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Planet ORD Mandell Released (New Areas)


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Er'... jmac you are replying to a post near a year old? Capt-Nemo posted that on 11-01-2004. ;)

To give you a basic idea of what i'm doing i'm enhancing/adding to what you already have. Of course when I release the mod I will give you full credit.


As for the mod i'm working on i'll gladly givey you more info about it and hopefully have a real post up sometime soon.

This is something I am quite uncomfortable with, ORD Mandell is (for lack of a better term) my baby, and is one of the mods I will not endorse others altering in any way for release or distribution... sorry. You are not the first person to ask this BTW.


While I do realise a negative response is something that you likely didn't want to recieve, I really do want encourage you to feel free to start your own new planet mod, and thusly choose your own combination of pre-existing game modules, Placeables, NPC's, Quests, Dialogues, and Story to include in it...


I just do not want the ORD Mandell mod to be added-to or altered by another modder for any sort of release. I hope you can understand.


But i'm running into somewhat of a problem or at least a hinderence. I know I saw mentioned in a few other posts (making merchants) that ord mandell is suppsoed to include the source scripts (for the modules and the overrides I assume) problem is I have checked all the .mod files and everything installed in your latest version and found nothing. I've double check your site and the modfiles you link to and still nothing.


I'm asking if i'm missing something or a place they may be or if in your last/latest build you forgot to include them or if they can be gotten from someplace else or what? *heh* having those source will not only help me learn of course but will also make any modfications/changes a make easier since I won't have to rebuild some of the script files. (witch i have already done in one case so far) Unfrounrtly I can't read byte code as many can't and don't really want to take the time too. So any help in this would be appricated.

Hmm... strange... I just looked for them and I see I don't have them anymore... :eek: somewhere along the lines they have dissappeared, probably when I transferred my files to my new PC... drat!


But the merchant scripts are quite similar to the one posted in the Creating Merchants tutorial, or you can download my Rodian Elder Merchant Mod and a source script for a merchant is in there as well. I hope this helps! ;)


Thanks again for the great mod and I enjoy you do great work. I look forward to modding yet another great game and making more contributions :) Thanks.

You are welcome! :D


EDIT: Saved! Download the version of ORD Mandell from PCGameMods as it has the merchant source scripts in it. @ Thanks ChAiNz I will post the link on my site as well as the first post in this thread! :D

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Hmm... strange... I just looked for them and I see I don't have them anymore... :eek: somewhere along the lines they have dissappeared, probably when I transferred my files to my new PC... drat!
Hey RedHawke!

I have the previous version of Ord Mandell (without the .exe install) in my archives. It has the source scripts :D


I'll PM you a link, then you can decide whom gets your source ;)


No offense to anyone, but seeing as it's Red's mod, it should be his decision, not mine, as to how to distribute them :)

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First of all let me thank you for responding quicker then I expected redhawke, I know how things can get with old posts like this :)


This is something I am quite uncomfortable with, ORD Mandell is (for lack of a better term) my baby, and is one of the mods I will not endorse others altering in any way for release or distribution... sorry. You are not the first person to ask this BTW.


While I do realise a negative response is something that you likely didn't want to recieve, I really do want encourage you to feel free to start your own new planet mod, and thusly choose your own combination of pre-existing game modules, Placeables, NPC's, Quests, Dialogues, and Story to include in it...


I just do not want the ORD Mandell mod to be added-to or altered by another modder for any sort of release. I hope you can understand.


This is unfourtante and throws a bit of a wrench in my plans. While I do not agree with such things (ie i think it pointless to make a mod release it and tell others not to mess with it, kind of negates the whole point of modding in my opinon) As a fellow modder and someone new to this modding community I will respect your wishs and dis-continue my modfications of your mod.


