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Lucasarts Killed Mojo!

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Just thought I'd point this out: If it wasn't for LucasArts pulling its adventure games then Mojo would still have a reason to update reguarly.


Killing off our communities: Yet another reason why LucasArts are the spawn of the devil!


See you all in hell! (Well, the Idle Thumbs forums probably.)


Ta ta!


- TP2K1

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Originally posted by Alien426

It's debatable. Just like it's debatable what kills: the person pulling the trigger, the bullet or blood loss/shock/...


Actually I think it's the silver. Or were you just talking in general.

And please think, if LA hadn't cancelled the games, we'd still have something worth writing news about, now that we don't (apart from the ocassional fired.leaving LA employee) there's nothing much else we can talk about when it coems to LA, whichc is why Idle Thumbs was created, as a way of talking about just about anything, not restricted to LA news.

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I don't really post here that much (in fact for the last year or so, not at all) but every time I check in, one of the biggest topics of conversation in the main forum (aside from Sam and Max 2) is about 'ridiculously large cover scans' or something.


Lucasarts hasn't produced a decent game inhouse since Grim, and there seems to be no hope on the horizon for anything worth getting excited about. Mojo can't run on nostalgia alone, and you can only bitch about how poor Monkey Island 4 was so many times before you feel like taking a power tool to your skull.


Idle Thumbs is a great way to keep the Mojo/AG vibe/community alive. It's a great site, and I hope it only gets better.


It's not like Mojo is going offline. The Scumm Bar survives without much news. Mojo will do the same.




Mojo will get probably get much more interesting as the release of Psychonauts gets closer. That's probably not enough to keep a Lucasarts fan site alive though.


Yeah, it's TPWCS&M2's fault that there is no news, which has the effect of 'killing' Mojo.


But you can't mull over the fact that Lucasarts is not the same company that released all the games we love, you gotta move on.


A site primarily concerned with hatred of a once beloved company is not a fun place to be, or run, I imagine.

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Nah, hate CAN be fun:




See? :)


As for the "bullet wounds" senario... You die from wounds directly resulting from being shot --duh! Haven't you ever watched ER, CSI, CSI: Miami, Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Without a Trace... man! You Americans sure have a lot of "gritty crime" dramas, don't you?


You get the idea.

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Originally posted by Andi Wan

It's not like Mojo is going offline. The Scumm Bar survives without much news. Mojo will do the same.


Good point, 7 years since the last decent Monkey Island game and we're still talking about it or things related to it (okay, so pirates of the caribbean isn't directly related but come on, same ride!) and the scumm bar is going strong and great. okay so we had a scare after the mojo crash when the scumm bar said it would close it's doors and made everyone cry with that goodbye music, but then it came back and it's better than ever! (too much optomism there I'm afraid, I'll have to tone it down a bit in the future)

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