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Pet Peeves


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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I hate people that think their religion is the right one.

I hate people that think homosexuality is wrong.

I hate people who think sexuality is a matter of choice.


I hate people that ask me If I've accepted jesus christ as my personal saviour.



I know who you're talking about here :D
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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I hate people who think NJO is the best EU ever.

I hate people who think EU is official cannon.



Umm, I guess you hate me then...except not all EU is cannon. :D


I also hate it when people spell Wookiee without the second e.



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I hate little kids

I hate really high pitched voices

I hate Reality TV

I hate fileplanet

I hate G4 and how they merged with TechTV. RAAARGH

I hate plotless horror movies

I hate gym

I hate shorthand

I hate infomercials

I hate most commercials

I hate WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe tHiS

I hate MSN nick names that aren't even names, they're some stupid thing that the person got off firehotquotes or something

(Other I don't mind, y'know.)

I hate(d) elementary school

I hate music class (thank god THATS over)

I hate french class

I hate people that think homosexuality is wrong.



The list goes on.

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wow, ppl have mentioned me in a cpl....how flattering :D


Well, this isnt really a pet peeve, im moreso disappointed in myself for being so snobbish(for lack of a better word)


Im becomng a fan of the 'Forgotten Realms' games, a cpl of the books, mainly because of the awesome NWN, and the Dark Alliance console games.... I have tried to play Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale, which Im sure have excellent storylines, but just cant get over crappy 2d graphics and little figures running around....ugh ! I love the NWN camera system where you can scroll the camera in and out for zoom, see the armour detail, pan the camera etc...awesome ! I dunno, it really strange because I dont really have this problem with the older Final Fantasy Games..... hopefully I'll mature with age... :p


Anthony, Im with you.....I love NWN and hate little kids too !

I think back to when I was an annoying little tacker and just am in wonderment as to why my parents didnt hurl me off a cliff.... :p


As a result I'm not planning on kids, seeing that I may potentially hurl them off a cliff ; thus, despite my support of gay ppl and their rights, I dont want to have frequent homosexual encounters in jail :(:p



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

As a result I'm not planning on kids, seeing that I may potentially hurl them off a cliff ; thus, despite my support of gay ppl and their rights, I dont want to have frequent homosexual encounters in jail :(:p




WTF :indif:...



Ok, I think they need to test the watter in Australia :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

WTF :indif:...



Ok, I think they need to test the watter in Australia :rolleyes:

I you failed to understand the complex algorithm, Astrotoy said that if he had kids, he would kill them, and thus go to prison and being ass raped by someone named buba.


*shakes fist*


Damn you Pie!

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Originally posted by tFighterPilot

I you failed to understand the complex algorithm, Astrotoy said that if he had kids, he would kill them, and thus go to prison and being ass raped by someone named buba.


*shakes fist*


Damn you Pie!



oh, I must have read it wrong. Bunch of jumbled ideas that got me mixed up :o


I thought he wanted to have kids so he could fufill his fantasy of an Oliver Twist esk operation candyman, where he forced kids to touch his 'special area' :eek:


but that's just me :indif:

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I hate spelling nazis everytime they do it, if I ask for it, then fine, otherwise leave it!


I hate narrow minded pricks, sure your opinion is the only one that matters. ;)


I hate sexists, but also the guys/girls suck extremes.


I hate people that brag about this or that constantly.


Last one for now....


I absolutely hate fanboys/fangirls! If you can't take the time to explain why this is better than that, don't bother to glorify it alone!

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OK, so my biggest pet peeve right now requires a little bit of an explanation.


Every couple of days, an ice cream truck rolls through our neighborhood. I have nothing wrong with ice cream trucks and when this one started coming, I watched to see if it would get any business. Unfortunately for me, I then started paying attention to the song it was playing.


GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I hate that stupid song! It is so incredibly difficult to get out of your head and it repeats itself too much. Why don't they change the idiotic song every once in a while?


They could at least do so for my sanity's sake.:mad:

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I hate it when people use "gay" and "fag" as another word for "stupid." They always claim that it has nothing to do with gay bashing, but, if you're calling something stupid "gay" or someone stupid a "fag," isn't that the same thing as saying that anyone who's gay is stupid?

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Originally posted by TK-8252

I hate it when people use "gay" and "fag" as another word for "stupid." They always claim that it has nothing to do with gay bashing, but, if you're calling something stupid "gay" or someone stupid a "fag," isn't that the same thing as saying that anyone who's gay is stupid?


Agreed, I really hate that, and I tend to get pretty confrontational with people who use it as such :dozey:

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I find spoiled kids very annoying... well not every spoiled kid, but those that rub it in your face or those who whine because they can't have it their way.


I have far more respect for someone who grew up in a larger familly, where he had to make sacrifices and compromises. They usually grow up to be far more considerate people and generally thankfull for what they have, rather than thinking you are the most important person alive.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

I hate it when people use "gay" and "fag" as another word for "stupid." They always claim that it has nothing to do with gay bashing, but, if you're calling something stupid "gay" or someone stupid a "fag," isn't that the same thing as saying that anyone who's gay is stupid?



it's creepy how alike a lot of us folk are.

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Hate me then.


Yes I do... :D


....nah, we love ya Acrylic, you narcissistic gay hatin zep fan you :p



* * *

Troop, I dunno about kids, but your mom/sister-if-you-have-one know *all about* my special area, having so often aquainted themselves of it...





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