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Whatch Simpsons last night?


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Did you whatch it? It was on at 8:00 pm (pacific)


It was Hilarious! It started out when the whole town was in line for the new COSMIC WARS movie (parady of Star Wars) and they were all dressed up in star wars costumes. And when the movie was playing it was making fun of AotC when the whole first part of the movie had no action in it what so ever. And that GL focuses on special effects more than actual movie content (which I believe to a certain point).


and the best part was, THAT GL WAS A MIDGET!







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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

... And when the movie was playing it was making fun of AotC when the whole first part of the movie had no action in it what so ever. ....


The assasination attempt on the Senator, twice, not to mention the coruscant chase, I'd hardly say those sequences were totally devoid devoid of action....


The Simpsons has gone on sooo long now its hard to tell what is new and what is a repeat....I think you *can* have too much of a good thing, and look forward to The Simpsons being closed down before it becomes a parody of itself... baiscally, being dysfunctional was essentially a 90s theme, look at other shows of the era - like Married with Children and Seinfeld, South Park, TV needs to move on, animators and writers need to challenge themselves more and stupid reality shows need to eradicated not unlike a plague of rats..... TV, worldwide, is in a dire state at the moment..... (mainstream)movies are not far behind...... thank The Maker for the few independent directors that are still around, who believe cinema is still an artform, like Lynch, Goddard, Greenaway, Altman, even Polanski.......



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Originally posted by RoxStar

That was an awesoeme episode. I wish I recorded it to make some sigs.


Comic Book Guy, "Worst Cosmic Wars EVER I will only see it three more times...today.


just head over to theforce.net, they have a cpl of clips(in mpg and mov format) that Im sure you could use to make those sigs :)


I guess that was the writers' way at venting their disappointment at Ep1 ?? I dont mind ep2 at all, and dont think Lucas has lost his way all that much, he's just older....ppl change... I'm really looking forward to ep3 of course, spoiler free til the curtain rises...... :)





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