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I played KotOR 2


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Yep, the E3 playable demo is featured at the gargantuan Lucasarts exhibit at the San Diego Comic Convention. I was lucky, I got to it early, and the wait was only 20 minutes. The KOTOR demo was only on 1 system, compared to 6 running Star Wars: Battlefronts and 4 running Republic Commando. The E3 demo doesn't actually represent the storyline, it's just to show off gameplay. It's long though, about 30 playable minutes. You can imagine how long the lines got as the afternoon progressed.


To put it bluntly, the demo rocks. You play as a ridiculously overpowered character, either a level 14 Jedi Weapons Master or Sith Marauder, which allows access to a lot of the new Force Powers and upgraded feats. Also means you don’t have to worry about getting killed. The demo is on Telos, starting underground at a mining complex, going aboveground, then into a Sith temple. Underground the only enemies are droids, but they are more effective then the ones in KotOR 1. You have to find and rescue Mira, though if playing darkside, you can kill her instead. You then get to a shuttle, are shot down, have to fight your way through more droids, mercenaries, and beasts on the way to a Sith Temple. Once there, the enemies are the old reliable Sith troopers, both basic silver and Elite red ones, plus some reworked Dark Jedi. The Dark Jedi look much better in this game. So what’s it like?


-Anyone who’s played the previous game can play the sequel. Gameplay is unchanged, the button layout for the XBOX is the same, and the menus, while tweaked, look pretty much the same. Even the icons for returning feats and powers are the same.


-Graphics are improved. The player faces look better; the long flowing robes look a lot more like those from the movies, and look very natural. Also, the weather effects are excellent, the rain and lighting on Telos work very well.


-The voice acting, what little is heard on the demo, is up to the excellent level of the first game. Mira seems to be a pretty cool character, too.


-Another graphics improvement comes in the fighting. The moves are much less repetitive than KotOR 1. I saw at least 2 different moves for all three combat feats. New powers are cool too, especially force sight and force rage.


The demo made me go from “looking forward” to “totally obsessed”. Hell, the guy behind me hadn’t played the first game, but others in line convinced him to buy it.

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hi there,


sounds convincing indeed! I hope it sound goods as I have heard around the net. Don't worry I will be buying it no matter what I played KOTOR 1 and enjoyed the first game also own the first game. I cant wait till the second game comes out. Also I hope the sith are huntinmg for you and not anyone else because in the last game the sith weret really interested in you at all but you were the focus if the game in KOTOR 1. But hopefully the sith capature you are force you to the dark side some how I guess I just have to wait and see.

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remember there is no emotion only peace


jealousy will only lead you to the dark side


That said i'm struggling myself to keep my jealousy under control


but i cant wait to play the game from what our lovely darling pal says the demo is great and according to what i'm reading in the mags added to this sith lords sounds like its going to be one very awsome game


I pity the fools who havent played kotor1

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Originally posted by lowiej

i hope they release the demo

I would say that is extremely unlikely, as most likely there isn't a demo per se. People just got to play a small portion of the current build.


It does sound awesome though...

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A couple things that I forgot to mention. I talked to one of the game testers at the booth. He's played the real game, and he dropped a couple interesting hints.


1-he said it would be out in "early" winter, which makes me thing that could mean pre-christmas.


2-T3 is the only character he could confirm would be in TSL. He also mentioned that it's a reasonable assumption that anyone who could have possibly died wouldn't be in the sequel, not even as a cameo. Meaning no Jolee, Juhani, Bastila or Mission.


He could have been blowing smoke too, I dunno.

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what about time in kotor 2. like will there be night and day for each level? i recently took up neverwinter (graphics nowhere near the level of kotor but still good) and in it there is a sense of time. just wondering if they took that concept and put it into kotro 2.

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From what I've heard there isn't going to be a night or day in KotOR 2, because really for the most part Star Wars environments are more so defined by there climate/weather than by night and day.

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Actually Mav they just might do Day/Night cycles along with weather effects, the engine supports it.


Imagine... becoming a Sith Lord on a dark and stormy night, with the thunder roaring, lightning crashing, and rain coming down in sheets thick as lead.


Muahahahaha!!! :D

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I don't know if I would like to see day/night cycles. Using them implies that the quests are long enough to keep you there to see them. What might be cool is if cycles passes between trips. For instance you go to a planet and it's daytime. Then you leave and come back and it's night. Anything they could do to add a sense of time to intergalactic travel would be a nice touch.

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Originally posted by Achillies

What might be cool is if cycles passes between trips. For instance you go to a planet and it's daytime. Then you leave and come back and it's night.


I agree! :D


And if they do have day/night effects that is most likely going to be the way thay do it, it would take up far less system resources and still give the desired effects.

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Originally posted by Frinklin

-Another graphics improvement comes in the fighting. The moves are much less repetitive than KotOR 1. I saw at least 2 different moves for all three combat feats. New powers are cool too, especially force sight and force rage.


Thats good. The combat moves could get a little too repetitive during the 1st game. We need more choices!

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Originally posted by nacho35

Thats good. The combat moves could get a little too repetitive during the 1st game. We need more choices!


I just read some stuff on obsidian's boards about there being unique combat styles for each class. Won't that be cool.

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Originally posted by RedHawke


Fighting Styles for each class huh?...


Sounds awesome to me! :D


So let's see there is the Guardian style, the Sentinel Style, the Counselar style, the Dragon style, the Tiger style, the Mantis style, the Crane style...




You forgot Klingon style....

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