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Harrier II Vehicle Model


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The Mesh is done, just having problems with the tags. If anyone can help. That would be great:





name harrier


numHands 2

hideRider 1

killRiderOnDeath 1

lookYaw 45

length 240

width 200

height 320

g2radius 320

centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0"

speedMax 2400

turboSpeed 4000

turboDuration 2000

turboRecharge 6000

speedMin 0

acceleration 25

decelIdle 12

accelIdle 20

speedIdle 1200

//test: speed stays at whatever you last set it to...

throttleSticks 1

strafePerc 0.1125

bankingSpeed 0.5

rollLimit 45

pitchLimit 80

//rollLimit -1

//pitchLimit -1

braking 30

mouseYaw 0.003

mousePitch 0.003

turningSpeed 6

turnWhenStopped 0

traction 18

friction 0.75

speedDependantTurning 1

maxSlope 0.65

mass 500

//armor 3000

//malfunctionArmorLevel 500

//health_front 300

//health_back 200

//health_right 250

//health_left 250

armor 750

malfunctionArmorLevel 400

//armor 1800

//malfunctionArmorLevel 600

health_front 200

health_back 200

health_right 400

health_left 400

toughness 75.0

model harrier

riderAnim BOTH_VS_IDLE

radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/tieF"

dmgIndicFrame "gfx/menus/radar/circle_base_frame_imp"

dmgIndicShield "gfx/menus/radar/circle_base_shield"

dmgIndicBackground "gfx/menus/radar/circle_base"

icon_front "gfx/menus/radar/TF_front"

icon_back "gfx/menus/radar/TF_back"

icon_right "gfx/menus/radar/TF_right"

icon_left "gfx/menus/radar/TF_left"

crosshairShader "gfx/menus/radar/TF_reticle"

soundOn "sound/vehicles/tie/on.wav"

soundLoop "sound/vehicles/tie/loop.wav"

soundOff "sound/vehicles/tie/off.wav"

soundFlyBy "sound/vehicles/tie/flyby.wav"

soundFlyBy2 "sound/vehicles/tie/flyby2.wav"

soundHyper "sound/vehicles/common/hyperstartimp.wav"

soundTurbo "sound/vehicles/tie/flyby.wav"

soundfire "sound/vehicles/tie/flyby.wav"


exhaustFX "ships/tiefighter_exhaust_turbo"

turboFX "ships/tiefighter_exhaust_turbo"

impactFX "ships/scrape_sparks"

explodeFX "ships/TF_explosion"

trailFX "ships/truckex"

dmgFX "ships/heavydmg"

injureFX "ships/lightdmg"

noseFX "ships/TF_nose"

lwingFX "ships/TF_lwing"

rwingFX "ships/TF_rwing"

flammable 1

hoverHeight 80

hoverStrength 10

explosionRadius 400

explosionDamage 1000

explosionDelay 5000



surfDestruction 1


landingHeight 100



weap1 rebel_laser

weap1Delay 150

weap1Aim 1

weap1AmmoMax 40

weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500

weap1Link 1


weap2 atst_rocket

weap2Delay 500

weap2Aim 1

weap2AmmoMax 15

weap2Link 1


weapMuzzle1 rebel_laser

weapMuzzle2 rebel_laser

weapMuzzle3 atst_rocket

weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket

weapMuzzle5 atst_rocket

weapMuzzle6 atst_rocket


cameraOverride 1

cameraRange 500

cameraVertOffset 20

cameraPitchOffset 10

cameraFOV 100

cameraAlpha 0



I just wanted to have it to fire two ine guns (will make efx things later) from the front area and then the others, rockets, from the wings but it an't working...oddd

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