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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Originally posted by Redwing

((Since wildjedi hasn't posted, I'm just going to move this scene along.


Otherwise Admiral might kill me. :)))





"First of all," Misae whispered. "These people we're with, who own this ship, they're the Aesir. Yes, the Aesir. The ones who destroyed the stars, and killed my master, along with four-fifths of the galaxy's intelligent life. The ones no one can find any trace of, even with the Republic allying itself with the Imperials to look. Them."



Tanara stared at Misae, struck speechless by her words. She barely managed to get her own words out. "Go on."

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Pre-Time Skip


Asgardried Corridor


"They brought us here," Misae said. "They claim they caused the Holocaust to spare the galaxy most of the suffering that it was about to endure, because a great evil was unleashed when their leader died.


"They say this was foretold. They assembled this group. They say our purpose is to undo this. We are looking for something called the 'Time Matrix'. A device they say can alter time. With it, they say we can stop all this.


"According to the Aesir, this galaxy will be utterly destroyed within nineteen years. We've been hunting for the Time Matrix for a year now. You are only the second surviving Jedi I have seen since the Holocaust started, the first being Halren."






Current Time Frame


Asgardried Cargo Hold - Guy's Ship


Guy sat alone in his ship's cockpit. He had left Ritchet to his own devices in the cargo hold, with droids secretly monitoring him. Or her. Or it.


He was monitoring the various communication channels that he always had as a Shadow. Former Shadow, now that he knew that they knew his secret. But although they had shut him out of their systems, he could still use his own, which he had always kept separate for this eventuality.


He had known this would happen. But he had planned it to be at his instigation.


All the 'assignments' that had been his territory had been reassigned, all the subversive 'programs' he had in progress, terminated. Just adding a few more to the list of slaves I couldn't free, of kidnapped beings I couldn't return, of lives I couldn't save from being ruined. Just a few more to the list of deaths that I couldn't stop.


The Asgardried called for assembly, and he ignored it for a couple minutes. Then, finally, he sighed and stood up.




Aidan's Quarters


So. "Midgard". Home of the Aesir.


Aidan took his long-ignored Aesirian-made mithril armor suit out of his quarters' closet. He had never before put it on, preferring to thumb his nose at whom he had used to see as his captors/unwilling protectors.


Not really captors. After all, I never actually tried to leave, did I?


Now, however, things were different. The Aesir had proven themselves worthy of respect several times over, and one of them has saved his life twice, his mind once.


He owed them, and Aidan always paid his debts in full.


He pulled on a gauntlet. It felt loose. He awkwardly tried to find a way to tighten it, then was startled as it suddenly shrunk and shaped itself to the the form of his hand and arm.


Oh. I'd forgotten about that.


He finished dressing himself, discarding his former clothing - which was really just the customary oversize gargoyle waistcloth - in his closet. He had expected the heavy-looking armor to slow him down, but it was actually very light, and was easy to move in. It felt almost as if it was a second skin.


He left his quarters and headed to meet the others at the main entrance.

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((I gotta find a way to catch up with time:D ))



Pre-Time Skip


"They brought us here," Misae said. "They claim they caused the Holocaust to spare the galaxy most of the suffering that it was about to endure, because a great evil was unleashed when their leader died.


"They say this was foretold. They assembled this group. They say our purpose is to undo this. We are looking for something called the 'Time Matrix'. A device they say can alter time. With it, they say we can stop all this.


"According to the Aesir, this galaxy will be utterly destroyed within nineteen years. We've been hunting for the Time Matrix for a year now. You are only the second surviving Jedi I have seen since the Holocaust started, the first being Halren."


Tanara's 'less Jedi' side emerged. "They claim to have caused the Holocaust and yet we are helping them?" She paused, clearly struggling with her emotions. Finally, she sighed and looked into Misae's eyes.


"Do they have any idea where this 'Time Matrix' is?" she asked, now once more her calm 'Jedi' self.

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((Wild Jedi: You can simply leave off there and pull your character to the current time. It will leave some mystery to what Misea told Tanara. PM Red to get details if there is anything special you need to know else I would assume Tanara has a reasonable idea of what is going on. Otherwise just put in what she is doing now. And you don't need to quote. Just put in Pretime skip other times just idicate who you are talking to like


Tanara to Misea: Hi


And In case anyone missed it: There is a description of the Asgardried in the discussion thread


JM: Where did Matt get that armor?))

