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Holowan Laboratories - News @ RPGDot


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Back again with another Holowan Laboratoriess newsbit today - I was unable to gert my internet connection to work all day Thursday - so there was no report. Todays writeup featured:


(1) RedHawke


(2) tk102


(3) Achilles & Sith_Master2000


(4) Montross


(5) Wampire


(6) Silvergt

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Yet another Holowan Laboratories reporting day (I didn't do a report on Tuesday - as there were not enough new mods and such available to make a report worthwhile)...


First off - I did a spot on new KotOR modder "abcdow" - with repost of the mod announcement here at the Holowan - to include the acknowledgements given to various Holowan modders.


Then I did newsbits on the following Holowan modders:


(1) Achilles (with his Thanks to Numark79 & Prime)


(2) tk102


(3) sith_master2000


(4) Silvergt


(5) And a special newsbit for bneezy


BTW - some of you might get a kick on my RPGDot newsbit entitled "The Ten Top Unannounced Star Wars Games".


Links for today's reporting:


RPGDot: http://www.rpgdot.com/index.php


Our KotOR site: http://kotor.rpgdot.com/index.php


And I did some reporting over at our AdventureDot site:



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Never a Problem, Achilles:-)


And now for today's RPGDot report on the Holowan...first of all - I'll frankly admit I couldn't resist reporting rather in-depth (with some editorial corrections) on Svosh's "Carth Underwear Skin" *chuckles* and it's dedication therein.


Then I did some newsbits on the following modders (In no certain order):


(1) Fred Tetra


(2) RedHawke


(3) T7nowhere


(4) Bneezy


I also made mention of several Holowan threads - most notably, the "Mod Request" thread, and the various "WIP" threads.

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Ahh yes...another good Holowan Laboratories report filed over at RPGDot and our KotOR website.


First of all - I took the opportunity to tease Fred Tetra on his modeling abilities - then I did my "on spot" report for his "Fred Tetra's Wristwatch", and his KotOR Tool website.


Next, the following modders were featured (with their respective mods, of course):


(1) Achilles (I didn't post a link to your website due to your running out of bandwidth, OK?)


(2) Shem


(3) Jedi_5002 (for his familiar mod *chuckles*)


(4) Drog


(5) PrtyLizardJedi


(6) Messkell (BTW - my readers will want to know - what ever became of the "Bastilla's New Lingerie Uncensored" version???)

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I did another Holowan Laboratories report today (wasn't really anything to report on last Thursday)...


First off - I did finally get the link opened to the "Mod of The Week" - so I ended my report with that newsbit and a word of congratulations to RedHawke.


Then I featured the following mods/modders:


(1) Drog


(2) RedHawke (featured story)


(3) Bneezy


(4) Shem


(5) T7nowheere


(6) Achilles


Lastly - I did a small newsbit re Fred Tetra's upgraded KotOR Tool.

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And now - on with today's Holowan Report over at RPGDot & our KotOR affiliate website:-)


Today's featured modders/mods are as follows:


(1) PrtyLizardJedi (with his two latest "Dark Side" mods)


(2) TK102


(3) Shem


(4) Darkender & the lovely Darth 333 both for the Holowan Recruitment Manager


(5) T7nowhere


(6) Drog

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Originally posted by CDRSeadog

Another good day for reporting on the Holowan Laboratories today...the following modders being featured in today's report:


(1) Achilles & his website (check out my PM to you though) & the last 9 of his mods.


(2) RedHawke & his website.


(3) Darth333.


(4) tk102.


(5) Xavier2.


(6) Nodakrattler (with collaborators AlBundy & Montross).

Oh, my!! Thanks!!! I never saw that coming. I feel ashame i only noticed this mention today. Thanks again:D



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Indeed, lady Darth333...I was aware there was a bit of controversy regarding the whole affair...I chose the safe route by (1) giving a short blurb on the mod, and (2) by giving a much larger overview of the mod's origin in conjunction with that particular report - with credit put where it was due. I can well understand your concerns re this subject - I oft get a chuckle over all the new & original "feats and force powers" mods now being put up...perhaps credit to the original mod author is not necesssarily given - but I can understand the nature of youth and it's impetious drive in being creative for creative's sake:-)


That being said - NP, Xavier2. I post this thread only to let you all know when, where, and what I am saying to my readers about the Holowan, and it's gifted group of modders - it is kind of my way of showing appreciation to people I well understand, as well as my own way of saying a hearty "thank-You" for your tireless efforts in providing greater enhancement to others in their KotOR gaming experience.


And as far as you, my friend tk102 - you are always welcomed:-)

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Another good day for Holowan Laboratories news at RPGDot and our KotOR sistersite.


Today I did add a few new aspects to my report (1) I made mention of the two newest WIP threads by CaptainSkye and Xavier2 as a part of my report, and (2) I reiterated what (in my own, humble opinion) is the "King of Compilation Mods" - T7nowhere's Holowan Plug-In mod.


Additionally - the following modders were featured in today's report:


(1) PrtyLizardJedi


(2) Chainz


(3) RedHawke


(4) Tk102


(5) Shem


(6) Grif Vindh


NOTE #1: BTW Messkell - as of today, I've received some 19 seperate e-mails from readers wondering whatever became of the "Bastila's New Lingerie (Uncensored Version) Mod"??? *chuckles*


NOTE #2: Ummm - I seem to have noticed that RedHawke has been the ONLY "Mod Of The Week" Winner thus far - is that award still ongoing??

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Yet another Holowan Laboratories report today - I did a special plug on the Mod of The Week website again - with special congrats to Sepithro...


Additionally, the following modders were featured today:


(1) Tk102


(2) RedHawke (and website)


(3) Shem


(4) Locutus (and website)


(5) ChAiNz


(6) Illuzion69

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My apologies for the belated reply - things around here have been rather busy of late...


nevertheless, you are very welcomed, ChAiNz - it is always a pleassure to recognize those who strive to enable fellow gamers to get increased pleasure from gaming:-)

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Today was another Holowan Laboratories reporting day - first of all, my congratulations to Grif Vindh for winning the "Mod of the Week" (I did a brief newsbit on that today)...


Then, the following modders/mods were featured in today's report:


(1) RedHawke


(2) Shem


(3) ChAiNz


(4) Cchargtin


(5) Messkell


(6) Ranger Six & Prime


(7) Darth_ToMeR

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