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This will probably get closed but oh well.

I just thought I'd say hi!!! I'm Tapanga. My name at the scummbar is Deadly_NightShade. I love MI and I've played all the games and completed them all. My favourite MI game is the third one, CMI. :newbie:

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This will probably get closed but oh well.


yes, unfortunately. however let me take advantage of this precious moment to say hi. welcome.


hmm...tapanga. is that some mexican or spanish food or something? it sure sounds like it...oh, i know why. i was watching the food network, and rachael ray was on (i love you, rachael!) and then it went to "from martha's kitchen". she had some lady making food with her and they made tapas, which is some spanish appetizer dish or something.

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Never you mind Orca, Tapanga-- she often likes to dress as the pope and frighten people with her wrinkly latex mask and fake skin blotches. We don't expect you to adapt right away, though: some of us are still getting used to it.






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For which most of us are eternally grateful.

Welcome Newb!


Hey, anyone around here remember the time when I used yto give out virtual gift baskets to the newbs. Nope, doubt it, that was mostly in my escapemi.com days. It's too bad I don't do that anymore.`

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I always knew it, maybe not as aware of it as others, but something inside me always told me that you were too animated to not be a cartoon character. Wel,, now you can join the ranks of Me and Zoom Rabbit.

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