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Biggest things that make JK2 the superior game


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For me, it's the fact that basejka full force sabers is basically unplayable. Not to mention the horrible hit detection, random damage, ect. Fortunately, Xmod fixes all of this. It's like the promod of JKA. A close 2nd would be the disaster of JAmod. With its newbie creator and his newbie settings (0 force regen, jetpacks, grapplehooks, ect) he has basically ruined one community and turned the rest into unskilled jackass fests.

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You mean JA+, not JA mod. Don't confuse cHoSeN oNe's JA mod with Slider's JA+. Two different games, two different mods, two different authors.


And it is your opinion that JK2 is the superior game. I prefer Jedi Academy over JK2. Why? One word: Siege. ;)

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I used to think that the abusive commands were the worst thing about JA Plus Mod. Now I'm starting to think the fact that slider set g_forceregentime 0 in his sample server.cfg is the worst thing he has done to this community.


JA Plus is popular with "newbie" server operators who simply use the server.cfg that slider provides with the mod (with g_forceregentime 0). Therefore, there are a lot of servers out there with g_forceregentime 0, and a lot of players think that 0 is the normal "default" value (default is 200). If they go to a server with g_forceregentime set to something other than 0, they think the server is "messed up".

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lol amidala, you are always trying to find things in JA+ mod to say that JA+ ruins the game...


lol you will never change

my startup files are just example to help server owners...to configure their server...


Each server owner have to take it and edit it to change passwordsn server namen JA+ cvars......

if a lot of servers keep 0 or less than 200 don't you think that perhaps a lot of poeple prefer to have a quicker force regen?


server owner know very well how to change a lot of cvars in the mod.....so don't you think that they also know how to change the cvars that come with the game like g_forceregentime?


server owners are not stupid.....

if they keep 0 or less than 200 perhaps they prefer to have it like that......

Since JK2, a lot of server are using forceregen 0....

it is like that since JK2

It is not the fault of JA+....

JA+ even didn't exist in JK2....



and it is more true with JKA since kata and simple DFA use also force mana....


so amidala stop accusing me in all forums i discover for thing i am not responsible for

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Originally posted by Slider744

my startup files are just example to help server owners...to configure their server...


Each server owner have to take it and edit it to change passwordsn server namen JA+ cvars......

if a lot of servers keep 0 or less than 200 don't you think that perhaps a lot of poeple prefer to have a quicker force regen?


server owner know very well how to change a lot of cvars in the mod.....so don't you think that they also know how to change the cvars that come with the game like g_forceregentime?


server owners are not stupid.....

if they keep 0 or less than 200 perhaps they prefer to have it like that......

Since JK2, a lot of server are using forceregen 0....

it is like that since JK2

It is not the fault of JA+....

JA+ even didn't exist in JK2....



I'm sorry slider, I have to disagree. I help provide support at a server provider, and the general level of knowledge about server configuration is extremely low. A lot of newbies simply take your server.cfg, change the password and sv_hostname, and otherwise use it as is, because that is the limit of their knowledge. Because your server.cfg file combines the server cvars AND the mod cvars into one huge, long server.cfg file, it is almost impossible to find a cvar in there, even if you wanted to change it. Here is a typical post:


We have a server it runs on Ja+ mod 2.1 and we have tried to change the damages because they are really high like one hit kills we have edited them through rcon and the server.cfg but they wont change dispite what they say the the damages are through the console.......we have run out of ideas on how to fix this problem so do u have any answers as to how we can fix this problem???????


here is a copy of our server cfg




///////////////////SERVER GENERAL SETTINGS////////////////////////



//---------SERVER PASSWORDS-----------

seta rconpassword ""


//seta g_password "pass for private server"


//seta sv_privatePassword "pass for private clients"

//seta sv_privateClients 0


//----------MAIN SETTINGS------------

seta sv_hostname "€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€^1RoAR"

seta g_motd "^0Welcome to ^1RoAR's ^0new server"

seta sv_maxclients 24


// gametypes

// 0 = FFA

// 3 = DUEL one on one tournament



// 7 = SIEGE

// 8 = CTF

seta g_gametype 0





//---------FORCE & Wepons----------------

seta g_weaponDisable 524274 // just saber

seta g_forcePowerDisable 8353 // For forcePower bit values use the rcon cmd forcetoggle

seta g_maxForceRank 8

seta g_forceRegenTime "0"



