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I rented it, played it for five days, and decided that it rocked, so then I bought it. I love it. My seven-year-old-brother has beat it four times, twice on Light Side, twice on Dark Side. Oh, and he's playing his fifth time on Dark Side...again!! I played it once on Light Side, got stuck, restarted, beat it, and then played on Dark Side.


KotOR rox all!!



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Darth Revan vs Kain


Kain - Undead, and thus, does not partake in the force nor is he affected by it. Unharmed by sunlight. All kindsa neat tricks.


Revan - Highly powerful in the force. Human. None of his neat tricks will work on Kain.


Winner - Kain

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He has the Soul Reaver, and weapon that can only be destroyed if it tries devouring its own soul. He can teleport, has excessivly powerful telekinesis, summon lightning, suck blood from a distance, turn to mist, throw evissirating razors, cause humans to implode, slow down all the time around him, go at super speeds (on top of the slowing down time part, not as an effect), teleport, turn to bats, turn into a big pissed off wolf, cause people the burst into flames, control human minds, super leap(which is dumb cuz he can teleport), and he can only be killed by Raziel's wraith blade, but even that didn't work.


Revan on the other hand...he got dropped by an explosion that didn't even hurt the people standing 5 feet away from him. And, as I said before, the Force is useless against the undead. Whats he gonna do, grip him? Uh...no. Lightning? Kain would teleport behind him. Force push? Kain would crush him with his telekinesis out of spite, or for pleasure, I'm not sure which yet. Hit him with a lightsaber? That might slow Kain down...long enough for him to get pissed.

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if the force doesn't work on kain, how come kains stuff works on revan? i say it doesn't and even if it did, revan would pump the force into himself making him stronger,faster and resist to most everything, i say we got a semi-equal match here, but it would never happen because those 2 universes won't mix, so i say it ends as a draw.


and besides that doesn't sound like a fun game, you can kill everyone with one thought, unless there is more to it then that.

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Originally posted by Curt-Man

if the force doesn't work on kain, how come kains stuff works on revan? i say it doesn't and even if it did, revan would pump the force into himself making him stronger,faster and resist to most everything, i say we got a semi-equal match here, but it would never happen because those 2 universes won't mix, so i say it ends as a draw.


and besides that doesn't sound like a fun game, you can kill everyone with one thought, unless there is more to it then that.


There is more to it than that. In the game, your not allowd to use Kain's full power or there would be no point aside from mass murder.


And Revan's powers don't work on Kain cuz Kain is DEAD. Kain's powers are general and work on undead and living alike. Besides, all Kain would have to do is dodge Revan by turning into mist and teleporting until Revan got tired and then Kain would just beat him senseless.

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Originally posted by Kain

There is more to it than that. In the game, your not allowd to use Kain's full power or there would be no point aside from mass murder.


And Revan's powers don't work on Kain cuz Kain is DEAD. Kain's powers are general and work on undead and living alike. Besides, all Kain would have to do is dodge Revan by turning into mist and teleporting until Revan got tired and then Kain would just beat him senseless.


Revan- Can force grip Kain's head. Even the undead respond to having thier skulls implode.


Revea can have super-speed, attacking quicker than Kain. Kain can just teleport, which Revan can counter.


Revan has a lightsaber. Although Kain is undead and has no flesh, lightsabers unfortunately still go through bones like butter.


Reven has fleets of spaceships. Kain, although he does have alot of power, unfortunately cannot escape mass planetary bombardment.


Revan= winnah.

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Did you miss the entire Mist part? Or the bats part? If Revan began crushing Kain's skull, he'd explode into a flock of bats. Kinda hard to focus on about 200 bats. Lightsaber defeated by Mist. Kain has super-speed as well as the ability to slow down time around him, so thats a double positive vs Revan's 1 postive. And that whole planetary bombardment crap is just...crap. We weren't talking planetary warfare here. We were talking one on one, mono e mono.


Edit: Just remembered, Grip doesn't focus on body parts, it focuses on organs. Unfortunantly, the exact description fails me, as my friend took back his Star Wars book that explains Force powers in hardcore depth...the d20 RPG Core Rule Book, but it does say it focuses on major organs(the trachea, the heart, ect).


Besides, if you weigh the whole power thing, Kain crushes Revan. Kain can do everything Revan can do(there is a scene in Defiance where Kain is crushing Mobeius with his telekinesis. Telekinesis: Not just for moving stuff anymore! Not to mention all the lightning getting thrown around in Soul Reaver. Or all the blood sucking-to-restore-Kain's-health going on in Blood Omen, Blood Omen 2, and Defiance[vs Drain, of course], Kain's ability to control his enemies, and Kain's only being able to be destroyed by Raziel's wraith blade), and he can shape shift, become incorporeal, and cast dozens of wierd and bloody spells(play Blood Omen, he melts people, and even then he's just a fledgeling. Imagine him as the all-powerful demi-god he's become by the time Soul Reaver rolls around). Kain's only weakness (besides the wraith blade) is Mobeius' snake staff (which no longer affects him, as Raziel tore out Kain's heart, which is what that staff affected, and Kain kept on coming) and water. Lots and lots of water.


I'm not trying to say Revan is lame(unless you do the lightside ending), but seriously, it'd be a hurtin.


I'm also gonna toss out Kain's immortality. If Revan were to pose a threat to Kain, Kain would just outlive Revan.:D

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Originally posted by jebbers

nor have i even played the game in which kain is the character(dont know the name of the game(s))...


In Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, you get access to most of his powers (cept Lightning unless you find it, but its a bitch to find). In Blood Omen 2, he's significantly weaker, having got his kicked by the Sarafan Lord (he was using this stone that stopped Kain's powers and the Soul Reaver from hurting him). In Legacy of Kain: Defiance, you really only get to see his sickingly powerful telekinesis(its a major aspect of game play, actually).

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wait wasnt soul reaver itself a game? cuz i think i remember playing it at my bros house since you mentioned the soul reaver part......where he pulls his turtle neck thingy out and swallows souls or something along those lines......if it is then i think i have an idea of which you speak..........and kain sounds like he can kick malaks and revans bootay at the sametime with one hand....

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Originally posted by Kain

In Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, you get access to most of his powers (cept Lightning unless you find it, but its a bitch to find). In Blood Omen 2, he's significantly weaker, having got his kicked by the Sarafan Lord (he was using this stone that stopped Kain's powers and the Soul Reaver from hurting him). In Legacy of Kain: Defiance, you really only get to see his sickingly powerful telekinesis(its a major aspect of game play, actually).


Judging from what you said about Kain, looks like Revan would indeed be in a world of hurt.


However, also judging from what you just said, Kain seems like a character who was made to fufil the little uber munchkin in people. :p

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Yippee ! Hurrah ! Rejoice ! Kain is dead ! :D


The great thing about that is it happens in Defiance...and then the guy rejoicing gets impaled hardcore...very funny scene, givin Kain's very very evil smile.


@Tyrion: Huh?

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