Thankfully I am still in the rather early stages so moving/changing what I have done to a new planet shouldn't be too hard. Also since I do like your mod I will try to make my new one as compatible with it as possible. As the source scripts that is unfourntante and I am glad you were able to recover some of them. I did have the merchants down and some of the scripts included will help. Any other source scripts from the override folder it's self such as the galaxy selection and whatnot for refrence and also compatablity would be usefull if you have them and are willing to let me take a look at them.


Again while I don't agree with your logic on the matter I do understand and will respect your wishs and will dis-continue to moddfied/add/enchance to your ord mandell mod. This of course means more work for me :D ahh joy but in the long run it may work out better guess we shall see. Thanks for your help thus far regardless and hopefully i'll have somekind of real post when I have substansle progresss. Thanks.


OFF TOPIC BTW @ Chainz.2da: Love the laughing man avatar very nice ;)

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Also since I do like your mod I will try to make my new one as compatible with it as possible. As the source scripts that is unfourntante and I am glad you were able to recover some of them. I did have the merchants down and some of the scripts included will help. Any other source scripts from the override folder it's self such as the galaxy selection and whatnot for refrence and also compatablity would be usefull if you have them and are willing to let me take a look at them.


I understand Redhawke's refusal and I see it as good thing too: we'll have a brand new area mod :rock:


If you need some script samples or need help with anything, just post your questions on the boards and we will be happy to help you :)


Welcome to the forums Quickshot14!

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First of all let me thank you for responding quicker then I expected redhawke, I know how things can get with old posts like this :)



This is unfourtante and throws a bit of a wrench in my plans.

Sorry about that! :(


As a fellow modder and someone new to this modding community I will respect your wishs and dis-continue my modfications of your mod.

I thank you! While you don't understand why now, I'm sure you will when your project is completed. ;)


As the source scripts that is unfourntante and I am glad you were able to recover some of them. I did have the merchants down and some of the scripts included will help. Any other source scripts from the override folder it's self such as the galaxy selection and whatnot for refrence and also compatablity would be usefull if you have them and are willing to let me take a look at them.

If I find any more of the scripts I will post the source files here in this thread so everyone will have them... that is if I can find them in my backup disks, somewhere. The galaxy map one would be the most important. :)


In the interim you mught want to look at the following threads this one, and this one.


Lastly, as Darth333 said welcome to the forums Quickshot14! :D


EDIT: Found the k_pebn_galaxy.nss source I used...

//:: k_pebn_galaxy
   Brings up the galaxy map with
   the current planet selected
   Planetary.2DA indexes should be
   used instead of PLANET_ constants

0          Endar_Spire
1          Taris
2          Dantooine
3          Kashyyyk
4          Manaan
5          Korriban
6          Tatooine
7          Leviathan
8          Unknown_World
9          Star_Forge

   Modifications by Peter T.
   When the player uses the galaxy map and only Dantooine
   is available (i.e. after Taris, but before being given
   the main quest),

//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Modified By: Peter Thomas 11/03/03
//:: Copyright (c) 2002 Bioware Corp.

#include "k_inc_debug"
#include "k_inc_ebonhawk"

void main()
   Db_PostString("Running v3.0", 5, 5, 3.0);
   int nPlanet = EBO_GetCurrentPlanet();
   if(nPlanet == -1)
       nPlanet == PLANET_DANTOOINE;

   int nMain = GetGlobalNumber("K_KOTOR_MASTER");
   if(nMain == 10)
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_DANTOOINE, TRUE); //DAT
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_DANTOOINE, TRUE);
       //SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_TARIS, TRUE); //TARIS DESTROYED
       //SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_TARIS, FALSE);
       // Peter T. 11/03/03
       // add journal entry about the Ebon Hawk
       //AddJournalQuestEntry("k_ebonhawk", 1);

