily I was browsing and just happened to see this.


I don't know what happened. Your IP address is not on the ban list, you aren't banned, so you shouldn't have any trouble connecting.


I didn't kick or ban you and I certainly can't imagine why I would ever have reason to. I have no subadmins, so no one else should have been able to kick or ban you.


The only person I banned recently was spamming truly foul racist insults on the CTF server. Only 2 IP addresses have been banned from the FFA server (also for spamming, one of the few things that will get you banned from my servers) and neither one is yours.


I really don't know what happened, it must be a glitch. My apologies for any misunderstandings. Please come by again. Let me know if you still are having trouble getting in.


If this happens to anyone else, please private message me or email me adminamidala@comcast.net immediately. Last month my JK2 FFA-CTF server was overrun by hackers using an exploit in Jedi Academy Mod to empower themselves and give themselves admin powers without the password. I hope this just a glitch and not the work of some hacker.

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How strange.. The game stopped, then i got a message: "Server disconnected: Was kicked". The server was still up, so something must be up.


Interestingly enough, two days ago, whenever I "lamed" this certain person (Not the guy today) my connection froze for thirty seconds or more for no explicable reason.


I'm starting to wonder if JA+ Mod has serious holes.


The guy I was talking to was named Yoda.



My apologies for the topic, I thought you did it.


Woul a mod please change the topic name to:


Holes in JA+ Mod? (Formerly: I'm sorry, but this is too funny..")

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Well I'm sorry that happened, whatever happened. That's not my style.


I have noticed a bug in JA+ Mod: it keeps bot_minplayers from working properly. When bot_minplayers >0, the server is supposed to add or remove bots until the number of humans equals or exceeds bot_minplayers, but it hasn't been kicking the bots reliably. Maybe it glitched and kicked you instead of a bot.


The only people I have kicked recently were spectators\idlers on my CTF server when the server was full, to make room for people who want to play. I usually (but not always) give people spectating a warning when the server is full to get into the fight or leave to make room for people waiting to get in and play. Those who don't join a team or leave risk getting kicked. Spectators are welcome as long as the server isn't full, but it isn't fair to spectate when the server is full and people who want to play can't get in.


Just to be clear, the only other things that could get you kicked or banned on my servers are:


-- using a killtracker or chat binds to make annoying spam (some people literally fill up the screen by repeating chat binds dozens of times in rapid succession).


-- repeated suicide during Team FFA


-- extremely abusive\racist\anti-Semitic\sexist etc. language (as judged by me). I allow normal trash-talking, but not that other stuff.


If you aren't doing one of the things listed above, you have no worries. You will never get kicked for using a saber move\weapon\Force power "too much" (LOL, how lame to even complain about that. Imagine a batter telling a pitcher "stop spamming those curve balls, I can't hit them").

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Originally posted by Lathain Valtiel

Woul a mod please change the topic name to:


Holes in JA+ Mod? (Formerly: I'm sorry, but this is too funny..")

You can change it yourself! Click the edit button on this thread's first post, and change the title. :)
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Holes tend to appear when you start adding stuff all willy nilly without thinking about how they'll work in conjunction with the other stuff you added all willy nilly.


I wouldn't trust an admin mod that was all sparkle and no substance.


2 cents

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Originally posted by keshire

Holes tend to appear when you start adding stuff all willy nilly without thinking about how they'll work in conjunction with the other stuff you added all willy nilly.


I wouldn't trust an admin mod that was all sparkle and no substance.


2 cents

Come on, keshire. You know nothing like this has never happed in the history of admin mods. They are all thoroughly tested with the interests of the community at large at heart ;)
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Just to be sure my server hasn't been cracked, I changed the passwords and disabled player kicking by (non-existant) subadmins. So even if someone cracks the password, all they can do is check status.


If people still get kicked for no reason, it must be a bug with JA+ Mod. I'll be switching back to xMod when 2.6.5 comes out (2.6.0 has some bugs that give each rocket ammo pickup 25 rockets and each tripmine pickup 10 mines).

