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Toronto Shooting


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may not mean much to you guys, but to me its kinda freaky, since the shooting happened in my mom's building, i don't have the direct link, but here is what happened


some dude went kinda nuts and shot some woman in a food court then started beating her, she lived though, and then he took another woman hostage for about 40 minutes until the swat finaly shot and killed him.


my mom actually heard the final shot that killed him.

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Them crazy kanucks, always doing crime and using guns. They're nothing like us law-abiding and true Americans!


Don't hate me because I'm ignorant


Anyway, I'm glad that the police were able to kill the person holding the woman quickly before harm happend to the hostage. I would've liked if there was no violence, but that probably wasn't a course of action the police could take though.


Good shot to the sniper, however.

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As if Micheal Moore cares about Canada! He's having too much fun pointing out the failings of OUR President and OUR people. Really, who cares about Canada?


No offense to any Canadians here...























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I read a survey the other day that said Canadians have the highest representation per capita of people who organise sexual encounters online....... :(


Damn Canadian Swingers ! Ah well, at least they gave us BioWare, and PRIME :D


* * *

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Im glad that didnt happen to my mum.....she cant even really handle Days of Our Lives without getting all emotional/hysterical, let alone real life drama.... :(



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