//Creamy Middle
   if(nMain == 15)
       //SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_TARIS, TRUE); //TARIS DESTROYED
       //SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_TARIS, FALSE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_DANTOOINE, TRUE); //DAT
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_DANTOOINE, TRUE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_KASHYYYK, TRUE); //KAS
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_KASHYYYK, TRUE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_MANAAN, TRUE); //MAN
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_MANAAN, TRUE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_KORRIBAN, TRUE); //KOR
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_KORRIBAN, TRUE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_TATOOINE, TRUE); //TAT
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_TATOOINE, TRUE);
//This is where you add your new planet call... for the normal game.
SetPlanetAvailable(15, TRUE);// ORD Mandell
SetPlanetSelectable(15, TRUE);

       //MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk on May 10, 2003
       //Putting in the scripting for the live content packages
       //MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk on Oct 14, 2003
       //Moved this from the top of the script to the Creamy Middle Activation
           SetPlanetAvailable(11, TRUE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(11, TRUE);
       else if(GetIsLiveContentAvailable(LIVE_CONTENT_PKG2))
           SetPlanetAvailable(12, TRUE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(12, TRUE);
       else if(GetIsLiveContentAvailable(LIVE_CONTENT_PKG3))
           SetPlanetAvailable(13, TRUE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(13, TRUE);
       else if(GetIsLiveContentAvailable(LIVE_CONTENT_PKG4))
           SetPlanetAvailable(14, TRUE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(14, TRUE);
       else if(GetIsLiveContentAvailable(LIVE_CONTENT_PKG5))
           SetPlanetAvailable(15, TRUE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(15, TRUE);
       else if(GetIsLiveContentAvailable(LIVE_CONTENT_PKG6))
           SetPlanetAvailable(16, TRUE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(16, TRUE);

       // Peter T. 11/03/03
       // remove the journal entry about the Ebon Hawk
       Db_PostString("journal removed");

//Dantooine Destroyed
   if(nMain == 20)
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_DANTOOINE, TRUE); //DAT
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_DANTOOINE, FALSE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_KASHYYYK, TRUE); //KAS
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_KASHYYYK, TRUE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_MANAAN, TRUE); //MAN
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_MANAAN, TRUE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_KORRIBAN, TRUE); //KOR
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_KORRIBAN, TRUE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_TATOOINE, TRUE); //TAT
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_TATOOINE, TRUE);
//This is where you add your new planet call... after Leviathan.
SetPlanetAvailable(15, TRUE);// ORD Mandell
SetPlanetSelectable(15, TRUE);

//Unknown World
   if(nMain == 30)
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_UNKNOWN_WORLD, TRUE);
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_UNKNOWN_WORLD, TRUE);

//Star Forge
   if(nMain == 50)
       //P.W. (June 8) - When the Star Forge Opens up all the live planets are 

           Db_MyPrintString("GALAXY MAP DEBUG ********************** Live Planet 1 

is now unselectable");
           SetPlanetSelectable(11, FALSE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(12, FALSE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(13, FALSE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(14, FALSE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(15, FALSE);
           SetPlanetSelectable(16, FALSE);
       SetPlanetSelectable(15, FALSE); //Removes Ord Mandell on Unknown World
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_UNKNOWN_WORLD, FALSE);
       SetPlanetAvailable(PLANET_STAR_FORGE, TRUE);
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_STAR_FORGE, TRUE);
   if(nMain == 60)
       SetPlanetSelectable(PLANET_STAR_FORGE, FALSE);
   //SetPlanetAvailable(12, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetAvailable(13, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetAvailable(14, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetAvailable(15, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetAvailable(16, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetSelectable(12, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetSelectable(13, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetSelectable(14, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetSelectable(15, TRUE);
   //SetPlanetSelectable(16, TRUE);

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BTW this has nothing to do with Ord Mandall mod but I am doing a big mod a extension on the darkside ending including new planets and other stuff but my question is as long as I give you credit do you have any problem with me using the art from your items/sabers/armor/weapons pack. I am art challanged and suck at actual artwork and I like your items but for my use are a little overpowered or not exactly what I want but I really would like to use the art work. I will give anyone who's mods/art I use in my mod full credit with no doubt.


