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KOTOR 2: Sith Lords


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Well I just got EGM today and KOTOR2 was the cover story.

Some observations.

1 I hate Atton Rand

2 I'm begining to hate T3-M4

3 I will be reskinning those robes


Other than that I'm unsure they're using art from KOTOR and that worries me since we never cracked the format. So I wonder if this version will shun modders too...


You can't import a character but you can tell the game how your game ended, so that's nifty. It seems to use the same engine, I'm not sure if thats good or bad. Lets see seven worlds prestige classes, a handfull of new force powers and the game still has a year of developement time...


There's probably more to this story since EGM assumes that it's readers are XBOX users but I haven't seen the Computer Gaming World issue yet, if anyone has feel free to fill in the blanks.

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Here's a post I made on my JA clan forum (I took this from a thread on theforce.net forums):


- It takes place 5 years after the events of KOTOR.


- The Republic is in shambles, following the aftermath of Darth Malak's war.


- Revan took off for the Unknown Regions one year after the end of KOTOR, and hasn't been heard from since. However, his/her fate will be revealed in the sequel.


- The Jedi Order has been disbanded.


- The player character is one of the last known Jedi, a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars who was in exile during the events of the first game. The PC is attempting to restore the Jedi Order.


- Using conversations in the game, you can choose to state what you believe happened in the events of the first game, giving you a chance to continue from the light side or dark side endings.


- Some characters will be back, others not. Definitely back: the Ebon Hawk, T3-M4 and a droid that bears an extremly "suspicious resemblance" to HK-47


- New characters revealed: Kreia, an older Jedi, and Attond Rand, a human male


- New Jedi classes - Jedi Weapon Master, Jedi Watchman, Jedi Master, Sith Assasin, Sith Marauder and Sith Lord


- New Force powers: Dark Sider Rage, Battle Meditation, Force Sight and Force Clarivoyance


- Seven (only one returns from KOTOR 1) different planets are in the game, but only two are mentioned: Dantooine (which will look totally ravaged due the the Sith attack of the previous game) and Telos (Carth's homeworld).


- A total of ten playable characters.


- You start out as a Jedi, however when you were exiled you became "out of touch" with the Force (their words) and your lightsaber was taken away (an optional quest is to get your old lightsaber back).


"Though you're not the same character, somehow you pilot the same ship as in the first game, the Ebon Hawk, which finds itself in the mysteriously deserted asteroid mining facility of Peragus at the beginning of the game."



"The gambling game Pazaak, swoop racing, and (unfortunately) turret-manning minigames will return in The Sith Lords-but they'll be completely optional this time, and the team is working on improving all of them"

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Originally posted by Com Raven

Hmm, I don't know why anyone seems to have such a prob with the turret game. I had great fun with it!


yeah, same here. in all honesty i didn't like the swoop racing for the fact that everytime you lost you had to wait for a load, then talk to the hut or whatever to do another race and pay 100 credits, then wait for another load and if you lose. repeat! that really pissed me off. the option quest for your old lightsaber sounds really intrigueing (sp). but i thought they were coming up with a whole revamped/better gameplay engine?

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Originally posted by dark jedi 8

yeah, same here. in all honesty i didn't like the swoop racing for the fact that everytime you lost you had to wait for a load, then talk to the hut or whatever to do another race and pay 100 credits, then wait for another load and if you lose. repeat! that really pissed me off. the option quest for your old lightsaber sounds really intrigueing (sp). but i thought they were coming up with a whole revamped/better gameplay engine?


Apparently they are not making a new gameplay engine...


I have a slight apprehension that KOTOR 2 will be the equivalent to JA in respects to JK2.


-Made off the same engine.

-Slight changes here and there

-New character, new storyline

-Short build time



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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

Apparently they are not making a new gameplay engine...


I have a slight apprehension that KOTOR 2 will be the equivalent to JA in respects to JK2.


-Made off the same engine.

-Slight changes here and there

-New character, new storyline

-Short build time




Why does everyone always 'cringe' when a dev says they're going to use the same engine to make a game? :confused:


I really don't understand it. Surely the story, the characters and the gameplay is far more important? If the gameplay mechanics have already been established, and work properly, then why try to fix something that isn't broken?


I mean, two examples of sequels that didn't really work are Unreal II and Deus Ex: Invisible War, because the devs 'upgraded' the engines, and 'streamlined' the gameplay to make it 'more accessible' to the masses. The result was an average shooter, and a poor actioner that dropped some of the RPG features. And it ran like a dog to boot.


I would much rather have a game built on an engine that works, using a feature-set that I have become accustomed to. Of course there can be modifications to update graphics, add more effects, etc. But I don't see the logic behind having a completely new engine for every game in a series.


It's like people who made films on celluloid. The only significant changes were going from black and white to colour, and adding better sound - until digital filming came along. For decades they simply made compelling stories with interesting characters using essentially the same medium.


I don't see why the gaming industry has to try and 'push the envelope' all the time. A lot of the time, they sacrifice story and characters with depth just to get some sparkly new effects into their engines - which usually require you to spend hundreds of pounds (or dollars) on upgrading your system just to play it.


