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Kyle's Age


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I've always wondered how old Kyle was in Dark Forces and how old he is in Jedi Outcast. My assumption is that he was about 18 when he left for the imperial academy, and I don't know how many years he did service in the imperial army before he ended his service and worked as a mercenary, but i know twelve years after he left for the academy he came back to find more out about his father's death and found the lightsaber from Rahn, which is JK, so that would make him 30. Five years after that was MOTS, so that would make him 35, and those five years I assume were part of the 8 years after Kyle defeated Jerec in JK, so by JO according to my theory he's 38. Another theory I created is that Kyle wasn't so old when he left home, that he was pretty young, maybe about 14, and twelve years later when he returned to his homeworld to find more out about his father's death in JK, he was 26, and 5 years after that in MOTS, he was 31, so my calculation in this theory is that he's 34 in JO. Remember, these are only theories and I could be wrong. If I am, please correct me and tell me his real age in JO and how old he was in Dark Forces. Thanks.

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I don't remember specifically the discussion we had back in 2002 when JKII came out, but I seem to remember that he was basically my age (I got JKII for my 36th birthday Apr 5th 2002).


The timeline is a bit tricky and inconsistent if you just use the opening crawls ...



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According to the timeline at TheForce.net, JKII and JA occur ~14 - 15 years after the destruction of the Death Star in ANH. So assuming Kyle was 22 when he graduated the academy, 23 when he stole the plans, he'd be ~36 or 37 for the new games.



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The fact that Kyle has some gray wingtips probably throws some people. But you probably would have a little of that too if you'd been through all he has (though this doesn't answer why Luke, who's also, according to the EU, been to the Darkside has no gray at all, I guess people age differently, or else Luke's been to the hairclub for men).



Age doesn't mean a lot for humans in Star Wars though, look at Boba Fett. ; )

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  • 4 years later...
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Another theory I created is that Kyle wasn't so old when he left home, that he was pretty young, maybe about 14


Um, I don't think the Empire would hire 14-year-olds. I mean come on, he was looking about 21 or so when he joined.


To be honest, I don't care about Kyle's age. He's just cool


lol, imagine in the next game he appears in. He'll probably look somewhat like Morgan

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