BTW I am new to the community and quickshot14 is my RL brother.

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  • 4 months later...
In the Readme it say for characters 14+ plus. My character is 15th and my NPCs are 13th. The droids are a good fight yet I cannot kill a single Manalorean by himself without pumping up my stats to insane levels. :mad::(

Honestly, because there are so many possible character builds and item combinations, what I wrote is just a general guideline for the level required to play this mod, nothing more... sorry!


You see, there was a general consensus that the game was "too easy" so I made a part that was anything but... it is surprising what you can do by simply giving NPC's good stats, some good equipment, and maxing out their HP, huh? ;)

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Honestly, because there are so many possible character builds and item combinations, what I wrote is just a general guideline for the level required to play this mod, nothing more... sorry!


You see, there was a general consensus that the game was "too easy" so I made a part that was anything but... it is surprising what you can do by simply giving NPC's good stats, some good equipment, and maxing out their HP, huh? ;)


I'll say I just went through it with a level 16 pure gaurdian w/ Jolee and Bastilla and almost got whupped a few times.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, sorry for replying to such an old topic but i have a couple of questions about this mod.


First of all i went there after my first planet, i was level 14 and most of my party were level 12. Suffice to say i got demolished by Zax and his crew though i did manage to take down 2 of them. Their loot contained 2 very powerful vibroblades that almost doubles my melee equipped characters damage.


Just wondering if this mod is balanced for a normal game or should it be used with this hardcore mod i have read about. It just seemed to me that by using these items i would be overpowering my characters.


Also by visiting ORD Mandell does that add to the number of planets you have visited. If i remember correctly the Yavin stations inventory changes after you have been to a certain number of planets, just wondering if ORD Mandell contributes to this, unless i am mistaken (could be the maps that trigger new inventory i cant remember)

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First of all i went there after my first planet, i was level 14 and most of my party were level 12. Suffice to say i got demolished by Zax and his crew though i did manage to take down 2 of them. Their loot contained 2 very powerful vibroblades that almost doubles my melee equipped characters damage.

Yup, the game really changes when you get the really nice equipment in the game used on your party for a change huh? :D


Just wondering if this mod is balanced for a normal game or should it be used with this hardcore mod i have read about. It just seemed to me that by using these items i would be overpowering my characters.

Read my response a couple posts up about the difficulty of this mod... Post #108


If you add the Hardcore Mod to your game you will increase the difficulty of the game so if you find it very nasty now... well, it'll become worse. :D


Also by visiting ORD Mandell does that add to the number of planets you have visited. If i remember correctly the Yavin stations inventory changes after you have been to a certain number of planets, just wondering if ORD Mandell contributes to this, unless i am mistaken (could be the maps that trigger new inventory i cant remember)

No, this mod doesn't count against certain game progressions like Suvam Tan's invantory, so only the standard game planets will do this. ;)

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Yup, the game really changes when you get the really nice equipment in the game used on your party for a change huh? :D



Read my response a couple posts up about the difficulty of this mod... Post #108


If you add the Hardcore Mod to your game you will increase the difficulty of the game so if you find it very nasty now... well, it'll become worse. :D



No, this mod doesn't count against certain game progressions like Suvam Tan's invantory, so only the standard game planets will do this. ;)


Thanks for the info.


I returned to ORD Mandell later on at level 17 and i still got whooped by Zax hehe, he is one tough mother. Though i have yet to kit myself out with some of the better items you can buy so im sure that will help. Once/if ive managed to beat the area ill come back and post what i thought about it, but i think its safe to say this mod rocks! Nice work.

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  • 4 months later...

Mod Update, Version 1.2 Available: I was browsing some of my old Backup CD's seeing what mods I have for any possible PCGameMods Rescue Effort and I found some work that Kaspian did for ORD Mandell in enabling the Rapid Transit System, around the time he wrote up a tutorial for this, I thought this zip was one of the things I lost when I switched PC's.