I'll take the KOTOR engine and a new story with new characters. :cool:icon14.gif

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I think the critiques are a little early. All we've seen is a few screen shots. If you remember the first screen shots we saw of kotor the final game was totally different.

Feb 05 is a little less than a year off a lot of changes can be made from now till then.


I'm excited to see robes with hoods. :D

Also I'm all around excited to see KOTOR2 period and a 2005 release and XBox and only 5 years of KOTOR and....

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

- Revan took off for the Unknown Regions one year after the end of KOTOR, and hasn't been heard from since. However, his/her fate will be revealed in the sequel.


- The player character is one of the last known Jedi, a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars who was in exile during the events of the first game. The PC is attempting to restore the Jedi Order.


- Using conversations in the game, you can choose to state what you believe happened in the events of the first game, giving you a chance to continue from the light side or dark side endings.


- New Jedi classes - Jedi Weapon Master, Jedi Watchman, Jedi Master, Sith Assasin, Sith Marauder and Sith Lord


- New Force powers: Dark Sider Rage, Battle Meditation, Force Sight and Force Clarivoyance


- Seven (only one returns from KOTOR 1) different planets are in the game, but only two are mentioned: Dantooine (which will look totally ravaged due the the Sith attack of the previous game) and Telos (Carth's homeworld).


- A total of ten playable characters.


- You start out as a Jedi, however when you were exiled you became "out of touch" with the Force (their words) and your lightsaber was taken away (an optional quest is to get your old lightsaber back).


Now thats what I like to hear. :D

I cant wait, been going crazy since I got the newsletter from Lucasarts.com. Hehe, cant believe we have to wait for another year.



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I feel ya bud... im so excited I only have a few hopes... better animations for the fighting moves... doing flurry 20,000,000,000,000 times got really gay! lol and also man the hoods and cloaks gotta be there and also removable... tell me that wouldnt be bad... like a cutscene where you rip off your robe and ignite your lightsaber during the spin... thats bad man!!!!!

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Whoo!! It sounds amazing. Yes, who cares if it's a new engine or not? The graphics weren't even bad and for an RPG they're still pretty good. One gripe I had against KOTOR was that if you started out as a blaster-type character and devoted your skills early on to the art of blasting then you would pretty much screw yourself later on in the game when you became a Jedi because of the lightsaber.


Hopefully, with KOTOR II, you can play through the entire game without having to resort to a melee weapon in every single fight.

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This game is going to be awesome...I consider it good if they keep the same engine, lotsd of fun from kotor I will be saved and LEC would never be that stupid to quickly pack it up like JA...kotor I was a goldmine


extra anims would be great

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In the EGM article it says there will be new animations.

Also that they started developing the game before Bioware finished KOTOR1.


So don't think of KOTOR2 as JKO:JA because it's not done by the same company they were able to start planning before the first game was even finished.


Another good thing is all the things that we saw that we felt needed to be fixed the guys at Obsidian saw and all the things we loved they did too.

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So far it looks excellent. And obviously they're nowhere near done yet.


I think it's going to come down to whether the storyline holds up. They can tweak the graphics, add in as many new items as they like, but if the characters are flat and the plot doesn't measure up to the original, none of it will matter.


I can't help thinking of Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. So much like Ocarina of Time, but just lacking that spark that made its predecessor such a fun game to play.


Hopefully they'll pull it off though :D

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Originally posted by Sarendipity

I can't help thinking of Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. So much like Ocarina of Time, but just lacking that spark that made its predecessor such a fun game to play.


I'm with you on that one. Majora's Mask was nothing compared to Ocarina of Time. Also we'll have to wait a long time to get a new Zelda game, to match Ocarina of Time, but thats just my opinion.


Yeah, KotOR II: The Sith Lords, will be a good game no doubt about it. Problem is to get it to match or even outmatch KotOR. Guess, we'll just have to wait and see. So far its looking great.



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Originally posted by StormHammer

Why does everyone always 'cringe' when a dev says they're going to use the same engine to make a game? :confused:


I really don't understand it. Surely the story, the characters and the gameplay is far more important? If the gameplay mechanics have already been established, and work properly, then why try to fix something that isn't broken?

Agreed. A lot of people equate good with revolutionary. From what I have seen, they tend to be younger people who didn't grow up with the old Atari and Commadore 64 games, and many don't think a game is good unless it is photorealistic with lots of new effects. Were as us old fogies grew up with characters made of twenty pixels (Jumpman and Robotron!).


To me, revolutionary does not equal nor is a requirement for fun.


Originally posted by Deeo

Yes, who cares if it's a new engine or not? The graphics weren't even bad and for an RPG they're still pretty good.

And an engine does not lock in stone what the game is going to look like. There are many new features and improvements they can make and not touch the engine itself. Besides, the major elements of the graphics are determined by the modelers, mappers, and artists. These elements for the most part are independant of the engine. So there can be lots of improvements, even with the same engine.


I think sometimes people incorrectly think same engine = exact same look.


Originally posted by Clemme w/Stick

Problem is to get it to match or even outmatch KotOR.

Even if it is close it will be a kick ass game. Luckily for me, I liked JA and don't require everything to be brand new to have fun. So if Sith Lords is the same as KOTOR with some extra features, I'll be happy :D
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