//----------OTHER SERVER SETTINGS------

//seta g_gravity "800"

//seta sv_timeout "300"

//seta g_warmup "0"

//seta g_doWarmup "0"

seta g_teamAutoJoin 0

seta g_friendlyfire "0"


seta g_friendlySaber "0"




//seta g_log "games.log"

//seta g_statLog "1"

//seta g_statLogFile "stats.log"



seta g_inactivity 0

seta g_timeouttospec 0


seta sv_maxRate 7000

//[Connection Speed] / ([Num Clients] x 8 ) = [sv_maxrate]


seta g_allowvote 0

seta timelimit 60

seta fraglimit 00

seta capturelimit 20

seta duel_fraglimit "1"


seta g_autoMapCycle 0



seta sv_allowdownload 1



seta g_dismember "300" // the players must allow cg_dismember "300"



seta g_banIPs ""

seta sv_maxPing "0"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"

seta sv_reconnectlimit "2"


seta g_saberLocking 1

seta g_saberLockFactor 10


seta g_slowmoDuelEnd 0

seta g_allowDuelSuicide 0

seta g_siegeTeamSwitch 1




seta g_locationBasedDamage 1

seta g_stepSlideFix 1

seta g_allowNPC 1

seta bot_minplayers 0


seta g_useWhileThrowing 1

seta g_armBreakage 0

seta g_enableBreath 0

seta g_enableDust 1





////////////////JA+ MOD SETTINGS///////////////////////////////





//---------Client Side PLugin----------------------

seta sv_pure "0" // not ja+ related but used by the plugin system



///////////ADMIN SETTINGS//////


seta jp_councilPass ""

seta jp_knightPass ""

seta jp_instructorPass ""


seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD "139986624"

seta jp_knightAllowedCMD "2891754"

seta jp_councilAllowedCMD "536805374"



seta jp_councilLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^3admin council."

seta jp_knightLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^5admin knight."

seta jp_instructorLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^5admin instructor."


seta jp_admUsableOn 0 //-2 for all except admins, -1 for all, 0 for usable on lower or equal admin rank, 1 for usable on lower admin rank

seta jp_admScript 1

seta jp_admLoginEffect 1


//--------ANTI Admin Abuse----------------------

seta jp_antiAdmAbuseTimer 0

seta jp_antiAdmAbuseCmdsNumber 10

seta jp_antiAdmAbuseNumberB4ban 0



/////////JA+ MAIN SETTINGS/////


seta jp_teamLock 0

seta jp_starTrekTeleport 0


seta jp_allowTeamKill 0

seta jp_allowGodTalk 1

seta jp_inactivityProtectTimer 60



seta bot_honorableduelacceptance 1


//----------Welcome MSGs---------

seta jp_motd "^6Welcome to ^1RoAR\n^1Rebels of Another Realm\n^7RULES:\n^5~^2OBEY ADMINS\n^5~^2CURSING ALLOWED\n^5~^2NO LAMING\n^5~^2NOW RECRUITING!\nwww.roar.5u.com"

seta jp_motdtime 15 // 5 seconds

seta jp_welcomeMSG "Welcome to ^1RoAR"


//------ANTI CHEAT Macro Scanning---------------------

seta jp_macroScan 0


//----------Vote management---------

seta jp_onlyVotingClients 1

seta jp_votesDisable 0

seta jp_voteTimer 10


//-------DUel settings------

seta jp_allowTeamDuel 1

seta jp_endDuelBroadcastMSG 1

seta jp_removeDistanceDuelLimit 1

seta jp_duelStartArmor 100

seta jp_DuelAlpha "-1" // non interference code


//--------ITEMS ALLOWED----------

seta jp_pushAll 1

seta jp_giveWP_MELEE 1

seta jp_allowJetpack 1

seta jp_allowFlameThrower 1

seta jp_allowHook 1

seta jp_allowCloakItem 0

seta jp_cloakFuel 1

seta jp_allowSaberSwitch 1

seta jp_allowRGBsaber 1


//------Bad Words FIlter----------------

seta jp_wordFilter 0

seta jp_wordFilterBan ""

