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AOTC:TC - Demo Released


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Gave it a quick run-through, it looks very professional and polished (and I mean professional, because people are already whining about it in the same way they whine about Star Wars® Jedi Knight®: Jedi Academy, a commercial product from a real software company). Didn't have a chance to test all the admin features, but you have most of the important things (if it doesn't have client IP address logging, that should be added).


Well done, AOTC:TC team!

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Duh!! It's a TC!! It dosn't replce your files. I respect the AOTCTC very much for making this. But, are there any new Siege mode types? And there was only 2 servers running it. One was duel, the other had no one on it. Are there any new maps? I found no new maps anywhere.


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Yeah seems that all you monkey bandwidth hogger used all 10gig up in 10hours, gee thanks :p


Lucasfiles has the demo, im sure more people will put up servers once the maps and the bugs have been ironed out, the reason for the large file is so that when we do the updates they should be small, the maps will be released once I can get back onto the site, I was just posting as the site hit its MAX, this happened in 2 mins, I got an email telling me I was 80% over then all things happened 2 seconds later I got another email, Your bandwidth has been exceeded, 10Gig people I mean !!!! come on were you downloading it for your entire family!!!


So Maps and a few models will be out this week, a hotfix is being made, the mac version is being made by me.

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Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet

Lol. Obvioulsly youve never tried getting anything for BF 1942. 700+MB files. You are weak! 54MB is NOTHING. Download all the TC's and mods for BF1942 and THEN tell me this is bad, cause you aint seen nothin yet. ;-) Mwahahaha! :lightning:


Look, if I knew it wasn't Mac compatable I wouldn't of downloaded it. I would of downloaded 54mb of Twi'lek porn instead. Mmm... Twi'leks gone wild...


Um, this isn't the Twi'lek porn you're looking for. <Jedi wave>

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:jawa - i know your very busie and im sure you tired of people haveing issues about the game play of the demo .. i just have a question .. on the meneus and and HUD.. im in the GFX folder and i can see them here but in game none of these come up .. Graphix * skull and crossbones guy* said i must have screwed some thing up but i dont see how the wizard installs it, it self i have no say on it . but all i see is greay and white boxes.. in the meues hud and the for teh most part teh saber.. till i turn off teh new new stuff and it crashes when going in to a game
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Anakin, it sure wasn't wise of you to put the whole mod on YOUR website for download. These people are so lazy they'ed rather do it there then on Lucasfiles.



Thanks alot guys, now I gotta wait a few more days before I can get my hands on those maps!!!! :evanpiel:

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Why not just release the maps of lucas files and forget it. That way it would save you alot of bandwidth. And one more thing, are you gonna release anything else tonight? You can atleast release them on Lucasfiles now and then link them later on your site. That way you can save more room for content.

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Umm. It would be possible to read up or see if it was for mac first.

I must be missing something though, cause its very buggy. Instagib is REALY messed up and I don't see any new maps. All I saw saw a changed loading screen, and some samer color and effects things. (Mabey tone them down a bit too... There kind bright) I also see all the maps croweded in to the same game type, and the old gametypes from JK with no maps suppoting them. I don't see anything elce. Where is it?

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Okay I see the problem. I was a little disappointed myself.


The screenshots and the "installer" program lead one to believe this includes (at minimum) new skins and map(s). The lack of a real readme (other than a "list of features" which of course doesn't mention the missing content in the demo) doesn't help much either.


However as it stands it's just a collection of already released mods, plus a few tweaks and the (otherwise cool) menu screens/videos and the music track.


I'm sure the team is being hounded with requests, complaints and bug reports, so will refrain from contributing until all the dust settles.


I know it's a demo and not finished or bug free, but it looks like the release party didn't quite go as planned! (oh well, it happens)


Since the AOTC TC site has been down (bandwidth maxed out) for quite awhile, most people (like me) aren't able to read up on what is going on with this, except through third parties.


Bottom line: I didn't really know what was going on until I read through this thread.


Anyway, good luck... I'll eagerly await trying out the new content when it's posted somewhere!

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After I used Add\Remove Programs to remove AOTC:TC, I found that my launcher program (JediAcademy.exe) that lets you launch the single player or multiplayer game no longer worked and gave me this error message:




I can still launch the single-player and multiplayer games directly, but obviously that's a bug that needs to be fixed. I'll post it on your board too.


EDIT: I was able to repair it by copying all the files in the Install directory on CD 1 to the Install directory in my game installation.

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Whats up with the sabers? Man they are BRIGHT! Nothing like the movies. Ouch. My eyes. I realize that there must be alot of coad changes to this thing, but they should have delayed the release date untill you could tell they were there. Now it just looks like some loading screens and a couple of stances. The "co-op" thing just turned out to be the same as devmaping to the SP map in multiplayer. I could see releacing this is if were open source but there so radicly aginst that, that this is kinda a pointless demo. As it is its just a big bunch of potential, with no implementation what so ever. Maby next time?

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The site is back...


Anakin wrote:

Apologies for not getting the map file included with the Demo, it will be available tonight, again apologies, the compile was done before the map was finished.



PS: Amidala I had a problem like your's. The demo screwed up the "JA Launcher" so I did what you suggested and that fixed it.


It was weird, the text was all scewed to the side and barely readable. Now I've got the old JA Launcher back.

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My suggestions for the saber styles to make them easier to use:

[*]Have a menu to enable\disable each saber style with checkboxes, so players can have as many\few saber styles as they like. If you really want to be fancy, include animations as the game already has for the standard saber styles under Rules -> Moves to show each saber style in action.

[*]Since (sadly) many servers are saber-only and don't use other weapons at all, allow each saber style to be bound to the number keys that are usually used for gun selection

[*]Just as there can be key binds for next\previous weapon or Force power, allow "+changeSaberStyle" and "-changeSaberStyle" binds so players can use 2 keys or the mousewheel to scroll quickly either up or down through their pre-selected saber styles


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