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What will be your weapon of choice?


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Select from the following and explain your selection:


*Blaster Pistol


*Blaster Rifle

*Heavy Blaster Rifle

*Scoped Blaster Rifle

*Anti-Vehicular/Missile/Proton Launcher


+Thermal Detonator

+Concusssion Grenades/Missiles

+Remote Detonation/Timed Explosive


=Heavy Weapon Emplacement/Turbolaser

=Indirect fire support/Orbital Strike




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Depends on the situation. I know in BF42 there are some large maps that the only way to get around is in a vechile. In that case an anti armor weapon is best. Just depends for me. As far as a vechile, I will take the AT-AT, shoot down speeders, blast at trenches and squash a couple of rebels. MUHAHAHA :atat:

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I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to certain games. An ordinary blaster rifle will do for me. If it was good enough to be the main weapon in the films then why change it? Besides I don't like the prospect of introducing a bunch of UT styled weapons. If you don't have to make it up then don't, use what the hard working prop guys made in the films.


Side note*

anyone play Troopers for ut2004? I tried it and thought "not bad" for a ut mod but why play that when there's already JA?

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We haven't seen the Wookiee bowcaster.


We haven't seen any explosives (bombs, detonators, mines, etc.).


We haven't seen orbital strikes.


We don't know what weapon the Imperial Officer will have other than a pistol and orbital strikes.


We haven't seen the Pilot Droid's grenade launcher.


We haven't seen the scatter rifle.

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Originally posted by jasperw

The pistol (only pilot waepon on the list).


BTW, why didn't you make a poll?


This is more of an open ended question on what players would prefer as their weapon and the reasons for their selection.


Actual gameplay selection will reflect more on how the game is implemented, and until the demo or retail is released that question will have to wait. People have seen enough Star Wars to have an idea of what kind of weapon they prefer based purely on personal preference.



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How do the orbital strikes work?


Use your imagination. A player designates a target, and after a brief delay the target area is bombarded with ordnance.


Similiar effects in other games would include the artillery support ability of FieldOps in Wolfenstein:ET, the Ion Cannon in Command and Conquer series, or the Starcraft Ghost abilty to paint target areas to nuke.


The question is what is your weapon of choice. I've provided a list of Star Wars Battlefront weapons that are known, but that is only a guideline.


Include a brief explanation of your selection.



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