seta jp_wordFilterNumberB4punish 0


//-------PLAYER NAMES------------

seta jp_oldPlayerName 0

seta jp_allowSamePlayerNames 0

seta jp_allowBlackName 1


//-------MODEL SCALE-------------

seta jp_allowModelScale 0

seta jp_allowDmgSpeedScale 0



//-------MOVES & ATTACKS----------

seta g_debugMelee 1

seta jp_slideOnPlayer 0

seta jp_gripSpeedScale 0.8

seta jp_reduceSaberBlock 0

seta jp_autoDuelBOW 1

seta jp_improveYellowDFA 1

seta jp_allowNewDFA 1

seta jp_allowSPattacks 1

seta jp_allowSPForces 2

seta jp_allowAmKnockmedown 0


seta jp_allowAmDropSaber 0


seta jp_allowflipkick 1

seta jp_flipkickScaleDMG 1


seta jp_pushPullKnockDown 1

seta jp_fixRoll 1

seta jp_emotDisallow 0

seta jp_fixEmot 1


//-------HIGHLANDER FFA modification-----------------

seta jp_highlander 0

seta jp_highlanderMaxForceRank 5

seta jp_highlanderStartingLives 1

seta jp_highlanderFinalDualTimeLimit 2

seta jp_highlanderServerNameSav ""



//-------JEdi Vs Merc Modification-----------------

seta g_jediVmerc "0"



/////////Center Screen MSGs/////////






// MSGs displayed at the center of the screen

// FOr Broadcast Msg, the %s will be replaced by the name of the player



seta jp_msgBroadcastSleep "%s\n is falling asleep"

seta jp_msgTargetSleep "You are sleeping!"

seta jp_msgAllSleep "You are all sleeping!"


seta jp_msgBroadcastWake "%s\n is waking up"

seta jp_msgTargetWake "You awaken!\n Stop distrub..."

seta jp_msgAllWake "You are all waking up!"


seta jp_msgBroadcastSlap "%s\n has been slapped"

seta jp_msgTargetSlap "You Fly"


seta jp_msgBroadcastSilence "%s\n has been ^5silenced"

seta jp_msgTargetSilence "You are silenced!\n Stop distrub..."

seta jp_msgAllSilence "You are all ^5silenced!"


seta jp_msgBroadcastUnsilence "%s\n has been ^5unsilenced"

seta jp_msgTargetUnsilence "You can speak!"

seta jp_msgAllUnsilence "You are all ^5unsilenced!"



seta jp_msgBroadcastPunish "%s\n has been ^5punished"

seta jp_msgTargetPunish "You are punished!\n Stop distrub..."

seta jp_msgAllPunish "You are all ^5punished!"


seta jp_msgBroadcastUnpunish "%s\n has been ^5forgiven"

seta jp_msgTargetUnpunish "You are forgiven!\n Stop distrub..."

seta jp_msgAllUnpunish "You are all ^5forgiven!"



seta jp_msgBroadcastSlay "%s\n has been dismembered"

seta jp_msgTargetSlay "You are dismembered"


seta jp_msgBroadcastProtect "%s\n is being ^5protected"

seta jp_msgTargetProtect "You get protection!"



seta jp_msgBroadcastUnprotect "%s\n is loosing ^5protection"

seta jp_msgTargetUnprotect "You lost ^5protection!"



seta jp_msgBroadcastEmpower "%s\n has been ^5empowered"

seta jp_msgTargetEmpower "You are ^5empowered!"



seta jp_msgBroadcastUnempower "%s\n has lost the ^5power"

seta jp_msgTargetUnempower "You lost the ^5power!"


seta jp_msgBroadcastTeleport "%s\n has been teleported"

seta jp_msgTargetTeleport "You have been teleported"


seta jp_msgBroadcastMindtrick "%s\n has been Mindtricked\n he lost his eyes!"

seta jp_msgTargetMindtrick "You have been Mindtricked\n You lost your eyes!"


