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Cool phyics demo


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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

Check this out, its something like those physics that you see in todays games. :cool:


Oh and i'm talking about the 1.4MB one.....


I just clicked the link.. and from the stuff I see so far I think i'm gonna like this site :cool:



[EDIT] Whoa. I just spent an hour and a half on that.

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Originally posted by RoxStar

It seems to me that these tools are free... are they?

no, it does cost money.


We strive to make it possible for all developers to afford our solutions. For this we have developed a quite different pricing model. Instead of a large payment up front, we offer a risk-sharing scheme where you can pay a low monthly fee.

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Originally posted by tFighterPilot

My favorite was the one with the walking people. I enjoyed shooting balls at them :D


LMAO, I just found a glitch on that one, grab someone and while holding down the grab button (left click) zoom in and out (right click) and then let go, he'll be stuck to a point in space, and he'll fly to whoever you start dragging. If you do the same tachnique to mulitple ppl they'll all stick together, and if one of them hits the dissapear/respawn point his parts will respawn and fly back to the group. And if the whole grouop is near the respawn point they'll keep respawning and flaying back and up and everywhere and ther'll be this vortex of parts, and if you fling the whole gruop around its like part confetti. And you can hold the whoole gruop up in the air and shoot balls at them XD

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