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AOTC:TC - Demo Released


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Ok there is now support on the forums on our site now that its back up and running, im trying t ofind someone from Lucasfiles to upload the map files, im just finishing the HUD off now and some other pieces, Obi Wan is just being tidy up and will also be released shortly. Is there anythingelse??

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Could some one please help when I double click the icon on my desk top it displays MP console and this is the message that is displayed:


JAmp: v1.0.0.0 win-x86 Jul 21 2003

----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop/aotctc

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop/base



0 files in pk3 files


Running in restricted demo mode.


----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop/demo



0 files in pk3 files

Couldn't load mpdefault.cfg



PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

Honestly, without the maps and skins, the Demo seemed like a let-down...


Some nice features here and there, cool little edits to the original maps, but otherwise...

Unfortunately, I have to agree.


I am really looking forward to the maps and skins though...

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Originally posted by Anakin

Ok there is now support on the forums on our site now that its back up and running, im trying t ofind someone from Lucasfiles to upload the map files, im just finishing the HUD off now and some other pieces, Obi Wan is just being tidy up and will also be released shortly. Is there anythingelse??


This sounds more like it! A new hud. I can't wait! :D


[Just wanted to ask, by shortly do you mean in around 10 hours? a few days?]

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ok - just been able to play threw teh TC as it is supost to .. SWEET... im SO IN LOVE... people complain about teh brightness of teh saber... EH.. you can turn it down on the RGB saber scale .. and the differnt typesof sabers and teh lay out * with moves was a nice touch* .. IS VERY nice.. i have to agree with some people giveing these guys 2 thumbs WAY WAY up ... if i had money to burn .. i send it your way guys .. seriously you deserve it .. but on some of teh issues about the EXE menu when it first pops up and teh differnt saber styels.. teh menu bugg could be looked at.. and i like the saber styels... i like #7 and *8 personaly .. buta saber stance back and forth option would be nice as some people have stated.. im still playing threw most of it .. but the weather effects vocie thorwn in tweeks is veryvery cool .. im glad i stuck with it and got this to work .. im very pleased and would give this demo to ANY ONE who is curious.. even if they have problems .. its wortth the effort to get it .. you guys have a great thing here.. dont let ANYONE tel you other wise... GREAT JOB ... i cant wait to see more... * thats teh kicker theres more comming out ( think i just wett my self) * ... erm uh yeah ... keep it comming ..

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Erm. I thought you said this would be released shortly? I'm sure alot of fans are disappointed now, since you said you would release the map ages ago. Are you looking for somewhere to host it? If so try and contact eldritch [pcgamemods] or someone from Lucasfiles.com

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A Let Down?


Heh...thanks for nothing! We put a lot of time and effort into making a demo release for everyone. There are tons of code changes, and bug fixes. Have you looked at the readme.html? That is only like 20% of the things that are in there. Does anything satisfy you people? Sorry, but I am taking offense to that comment as well as those like it.

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Originally posted by Pentium

Could some one please help when I double click the icon on my desk top it displays MP console and this is the message that is displayed:


JAmp: v1.0.0.0 win-x86 Jul 21 2003

----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop/aotctc

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop/base



0 files in pk3 files


Running in restricted demo mode.


----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop/demo



0 files in pk3 files

Couldn't load mpdefault.cfg



PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(


Yeah, when I copied the shortcut from the start menu to the desktop, it reset some parameters in the install. You can use the start menu shorcut or just fix the "working directory" to your jamp.exe location. This is already addressed and fixed in a redownload I put up about 1 hour after Anakin retrieved it.

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Zero, let me tell you something...


My friend who isn't very familiar with JA was watching me play. I said I was playing a mod. He kept asking me what the heck the difference was, and I simply couldn't say more than "RGB sabers and bugged stances" which he didn't understand anyway.