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((Much better :D))


*After witnessing Matt's progression everynow and then, going in to give Matt's daily rations, he was quite pleased. Out of the Fifteen pieces in the 'kit', he had released the first one, and now the second one. He had not yet told Matthew that each piece released required a higher level of consentration. Clearly the 'kit' was designed to be not only to test the worthyness of using such, but it was also a teaching device as well.*




*Flashback: 17 years before*


*Irvine sits in a grassy atrium, late at night, he had completed the first six pieces, working on the seventh. His appearence looked as if he'd been sitting there for at least a week, never ate, and follow apprentences came once in a while and gave him a glass of water.


His sensei, Jedi Master Chi stood and watched in a window with the simular smile as Sir-Vin had now. Master Chi walked out into the atrium with a bit of satisfaction on his face.


Irvine is about to release the seventh piece that he had been working on for nearly for four days...*








*All the pieces that he'd worked on had closed tight. The ingeniousness of the kit, not only did you have to use your mind to untie or solve a little puzzle to release the individual pieces, but after a certain number of pieces had been released, each additional piece after had to be released in a certain order or else the everysingle piece will reseal itself up again, allowing the user to start over. But never reclaiming the skill learned of the user.*


*The child Irvine stands up in a rage, he'd always had seem to have shown that natural side of him.*


Irvine *facing Chi, seeing the smile on his face* "You're enjoying this aren't you!!"


*Master Chi, seeing a mere ten year old boy standing up and in fit, trying to staredown an adult. He could do nothing but laugh. This caused Irvine to spin around and kick the kit.*


Master Chi *Before Irvine's foot even touched the kit* "Irvine!"


*Irvine stops in place, but not without lunging forward a bit with his momentum. Master Chi walks up to him.*


Master Chi "I know I didn't tell you about that, but it wouldn't have been fair to have told you. This will help you teach you patience, however this part is all about going deeper into the force and trying to predict which piece next to unlock."


*Master Chi looks down and sees a child holding back his pout and tears.*


Irvine *weary* "But... I.. Just w-wanted to m-make a lightsaber like yours.."


*Master Chi gets surprised, what could one expect from a child whom had been removed from his own family at infantcy, if not forceably. He smiles and places his hand on Irvine's head, and messes it up a bit. As the Master and the child apprentence sits back down and continues...



It took him another 5 years to complete alll the puzzles.*




*Irvine found out later that such a tool or device, which ever one may call it, would have been used on much older Padawans, but he'd been a special case. The older would have used much much less time.*


*Now truely taking on his name given to him by his masters, he trains Matt in the same manner. Sir-Vin had every notion to lend Matthew his own lightsaber to use until he can forge his own, but it seemed that the time was right to begin the more advanced to the learner.*




*Sir-vin was in the Main enterence, wearing his loose clothing, with a large cloak that consealed all, even what he may be holding under it, execpt for his head.


Irvine Cracern was leaning agenst the wall near the hatch, he was wearing his own loose clothing.*


Cracern "So Irvy, I haven't seen your student in since the duration of this trip, whats going on."


Sir-Vin "Well, if the Asgardreid's monitors watched Matthew's quarters a few times, I wouldn't doubt that our host's agree with what sort of training method I placed him in."

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Svafa: Think again. Where in the last two days was his combat training? Have you prepared him at all for what he will be facing?


Idun: Learning patience is necessary but to focus on that to the exclusion of all else if foolish especially considering the current circumstances. Also patience and concentration can be taught while at the same time teaching other things more critical to his survival. Does your student even have a weapon?

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Sir-Vin "I can respect your opinions, but I never had the intention on having him enter any sort of conflict with out any sort of training, or preparation. Nor would I had the intention of allowing him to enter and such conflict also this soon. but Like I promised, you need not worry of him, the previous day's actions I believed that it was time for him to begin learning mental discipline."


Cracern "What?"


Sir-Vin "I let him begin to use a tool that I had used in my youth, it taught me a great deal."

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*Heimdall was going to remain silent over the subject until Sir Vin's explanation*


Heimdall: Then may I ask why you didn't do anything with combat training? If you had thought he was going to remain on the ship think again he will be coming with us to the gate. At the very least Irvine you should have ask us whether or not that would even be allowable which it isn't. Now you know with certainty that your student will be facing combat so I recommend that you arm him and give him a crash cross in basic combat techniques and don't expect us to provide him with weapons.



Idun: In my opinion you have failed completly and Matt should look to one of the other jedi for further instruction.

