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Reign Of The Sith Mod Is Out

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I have another question for you Darth333. I would like to know how to make Cinematic scenes. So basicly i want to know how to make the player invisible or change what he looks like. What i want to do is teleport the player to a location, change him to invisible or to a different looking person, and begin a convo.

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For changing shape, check this old thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=128638


There are a few special effects in the script so just remove them.


Concerning invisibility, you can try this:

void main() {
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 effect eVFX=EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_INVISIBILITY);
 eVFX = SupernaturalEffect(eVFX);


For Cinematics scenes, if you mean cutscenes, it is possible but depending on what you want to do , itmay be a considerable amount of scripting. If you mean movies, then check the guide for the newbie, there are some tools there and perhaps you could do a copy, cut and paste job like I did for the sound in my recruitable Dustil mod. I haven't tried with movies due to lack of time and interest.

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Originally posted by Darth333

For changing shape, check this old thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=128638


There are a few special effects in the script so just remove them.


Concerning invisibility, you can try this:

void main() {
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 effect eVFX=EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_INVISIBILITY);
 eVFX = SupernaturalEffect(eVFX);


For Cinematics scenes, if you mean cutscenes, it is possible but depending on what you want to do , itmay be a considerable amount of scripting. If you mean movies, then check the guide for the newbie, there are some tools there and perhaps you could do a copy, cut and paste job like I did for the sound in my recruitable Dustil mod. I haven't tried with movies due to lack of time and interest.

Thanks but, how do i turn it off?

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Originally posted by Gsccc

Thanks but, how do i turn it off?

The disguise effect:

void main() 
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 effect eEffect = GetFirstEffect(oPC);
 while (GetIsEffectValid(eEffect)) 
if (GetEffectType(eEffect) == EFFECT_TYPE_DISGUISE)
        RemoveEffect(oPC, eEffect);


the invisibility effect (from tk102 vfx armband):

void main() 
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 effect eCheck = GetFirstEffect(oPC);
 while (GetIsEffectValid(eCheck)) 
   if ( 

         (GetEffectType(eCheck)==EFFECT_TYPE_VISUAL) &&
        RemoveEffect(oPC, eCheck);

I need to know where the saber sounds are, Matt and i are making a mod. I am looking with the kotor tool in sounds, so if someone can give me the exact name that would be great.

For the lightsaber sounds, look into Bifs-->sounds.bif-->.wav files and extract.

"cb_ls_swingshrt2.wav" is one of them

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No, i want to edit the lightsaber sounds for my lightsaber mod, matt and i are making a mod. A sabre mod. So im editing the sabers to make them more realistic sounding to the movies. And make the sabers more realistic looking.


Here is a pic to give you an idea:) SABER.gif


It features a new sabre color! Orange! :D

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Originally posted by Gsccc

No, i want to edit the lightsaber sounds for my lightsaber mod, matt and i are making a mod. A sabre mod. So im editing the sabers to make them more realistic sounding to the movies. And make the sabers more realistic looking.


Here is a pic to give you an idea:) SABER.gif


It features a new sabre color! Orange! :D


nice work!!! will they come with your pack, or will ya let us dl them now??

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Originally posted by Gsccc

Im going to try Darth333's idea, but i will release them with Mattcole, i will make a seperate thread containing all info.


My Part of the mod is going to be like a Random ideas with the Blade, i've got some goodens i just need to test them, i just hope they work :p


this will be like v2 of my mod :D



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Tried the latest version of the manaan mod.

Kicks arse!:D


One weird thing though, the Radon guy was dead within a few force storms and one "kill"... Have you switched his stats with the guy outside of the room that looks the same?

Because that guy was way harder...:confused:


Oh, and the voice acting for Radon sounded very professional(except for some slight background sounds, but that didnt bother me very much), very good!:)


The soldiers voices aren't as good as Radons, but good enough. :p


w00t w00t....


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Well i went to Sigraph, in Los Angales today, I got to see all the new kick but animation they have coming out. Let me tell you it is pretty awsome, Critters bought the tool, "SoftImage" which is a real kick but moddleing/Anemating/Art tool, cost us alot though! The cloth effects were AWSOME, as were hair and water and prety much everything else. The guy gave me a like 2 hour toor and tutorial of it, Jack says i yawned 74 times.


As for Cloth effects, i tried a texture like revan's cape and i know that it would be awsome if *I* could do the mod for the wavey cape when you guys find the animation stuff, because the cape flows perfectly.


I met up with Bioware, they were supporting their game Jade Empire as well as a few others including KOTOR, I talked to them about Reign of the Sith, and they were VERY interested. They seem like nice guys to me.


Anyways as for the mod, im shooting for this weekend. But dont get your hopes up. Now I have a game to design AND a mod to make.

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ok you will need to use the Speaker and Listener fields in the dlg file. You can look at any dlg file in the game that has a more than two participating npcs to get an example. You can look at the dlg with YukaLaka in the tat_m17ac module. It is full of examples.


Then attach the script as any other conditional script, in the active field of the RepliesList in the EntryList. Look at this post: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1595337#post1595337

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