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anybody short on cash?


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Originally posted by StonerDaveN'Max

What the hell are you talking about? This one didnt even have a topic. And I believe that you might need to think about what you say before you post, cause this cat pillow thing.. is really really confusing, But then again, its expected. Just try and help me out by explaining.


wow. i can feel your youthful enthusiasm. i count this as 1 point for you.

maybe i was trying to point out that this thread is "no-topic" therefore "off-any-topic" and that there are perhabs possibilities to set you in a warm, fuzzy and calm mood without wetting the pants yourself..

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Dave, I know a guy who sold drugs, had the biggest ectasy lab on the east coast in fact, and you know what happened to him?


He got off it and actually wrote his own semi-autobiography called Angle Iron don't believe me? Go here.


See Dave, if you keep your ways up you could be the Duane Po..... I mean Neo Andersen of the future.

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You must not live on the U.S. east coast, because a year or two back he was arrested for his lab and it was decently big news.


This guy is seriously ****ed up (the reason he started selling ectasy was because he had some of it's ingredients left over from a venture he made into the fruit drinks business), and I don't believe he ever used the ectasy.

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Originally posted by StonerDaveN'Max

I dont know who either of those people are. But i was never really on drugs. A small period of weed, but that didnt last long. so I wasnt really a user. And in closing, Whakka whakka!


Well, they don't know who you are, either, yo. :dozey:


Ray: Your suspicions have been confirmed. The suspect is indeed using a *Hello Kitty* brand sleep set...

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But,.. that would spoil the fun! ;)


Just wait until Zoom starts channeling Wally, the Space Dolphin (which I don't belive he's ever done here.) Then you'll truely have reason to be mystified...



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that might be because you miss sean.


last time i saw him he walked off, grumpy, with both middlefingers high in the air. and he somewhat sounded like speech impaired.


although you might find wally a real alternative. trust me.

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Edlib: No. Anything but Wally the Space Dolphin! Interpol is looking for him, and I can't cash checks anywhere now...




Wally the Space Dolphin is taking this opportunity to assume control of the carbon-based human entity that is currently operating Zoom's computer so that he may directly join the conversation for purpose of explaining to the confused non pot-smoking stoner unit exactly what was intended by the rabbit's earlier mention of Hello Kitty paraphernalia as an indirect mistranslation of Ray Jones' catpillow comment, drawing the intended meaning of grumpiness due to lack of sleep into a stranger, albeit less appropriate comment on the possibility of the victim's interest in Japanese cartoon bedclothes...all of which are beside the point for Wally anyway, because he's just dressed up like a pimp for saturday night, cruising high on sarin nerve gas, twenty feet long and looking to smack some bitches up.


:max: Hmm. I hate it when he does that...

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Only George W. Bush working with a slide rule could mistranslate you, Ray... ;) Translation is beside the point when it comes to Wally, though. Most of the time, I don't even understand him.


For the record, I miss the gerbil, too. A smart ass rabbit needs an Elmer Fudd to work against for proper effect. Ah, well.


Sheaday6: Terribly sorry about the confusion. :max: Obfuscation is a fine art.

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