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*Sir-Vin smiles, he'd expected such.*


Sir-Vin "I never said anything about leaving him behind, but like I said, I will respect your opinions, and I won't argue agenst them. But like I promised, he is my responsibility, even if we go into a dangerious situation. I understand that you take being able to defend oneself over mental stability, but not everyone in this universe is as mental equiped such as yourselves. I'd rather let him be able to control the force around him, even a limited about, before he severs a limb with a lightsaber..."

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((I'll take care of that in this post. ;)


wildjedi, interesting you have Tanara have a "less-Jedi" side, because as everyone else knows, Misae has a very large "less-Jedi" side herself... :D))



Pre-Time Skip


Asgardried Corridor


"It's complicated," Misae said. "But apparently these Aesir need us to complete a "quest" to find this Time Matrix. A sort of series of challenges and...tests, I guess. We have a map, but it likes to lead us in circles...


She noticed others approaching and stopped.


"Let's continue this elsewhere," she said.


She took Tanara's arm again and pulled her away.


((OOS: Wildjedi, consider Tanara basically appraised on all the backstory that is in the first post of the thread. :) But if you want to have her character ask for clarification on something later, because you don't know it, feel free to assume that Misae omitted it.))




[Time Skip]




Present Time


Asgardried, Main Entrance


Marin arrived at the group assembly at the same time as Aidan and Raschel. Raschel wore the suit of mithril Heimdall had made for her, with her jacket over it. Marin wore her normal wardrobe of overly tight clothes - pink shirt and blue jeans - that she could easily morph in. She was a bit surprised to see Aidan appear in full mithril armor.


"What happened to your loincloth?" she asked.


"I decided it was time for a change," Aidan said.


She shrugged and didn't press the subject.

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((Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn't be able to buy it like in real life, where it'd be a semi-old antique, not an ultra-old like it would be in the SW Universe. Let's just say he made it out of materials he found and bought, then painted it green.


And guys, y'know Matt's right there, right?))

Matt: Uh, guys, I'm right here. And for a weapon, I have a blaster.

*Matt took out the blaster*

Matt: Its safety's on for now, and I've practiced a bit with it. I think it'll be useful.

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((JM: You never posted that he had arrived at the main entrance. ;)))


Svafa: Blasters maybe useful in ranged combat but what will you do in close quarters? You should of at least been taught some hand to hand combat.


Idun: You forgot to mention that blasters tend to become more ineffective when the bolts get reflected back at you.

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Sir-Vin "Curious... Matt maybe you should go to cargo bay 1 and practice your lightsaber technique for a bit agenst a drone."


*Sir-Vin pulls out an Arakyd Inquisitor and hands it to Matt.*


((Not sure if thats the actual name, but i'm just going with the JKII thing))


Sir-Vin "I and going to check things out with those two, then I'll be there."


((:D twas on page 3 (i got my page defualt for 4 per) its around when Marin and Raschel got back



what are you talking about, jm? :p))


*Sir-Vin looks at Matthew, then at Svafa.*


Sir-Vin "They are so insistant..."

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((Scar, what lightsaber was he using to practice on the seeker remote? [common name for the Arakyd Mark VII Inquisitor ;)]


I (and it seems, Admiral) assumed that Sir-vin let Matt borrow his own lightsaber...


Will post in a bit (read: a few hours, have dental appointment :p)))

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*Hal arrives, fully armoured, coat, greaves, gauntlets, collar and carrying his helmet. His shield is strapped to his back, as his longsword, he wears a short sword at his waist on his left hip and a dagger on his right.*


Hal: Sir-Vin is not even a recognized Knight, let alone a master. I can teach the Mat to fight, I can make him strong. I am not a Master though. Tanara is a Jedi Knight as well, she is not warrior, though, the same for Misae. We will have to discuss this at a later date, Mat. Now come with me. *Turns to Heimdall* I'll give him the crash course.

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Sir-Vin "Hal, for over a half year I have guided Matthew, and now finally someone is steping in questioning about what I have done for him and that he can be given more 'proper' training. Please, if you haven't asked to interfere til now, then I'll have to protest that you do now. Don't think that I have not provided him with any sort of practice, I myself never had the opertunity to provide him with a lightsaber of his own, not perfect, but some."


*Sir-Vin looks at WH Irvine*


Cracern "I suppose I can wait another tour-de-univerce til i get to use these both at the same time agian."


*Sir-vin smiles*


Sir-Vin " Please don't mistake me for a fool, I wouldn't be so confiedent if I knew I'd be sending someone to his own death. Espcally if I can't prevent it."

