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is bobby a DEV?  

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  1. 1. is bobby a DEV?

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Originally posted by yaebginn

on another note, man, batman was a good movie, eh revlt? The old 60s version was hilarious. With the crappy batmobile and everything being labelled in the batmobile and 'shark repellant spray' that was great.


haha. My dad calls the flame that comes out of the Batmobile the "lame flame" because it comes out of the back and just points up like it is sitting there :D like the back of the car's on fire or something.

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Originally posted by Navix_Ceraq

hey!, stop going off topic and talk about batman! :p

But I don't want to talk about batman :(


Originally posted by yaebginn

I would answer a question for my first post, and then only post intelligent answers to questions. (the answers pure baloney, of course) I'd use great typing. Puncuation and all.


Why bother, it seems like bobby says LOL more than you do.

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Last edited by TK-8252 on 08-27-2004 at 07:44 PM
Wait, what? He's a mod?


The reason double posting is a must, is because that's the only way you can quote two people right. Of course I could start write Originally posted by bla bla bla, but that's too much.


In other words, this forum software is incredibly obsolete.

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Maybe that's what he gets in return BADGER


Do huh? What are you talking about?



I shared a lift with Jeniifer love Hewitt, Her agency was a few floors below


Oh my god you lucky bastard!!!! She is the hottest actress!!! I've had a crush on her from all the way back when she was in Kids Incorporated!! We are the same age so I watched the Disney Channel when she was on i that program. LOL:D


As far as I am concerned I would say that Bobby is a good guy.

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he meant, badger, that when u said lying implies getting something in return. he would get to keep double posting. really? u like jennifer love hewit? I dont like liking celebrities, cause I dont know them. I only know who they pretend to be. and really? the hottest actress? what are you on dude?


edit- and yes, tfighter, hes a mod. has been for a bit. check the feedback forum. I got to know all the mods real well, real fast.

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this is for bobby,

on another board a mod said he was playing the demo and at one point he came across r2 and 3po. he tried shooting them but it didn't do anything. he said he only saw them like once out of 50 times playing.


is this true? you would have had to design them and any other hero characters. so do we get to see han solo, chewbacca, boba fett, etc?


i hope so.

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Originally posted by Hex_is_me

Hes pretty cool, huh. Hey bobby, why doont ya come back on! iv got more questions...


He's in the Uk, which has diffrent time zones. Just wait, and he'll answer your questions. He visits every day.


If hes an actuall developper i was reading one designer diary and according to what he said he did, he would be Dean Betton, also, bobby, do you know if the weather, like seen on kamino, impact the gameplay in any way.


Yep, everything seems in check with what Bobby said, and what the dev diary said, heck, bobby even have the same tone as them.

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Jedi Traitor, Even though Jennifer Love Hewitt has a GIANT face :) She was still pretty hot.


Mountain forrest, I can't remember anything in particular thats made me laugh. I think its just all the speculation and all the things people keep posting that they want to see. I haven't actually looked at the wish list thread. I bet there are some corkers on there.


In regards to nortonyo. HMMM Well if the first part of that sign in name is anything to go by then I have a feeling he is. let me know nortonyo if its who I think it is. you have my personal email. So give me a shout :)


Well in regards to me being a GOD well yes I have been dimensionally transendential for quite some time now so if anyone wants a miracle or two perfoming I am available for weddings and birthdays and the odd private mens function where I bring a couple of hot angels that do things that angels should really NEVER DO :)


For the guy that wanted to be a Sound designer, DONT DO IT. I feel so sorry for our sound designer who was forever getting pressure of our dictator of a director ;) to get all the sounds implemented. He spent many a night in the office not going home poor fella.


To Mr Moderator. Thanks for letting me triple post and stuff but Like someone else said I am on a different time zone to everyone else so I answer the questions as I read em. although today I am trying to get em all into one.


In regards to R2D2 and C3PO. I have NO Idea where he saw them. I did have R2 in there a very long time ago but we took him out. C3P0 was never modelled or textured so he must have been looking at something else. Although I will be intrigued if someone can find me the shot where he said he saw it.


There were so many other hero classes that we wanted to put in but we just never had the time. I actually modelled Jango and Boba Fett but only got halfway through texturing them when we realised we wouldn't have time to put them in. We also wanted to put Han Solo and Chewie in but again never got round to it. So the only heroe's you will see are Darth Vader, Count Dooky Mace Window and Luke Skywalker. The Director tried to get me to do Snake Eyes from GI Joe too but again I didn't have the time to do it.


I see DF_Mike has clicked on to who I really am too. Shucks. oh well. It had to come out some time. I hope you enjoyed my designer diary.


PC demo I am not too sure about. I was just talking to my co Lead yesterday and they were on a final deadline to get stuff finished so I didn't want to bother him so I can imagine there will be one pretty soon. But then again, by the time you get a demo I thin the game will be out so JUST GO BUY THE BUGGER!!!


The weather doesn't impact on the gameplay really. To whoever gave me that question.


and finally, spectator mode??? Well we took the screen shots with the dev kits wich had special free flying cameras, Not sure if they will keep this code in the release version though. SORRY


Right well I think that was a little exhausting. I need a cup of tea now. :band:

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Originally posted by Bobby's Helmet

For the guy that wanted to be a Sound designer, DONT DO IT. I feel so sorry for our sound designer who was forever getting pressure of our dictator of a director ;) to get all the sounds implemented. He spent many a night in the office not going home poor fella.


that was me. and I cant do it now.


1. I gave away my plan, now anyone who syas he is a sound deisgner, even the real one, no one will believe.


2. IP address. They'd find me out in a second.


and you guys, I said king, not god. and again, I wouldnt actually be the sound guy, I'd just say I was to be able to double and triple post. :) I may actually do that on another comp, maybe the one at the library. But now they suspect sound. Maybe I'll pick another job. or make up 3 diff files on 3 diff comps and peopel will think, maybe one is yaeb, but not all 3. I am a genius, er I would be if I didnt just reveal my plan.


Bobster, what tea u drink? I got some ice tea, but what're u drinking? and do u really drnk ur beer cold? jeez, thats just messed up. and Guiness isnt good at all. The aftertaste tastes like nasty, and itsso thick it needs a little ball bearing thing just to mix the dang stuff.


and the odd private mens function where I bring a couple of hot angels that do things that angels should really NEVER DO


wow, just wow. is that what you do all day? Personally, I'd like you to include a pair of wookiees doing whatever those angels do in the game.is it just me, or would that be hilarious? some crazy wookiees going nuts?

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Originally posted by yaebginn

I'd just say I was to be able to double and triple post. :) I may actually do that on another comp, maybe the one at the library.


I hope the library is close to your house then. Otherwise somebody alse has posted before you can make your double post as the perfect crime on this forums :D

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