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Okay, here's your LucasForums server! (JediServers+Meatgrinder = CHAOS)


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Originally posted by Kurgan

The server is located in Texas (I had a choice of that, New Jersey or California) and I have the maxping set at 600 ms.



I could raise it I suppose, but I'll have to take care of that this weekend if you like.

that's messed up, I live in Texas, I ping the server and get 45 ping and it tells me "server is for low pings only". :(
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Originally posted by Kurgan

The server is located in Texas (I had a choice of that, New Jersey or California) and I have the maxping set at 600 ms.



I could raise it I suppose, but I'll have to take care of that this weekend if you like.

No worries, Kurgan. I was able to get on last night. Likely it was the issue

acdcfanbill mentioned...


Are you going to stay with Seige, or are you going to do different gametypes as well?

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I'm thinking of putting in some CTF next, and then something with Asteroids/Siege Destroyer2.


I may want to put in Destroyer2 with the Siege rotation since I can get 15000 maxrate, but I'm limited to 6000 for other gametypes.


I would host FFA, but I host that all the time on my DSL server. The high bandwidth associated with team games seems more appropriately spent on the JediServers one.


However, currently the DSL server is NOT running so it's just Siege until tomorrow.


The only thing about Asteroids is that I'll have to see how well it runs in general and if the files are a problem, since people would have to download and install a large mod to use it (hopefully they won't have a problem with it).


As to the pings thing I'm sorry you're having trouble, but again, I only set it to 600, so it shouldn't be a problem if you're reconnecting correctly.I chose the Texas location since I was advised the largest number of people would benefit from it, and also because of the changing IP for the East coast server, so I didn't want to confuse people.


JediServers.com, is their own site, I don't know the IP of their clan's server, but if check their page they might have it listed there (if it is indeed still running).


As I said here before, I did switch to FFA for awhile, but the numbers of people playing dropped off dramatically in a very short time so I figured they wanted me to stick with Siege. ;)

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

Thanks for doing this, Kurgan.


Gone are the days of Lag, cometh the glorious age of the REBORN MEATGRINDER *Holy light shines up server*:


Stormhammer: Lagalicious baby!

Kurgan: You know it


;)Good times, but even greater times are to come!




ROFL :D I remember saying that. ;)


I logged on again earlier today and had a couple of games of Siege. I have to say, I experienced hardly any lag at all - so great job, Kurgan. That was the first time I've played JA MP for a good few months.

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Originally posted by keshire

RazorAce is redoing all the bot AI code stuff. I'm sure he could use some suggestions as to how they should act in certain situations.


Well...not all getting stuck in one spot and standing on each other's heads could be a good start. :/ This was a problem I encountered yesterday. At one point my team consisted of another human player, three bots, and myself. The other human player seemed to have connection problems because he just stood there the whole match, and the three bots clustered together, with one standing on the head of two others. Which left me to try and break into the sanctuary on Korriban alone. :(


It took a while for the other team to realise - they had about four human players and one bot.


So in those terms, auto-kicking bots when human players join would be advantageous. Other than that, they definitely need to be tweaked a lot more.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

As to the pings thing I'm sorry you're having trouble, but again, I only set it to 600, so it shouldn't be a problem if you're reconnecting correctly.

No worries. I don't seem to be having problems now :) I get pretty decent pings actually...
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Yeah, the server is set to CTF now for awhile, no more Siege (until I get a chance to log back on and change it).



So enjoy the CTF while you can (bonus CTF map included in the rotation!). And don't be afraid of a little bot-bashing!

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