I can't wait for the new map, that's all that counts for me. A mod really needs new maps IMO

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Nobody doubts how hard each of you have worked on it One. But A TC is recognised the most from model (player and weapons) and map changes, which were absent. No doubt it's a letdown now, present a TC demo like a TC demo and im sure many will be impressed

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

After I used Add\Remove Programs to remove AOTC:TC, I found that my launcher program (JediAcademy.exe) that lets you launch the single player or multiplayer game no longer worked and gave me this error message:




I can still launch the single-player and multiplayer games directly, but obviously that's a bug that needs to be fixed. I'll post it on your board too.


EDIT: I was able to repair it by copying all the files in the Install directory on CD 1 to the Install directory in my game installation.


That is correct...If you chose Full Install, you get the start-up screen replacement. It also installs a .zip of your entire Install directory. (basically a backup) All you need to do, is unzip that sucker and it fixes all that. I always recommend making backups of things before replacing files, I'll add addtional warnings in the installer.

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Originally posted by Alegis Gensan

Nobody doubts how hard each of you have worked on it One. But A TC is recognised the most from model (player and weapons) and map changes, which were absent. No doubt it's a letdown now, present a TC demo like a TC demo and im sure many will be impressed


Code is the real backbone to it. Without that, there is no TC!

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Here's the problem I think people are having with this demo release.


First, and this is the main thing, they are confused.


First they hear a "demo" is coming of this Total Conversion (total conversion implies everything or most everything is changed and that's what they've been hearing about).


Then they get the demo and it's huge, so they figure alot must be new right?


Visually they are enticed with tons of screenshots, showing new maps, models, skins, vehicles, weapons, etc.


Then they play the demo and see no new vehicles, weapons, skins or maps. Visually, the game is identical to how it was before except for the RGB sabers, which they could already play before as a stand alone part of AI Mod.


They were promised much more than this and didn't get what they were shown. LucasFiles even had shots of new maps/skins until we realized the demo didn't have these and so removed them.


Now Anakin tried to tell everybody that the demo was going to have the maps and skins added later, but (as unluck would have it) the AOTC site was down for many hours, then back up, then down again, then back up, then down again, etc.


Finally the demo itself comes in a zip file with just an executable and md5. There's no readme to pour over beforehand. You only see the "readme" when you install for the first time, and it isn't much help.


The launcher also implies that maps and skins are included (only by turning off these features in the custom install option and observing how the install size doesn't change when these features are unchecked do you realize they are not included) when they are not.


Clearly they were planned to be included but due to an oversight or overzealousness to release on time, they were left out. Anakin even apologized for this on the site, it's okay to admit your mistakes.


So you can't blame people for being confused.


They see this and all they notice are the fact that there's some old mods packaged together that don't introduce any visual changes and some heavy duty video in the menus that make up the majority of the download file size.



And the readme, you said yourself Zero, that it doesn't list all the changes. Likewise the mod is closed source, and there really is no documentation for this, period. A little blurb when you install that tells you nothing about the game mechanics and an incomplete list of features afterward in an html file.


For the non-coder who doesn't have the source code sitting there in front of him, how is he supposed to know what all has changed? His only option is trial and error. A lot of the included features don't even work properly yet if at all, so again, how is he supposed to give you the benefit of the doubt?


So again, you can see how people might be a bit disappointed.


Me, I'm reserving judgement on the "demo" until I can actually see the full package that was promised and not just part 1. But I think it's clear the launch and presentation of the demo leave much to be desired.


Live and learn!

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Yeah, I was let down a little as well as everyone else. I wasn't 100%sure what exactly it changed. However, there is something that made the game run a little bit better after installing it. And it was kinda fun spawning

a herd of Eopies and acting like a cowboy on a taun taun. The animation for that alone makes excited for what else the group did for the TC.



Like all things released in 'demo' form, it's better to wait for the full version to see what it's really going to be like.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Visually they are enticed with tons of screenshots, showing new maps, models, skins, vehicles, weapons, etc.

This is what is attracting me to the mod in the first place, and still attracts me. I am more or less happy with JA as it plays new, so lots of code changes isn't really what I am interested in. But that's just me.


Never the less, I am still looking forward to the release of the full version :)

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