seta jp_msgBroadcastUnmindtrick "%s\n has been UnMindtricked"

seta jp_msgTargetUnmindtrick "You have been UnMindtricked"


seta jp_msgBroadcastGhost "%s\n is a Ghost"

seta jp_msgTargetGhost "You become a Ghost"


seta jp_msgBroadcastUnghost "%s\n has been Unghosted"

seta jp_msgTargetUnghost "You have been Unghosted"


seta jp_msgBroadcastMerc "%s\n is a Super Merc"

seta jp_msgTargetMerc "You become a Super Merc"


seta jp_msgBroadcastUnmerc "%s\n lost Weapons"

seta jp_msgTargetUnmerc "You lost Weapons"


seta jp_msgBroadcastDenyvote "%s\n cannot callvote any more"

seta jp_msgTargetDenyvote "You lost the vote right"



seta jp_msgBroadcastUndenyvote "%s\nis allowed to callvote"

seta jp_msgTargetUndenyvote "You are allowed to vote"



///////SABER DAMAGES CVAR////////////







seta jp_alterDMG 0

seta jp_allowSaberTouchDMG 0

seta d_saberSPStyleDamage 1


//------the following cvars are used only if jp_alterDMG 1------

seta jp_SaberThrowScaleDMG 1


seta jp_StaffDualSpinAttack 10

seta jp_DualKataAttack 50

seta jp_StaffKataAttackMin 30

seta jp_StaffKataAttackMax 50

seta jp_StaffBackAttackMin 2

seta jp_StaffBackAttackMax 30

seta jp_DualBackAttackMin 2

seta jp_DualBackAttackMax 25

seta jp_StaffDualOtherAttackMin 2

seta jp_StaffDualOtherAttackMax 45

seta jp_StaffDualNormalAttackMin 2

seta jp_StaffDualNormalAttackMax 60


seta jp_SingleStrongNormalAttackMin 2

seta jp_SingleStrongNormalAttackMax 110

seta jp_SingleStrongDfaAttackMin 2

seta jp_SingleStrongDfaAttackMax 180

seta jp_SingleStrongBackAttackMin 2

seta jp_SingleStrongBackAttackMax 50

seta jp_SingleStrongOtherAttack 100


seta jp_SingleMediumDfaAttackMin 2

seta jp_SingleMediumDfaAttackMax 70

seta jp_SingleMediumBackAttackMin 2

seta jp_SingleMediumBackAttackMax 35

seta jp_SingleMediumOtherAttack 60


seta jp_SingleFastLungeAttackMin 2

seta jp_SingleFastLungeAttackMax 30

seta jp_SingleFastBackAttackMin 2

seta jp_SingleFastBackAttackMax 30

seta jp_SingleFastOtherAttack 35


seta jp_SingleKataAttackMin 30

seta jp_SingleKataAttackMax 50

seta jp_StabDownAttackMin 2

seta jp_StabDownAttackMax 50

seta jp_RollStabAttackMin 2

seta jp_RollStabAttackMax 12

seta jp_NewSpinDfaAttackMin 2

seta jp_NewSpinDfaAttackMax 60

seta jp_NewPullAttackMin 2

seta jp_NewPullAttackMax 50












/////////////////////////END OF JA+ CVAR SETTINGS////////////////////////////





//----------SERVER MAP LAUnCHING---------------

map MP/FFA5


Do you think newbie server operators can find anything in that mess? They can't. It's so long, confusing, and intimidating they just use it as is, after changing sv_hostname, g_MOTD, and rconpassword.


But my point is, they don't change g_forceregentime 0 even if they could find the cvar in that server.cfg because you have made it so widespread that many players wrongly think that is the "default" value.


I would guess that many players have never played on a server with anything other than g_forceregentime 0 because everywhere they go, they are on a server with JA Plus Mod and g_forceregentime 0. Because of you and JA Plus Mod, they think that is "normal" (default), so they never even think to change it. Comprende?


To try and undo some of the damage spreading that misconception has done, it would be nice if you would change the default value of Force regeneration in JA Plus Mod's sample server.cfg file to "only" 2x or 4x or 5x or even 10x faster than default. But, I'm not foolish enough to expect you to do that, because that would demonstrate some concern for the community.

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Originally posted by Slider744

lol amidala, you are always trying to find things in JA+ mod to say that JA+ ruins the game...


server owners are not stupid.....


#1 it does.


#2 what ****ing planet are you from?