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

If people still get kicked for no reason, it must be a bug with JA+ Mod. I'll be switching back to xMod when 2.6.5 comes out (2.6.0 has some bugs that give each rocket ammo pickup 25 rockets and each tripmine pickup 10 mines).

I was gonna ask why you switched from xMod to JA+, but now I know!

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Well, I like the things that both mods have (IP address logging, expanded ban list, black name support, multi-line MOTD, fixed rolling, flipkicks, fixed single-saber DFAs, addition of single-player moves like pull-stab). xMod 2.2-2.5 has had stability problems on my servers, in part because of my settings (full Force with faster Force regeneration, full weapons, increased saber damage, dismemberment). All of those things together make the server work a lot harder (more lightning spraying, more people using speed, more projectiles flying around that the game engine has to keep track of, more kills and body parts flying around and littering the ground from increased saber damage and dismemberment). So I switched to JA+ mod until (hopefully) xMod 2.6.5 gets sorted out. JA+ mod also allowed me to increase the damage of all of the single saber moves relative to the staff and duals to help even things out.


But xMod 2.6 lets me modify gun parameters, which is even better. I have been playing JK2 single-player recently and it reminded me of what a great weapon the bowcaster is in JK2 SP (mostly 1-hit kills), while it's worthless in multiplayer. The same with the DEMP and E-11. So my plan is to leave the rocket launcher, repeater, disruptor, and flechette pretty much the same, while strengthening the bowcaster, E-11, and DEMP. I will also return to using xMod to remove the Force penalty for single-saber moves while increasing Force requirements for staff and dual katas and specials.

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I agree with you about the Bowcaster (though some are skilled enough to use it well), but the E-11 and DEMP2? No way!



First off the DEMP2 is the "stun gun" which makes it great. You can stun a whole room full of players in one shot, it's nearly impossible to block, etc etc. It's a great weapon. Up the damage and it'll be overpowered.


The E11 is a great gun, the only drawback being spraying fire+saber user is a bad idea unless you can flank 'em fast.



So really you're saying (Amidala) that you like Admin mods for their gameplay changes.


I wonder why somebody doesn't just make some gameplay change mods. Why do they have to put in the worthless admin "features"?


It's like they think it's something that's standard, yet it's not, because every admin mod is a little different (granted, the majority just copy off of each other from the JK2 days).

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I wonder why somebody doesn't just make some gameplay change mods. Why do they have to put in the worthless admin "features"?

Because the mojority of pimple-faced admins don't really care about gameplay changes, they just want power over other players. Developers know their mod won't be used without these "features."
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I think you hit the nail on the head Raz.



Perhaps the plethora of admin mods is simply that... it's easier to do than making real changes!


I'm serious, that was brilliant. Cut straight to the heart of all this crap. Kudos.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I wonder why somebody doesn't just make some gameplay change mods. Why do they have to put in the worthless admin "features"?


And I wondered why promod died... that was the most anti-cosmetic anti-admin and anti-rpg mod that you could get.


Like others said, people would not install promod on their servers as it did not make them uber super sipderman's-illegitimate-child-by-hulk-with-a-touch-of-superman strong.


You know they *need* that to admin properly.

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well i not a big chop shop fan cause i am more of duelist myself but i find it a good place to let off steam when i need guns ^_^


anyway i would say you DID complain by calling it an exploit. I mean yes Yoda is a smaller model (and with good reason Yoda IS small) but why would his saber be small? Are you saying just cause Yoda is smaller in size he is not allowed to use a standard sized saber? Thats like saying mini-me can't use a full sized pistal to shoot austin powers :-/ If i am not mistaken in the movie Yoda used a standard sized saber to fight Duku. . . right? So I say the model is not an Exploit but a realistic model of Yoda himself. Does it have an advatage. . . yes. But then doesn't the REAL Yoda himself have an advantage due to his size and speed?


thats my 2 cents :p


Deathwhitch (JC Clan Leader)


Clan server: .....}JC{-=DeathRoom=-

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