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Asgardried, Guy's Ship


Guy entered his ship's main hold, walking slowly, guided by the three-dimensional representational surface map the ship was feeding into his head through snakelike sensory attachments. He could hear the sounds of his droids running starting cycles on the contraption in the center of the cargo hold.


Pity I don't have the time for combat testing. This thing had better work.


The sensors attached to his eyes gave him a rudimentary representational image of the device in front of him. It had a roughly sphere-shaped body, with twelve spidery droid legs along the sides, and a hover field generator on the bottom. On the top there was a round "seat" that served to produce the force field that would hold him in place above the device. Robotic arms, housing shields and an assortment of ranged weapons, grew from the top of the sphere and bent to form a halo of sorts where his own arms would be. Finally, there was the stem that grew from the location behind where his back would be that housed the device's central computer, and the programs he would need to be able to actually hit anything.


It was heavily modified "Silver Spider" HBH-ABTMV. (Humanoid Battle Harness - Augmented Transportation and Manuevering Vehicle) It was imperfect, and it would not replace his magically damaged vision, but it would have to do.


He let a droid strap him into the harness above the seat. He activated the force field to hold his body in place and attached the necessary input sensors. Scanners onboard the battle harness found the life signs indicating the location of the others.


He moved out of his ship and headed to the ship's main entrance.

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((BD: Shame on Hal with how he is wearing the sword. It is sacrilage for a long sword to be worn over the back.


Just an observation: Where did Hal get the swords and dagger plus what are they made of and where is his lightsaber?))


*Svafa looks Hal over and lets out a brief laugh*


Heimdall: Hal as he said you had eight months to do something about Matt's training, you did nothing then and now there is no time for even a crash course.


Idun to Matt: No, rudimentary training is not suffiecent to what we are going to be facing.


*Guy arrives along with everyone else not yet present (just doing this to move the story alonge*


Heimdall: Good everyone is here, listen and pay attention. Once we leave this ship we are heading immediatly to a briefing. This briefing will be very important and for some could mean the difference between survival and death. After the briefing we are immediatly going to head out. No one is going to be left behind in the ship or in the base.


And to dispel anydoubts *looking at Sir Vin* a lot of blood will be shed before we leave this planet. Now that you are aware of what will be going on time is of the essence so let's go.


*The doors open Heimdall flanked by Idun and Svafa walk down the ramp. Gerd follows close behind remaining silent feeling the seriousness of the situation. At the base of the ramp were twenty Einherjar all dressed in full armor with closed helm. The armor was blue with silver trim like Heimdall's.


Heimdall takes the lead heading down a corridor the Einherjar flank either side of the group with another two taking up the rear. As soon as the group left the ship techs entered carrying cases of gear*


((I know some of you haven't replied yet, but I'm going to try and keep the story going. If you wish to specify something specific please feel free. The briefing will be posted tomorrow))

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((Ya, wasn't that discussed way back in Cantina 7? [i have been rereading some of it, looking for details on what WH Irvine was doing there] Basically IIRC Flax called them the forerunner of the lightsaber, and they were made of some material that looked like steel but wasn't.


Oops, forgot to post that Misae arrived...))



Misae had arrived slightly before Guy, wearing her tattered, badly mended Jedi robes. She still looked haggard, but she did not inject anything into the conversation about Matt.


She followed the others silently, wishing that every step she took was in the other direction. There was a great evil on this planet, practically pulsing with the Dark Side, an evil that felt as if it was watching the group with malevolent black eyes. She felt a great foreboding.


Darkness is triumphing here.

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As guy fastened himself into the contraption he was using, Ritchet jumped lightly from his shoulder and snuggled into a small, unused space in the advanced weapon. He shuddered as he though of what was to come, and what he might have to do.


((Assumed that Ritchet was still on Guy's shoulder, and that he'll stick w/ him in the HBH for the duration of the battle.))

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*The three Starkillers exit the ship, behind the rest of the group. Orthos wears his gold chain mail, Elella her jedi robes, and Gortick simple leather armour. Elella and Gortick both carry lightsabers, while Orthos has Starkiller slung over his shoulder. The exit the ship, and look around. Orthos walks by Rashcel*


Orthos: First in my family to ever set foot on this world. Not even uncle ever went here.

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((OOS: He wouldn't have been on Guy's shoulder when Guy was in the cockpit, but having him on the HBH is just fine. Actually, it's what I wanted to happen. :)


Battledog, check the discussion thread, I have a question for you. [No, it's not anything major ;)]))



"I must confess, I've never been much for the new and different," Raschel replied. "But it looks like that's to be our fate now."

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