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Slider, in jk2 there was maybe 1-3 servers that made the force regen 0. Complete and utter newbie servers. You, sir, are a complete and utter newbie. There is a reason why every oldschool elite jk2 player mocks and makes fun of ja+ mod. Not just amidala....EVERY oldschool elite jk2 player. Your mod is simply a dumbed down version of JK2 for newbies. Newbies now like 0 force regen more then 200 because they played on it nonstop with your mod when they didn't know any better, and now they get owned when they don't play with 0, so they hate it. Here is a short list of reasons why 0 force regen is a retarded way to play:


1) It takes almost all strategy and complexity out of full force dueling. One does not need to conserve force, or think about when to attack, since they get their force back instantly. It just becomes a mindless spam fest to see who lands the first unbroken Grip Kick, since pull kick and pull throw kick are totally not options given they can drain all the health back in a second and then the next second have all of their force back as well.


2) It takes all percision out of the game. Why learn to really perfect a move when you can just spam it over and over? Why really master grip kick when you can just try to gk them a million times in a row without losing any force? Why learn to really perfect pull kick when you can spam pull 5 times in a row and not get punished for it? Nonsense. Good job newbie.


Here is a brief explination of why adding jetpacks, grapplehooks, ect is retarded:


It takes all strategy and complexity out of the game. Why learn to strafe jump or wall climb when you can just jetpack or grapple where you want to go? Why learn to navigate maps the way they were intended to be played?



In short, all you have done is ruin all hopes at making a competitive gametype out of JKA. So many newbies refuse to leave the comfort of your mod that trying to get a real community going is impossible. You are clearly a complete newb with no idea of how the game is supposed to be balanced. The game was never intended to be played on 0 regen, and doesn't work well with it. The maps were never intended to be played with jetpacks and grapplehooks, and they don't play well with them. All you are doing is either (in some cases) taking away things to help newbies compete with skilled players, or in other cases, giving newbies things that allow them to compete more with skilled players.


Here is a list of reasons why X-Mod is clearly the superior mod:


1) Better kicking

2) Drastically improved hit detection

3) Random damage removed, Pull throw reverted to JK2 style (less luck, more skill)

4) speed rage fix

5) Out of Line of Sight Gripping ala JK2

6) standard legit regen setting of 200

7) No nonsense "Non-Legit" gameplay added, all standard additions are based on JK2 gameplay.

8) Roll fix


I could go on but i'm bored.


You are a joke man. No skilled players from jk2 think you are anything but a newb.

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Originally posted by Master William

as in JK2 do you mean Jedi Outcast? if so, this thread belongs in the JO forum


and in my opinion, most mods attempt to turn JA into JO - go play JO.

well, your wrong. by making the game turning into jo but with the new stuff and new players. what do u prefer? to play ctf so/ff on basejka? don't make me laugh pls
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Originally posted by AnalogSaint

There is a reason why every oldschool elite jk2 player mocks and makes fun of ja+ mod. Not just amidala....EVERY oldschool elite jk2 player. Your mod is simply a dumbed down version of JK2 for newbies.

I thought it was an attempt to turn JA into a little playground.


Here is a brief explination of why adding jetpacks, grapplehooks, ect is retarded:


It takes all strategy and complexity out of the game. Why learn to strafe jump or wall climb when you can just jetpack or grapple where you want to go? Why learn to navigate maps the way they were intended to be played?

Not to mention there are no risks of falling in those bottomless pits with jetpacks and grappling hooks.


I thought the animation for the grappling was like someone sniffing their armpit with a laser shooting out of their elbow... :p

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you are all so LoL......


no need to make remember that this is a game


a game is supposed to have fun...

ALl those things like jetpack, flamethrower, grapple hook, extended melee attacks, new attacks, new moves ..... are supposed to have fun.....


If you don't want to have fun, perhaps you should stop to play...


Now if you want to make competition and not change the gameplay too much, you can disable all new things in JA+

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It's not so fun chasing some grapple fool around the entire map for one kill. Not to mention that all the "new" stuff unbalances the game and helped ruin it.


Originally posted by Slider744

a game is supposed to have fun...

ALl those things like jetpack, flamethrower, grapple hook, extended melee attacks, new attacks, new moves ..... are supposed to have fun.....

Inanimate things can't have fun! :p



"there is no spoone" -The Matricks

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