So I have repacked the mod with his changes he sent me, long ago. It worked wonderfully in my test run. :)


So with a big thanks to Kaspian... ORD Mandell now has Rapid Transit. Better Late than never eh? :xp:


Also I am currently sketching out a few things to possibly spice up the pre-existing modules and possibly add some of the scrapped content ideas I had back into this mod... a Hutt with some planet-spanning Bounty Contract 'Quests' was one of the things, along with a couple other quests, one for the Rodian Janitor and one for the Twilek Mechanic, and possibly some other surprises.


I'll keep people posted on when, or if, I start this in earnest. Right now it is on the back burner until I get some more free time. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Help!!! Help!!! Help!!!

I have made changes in dialog.tlk as Red Hawke said (42505 - name, 42511 - description). When I load my Galaxy map I saw clear name and description. What is the problem???

I don't see name and description!

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I'm glad it helped you RedHawke :o) Great job


I will look at the planet's description at the evening. I know it is possible to change planet's name for map and load game GUIs with help of *.are file. Edit: I mean orientation map, not the Galaxy map


Darth333 once suggested an extra computer for travelling to custom planets.

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I'm glad it helped you RedHawke :o) Great job


I will look at the planet's description at the evening. I know it is possible to change planet's name for map and load game GUIs with help of *.are file.


Darth333 once suggested an extra computer for travelling to custom planets.

Wow,wow, wow, wait!!!

Aren't *.are files for module creating? They are, but you said...

And what do you mean under

"Darth333 once suggested an extra computer for travelling to custom planets"

What does it mean???

Thank you Kaspian for going to help!:)

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Yes they are. You can load *.are file of your module into GFF Editor and find entry NAME [CExoLocString], make it blank by changeing its STRREF to -1 (no reference to dialog.tlk). Then move cursor into Language ID input filed, left click in it and hit enter. You should be able to write there now. String syntax is Planet - Location. After all the name will state = 1 strings. Save GFF and test it.


On map GUI (press M in game?) should be Planet - Location. On Load Game GUI should be Planet in the upper field and Location in the lower one.


I am curious if something similar could be done to planetary 2da (unlink reference to dialog.tlk and write the planet's name and description somewhere else).


For now, there is only 1 new planet accessible via the Star Map. If we get to more than three, a new computer, similar to what's in the Leviathan could be installed in the Ebon Hawk :D ...the installation could even be inserted in the storyline: you ask a mechanic, like the guy on Korriban, to install a new travel system in the Ebon Hawk :p
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I am curious if something similar could be done to planetary 2da (unlink reference to dialog.tlk and write the planet's name and description somewhere else).


Probably not, unfortunately. As far as I know 2DA files only contain simple string constants which are expected to represent data of a particular type. The "name" and "description" fields expect StrRef values only.


There is no way of specifying Localized string data, like the GFF ExoLocStrings, in 2DA files (since dialog.tlk is used for game-wide localization anyway).

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I have made changes in dialog.tlk as Red Hawke said (42505 - name, 42511 - description). When I load my Galaxy map I saw clear name and description. What is the problem??? I don't see name and description!


I tried to fill those lines in dialog.tlk and it worked (thanks to stoffe -mkb- and her TalkEd). Make sure "Text present" flag is checked. In KotORTLK it is "Has Text".


There is no way of specifying Localized string data, like the GFF ExoLocStrings, in 2DA files (since dialog.tlk is used for game-wide localization anyway).


You are right. As long as is planetary.2da involved is dialog.tlk only way to go.

Well, it's after 2 AM here, and only good thing I found is how to change some GUI buttons and how to move planets on the galaxy map

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Oh! The second Kaspian's reply was very useful! I haven't checked it. That is the problem...

About the First reply - I though that you mean .are files are connected with Galaxy map, how to name module, I know...

But great thanks for the second reply!!!

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