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Battlefront PC Patch 1.01 Thread (second official patch)


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Well, I tried the new patch, and it did NOTHING for the issues I have with the browser. I am still unable to sort properly by server population (the list keeps jumping around), the PC DEDICATED information never updates, the pings never update, and if I get a server full and pushed back to the browser list it seems to stop updating at all.


I was smart this time, and copied my old Battlefront folder before patching, so I can easily restore the original game without reloading it. I hate to give up all the other enhancements just because the browser is rendered useless by these patches, though. Does anyone know what files/DLLs in the game control the browser so I can restore just those files from the original?


Pandemic, if you are reading this, PLEASE address these browser issues soon, the current in-game server browser is just unusable!

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I understand why people are upset, but at the same time I'm confused why anyone would be surprised?


If you've purchased a Multiplayer game anytime in the last few years, they all come pretty buggy out of the box. To be honest with you, I actually found SW:BF to be pretty clean gameplay-wise.


Based on a bad experience with Battlefield: Vietnam, I think that Battlefront has an advantage in that most of the problems are net-code based rather than play-balancing. The gameplay itself is awesome IMHO. Vietnam came unbalanced out of the box, and wasn't at all entertaining for the most part - in addition to its poor netcode and substandard performance (if you loved BF:V, I enjoyed it for a while too - but it was definitely troubled).


I didn't purchase this game until a couple days ago after I heard they were already releasing patches - that was actually one of the reasons I DID pick this up. BF:V didn't have a patch for months, and these devs are already working on SW:BF. I'd say don't worry, enjoy the game as much as you can - it will only get better ;)

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Jet Black, you are my new best friend ;)



SWBF isn't laggy like hell unlike BF:V and thank god for no M60ish weapons.


LOL... Yep. You haven't experienced anything until you played BF:V in the first few months where every n00b played the US side and used the M60. Lagginess aside, it's always nice to lose when you're outnumbered 20-1 and have no chance in close quarters against anyone ;)

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I am a Spanish user of the game, and for us (the spanish from Spain :p), this patch is a major update. Our patch weighed 12,2 MB because Geonosis got bugged when the spanish gold version got burned. We couldn't play on Geonosis for more than a week!!!! For this I think that this is a patch that was very needed, and replying to that poster who said that they should have been working on the patches since before it got gold, I have to say that no, because the "Spanish issue" (as it's called in LucasArts), got reported a few hours since the game hit the shelves on wednesday 29th september here on Spain, so it couldn't be fixed on the 1.00a patch.

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Since I updated my game with patch 1.01 the game crashes more often.

It sucks. But the game play is kickass.


I gotta give that BF: V as well as COD online a try. They sound sweet.

I have only played Quake 2, C&C Renegade(LOve it and still play), Star Wars Galaxies(playing since June03) and now Battlefront.


Did I already say this game kicks ass? :D

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Originally posted by Kurgan

In fact, it's using a whole new engine (developed by Pandemic Studios, who had no connection to EA's game at all). Pandemic was chosen because of their background making the "Clone Wars" game on consoles.


I just sort of assumed all along that this was connected to that title, but it's just a coincidence.


Where is the information you're referring to here? I'm trying to find it on the LA site.... do you have a link?



Nevermind... I found it in the FAQ:


Is Star Wars Battlefront using the same engine from an existing game?

No, the engine for Star Wars Battlefront is a brand new engine developed by Pandemic Studios.


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I agree with you. Unfortunately this game has great potential but falls short due to two things:


Online Frame Rate (FPS). The online multiplayer game is limited to 20 frames per second even on top of the line systems. A frame rate of 20 makes the sniper impossible to use.


Online Server Browser. The online multiplayer server browser is now broken and shows all servers as ping of one bar. Randomly over a LONG PERIOD OF TIME some of the other servers start to pop up. In addition to not knowing the ping many games kick users out after only a few maps. I have NEVER been in a game for more than 4 maps without it stalling on the in between "Joining..." screen. I then have to back out and start the process of waiting to find a good server again. This broke after the updates.


I also think there are a couple serious design flaws:


1) Server Browser: Not enough options, filters, or ways to view servers. Very simplistic compared to other current online games such as BF1942, Unreal 2004, etc...


2) The weapons shoot lasers that are too slow. People can dodge personal and vehicle weapons fire. The AT-AT's weapons are so slow it's near impossible to hit a snow speeder. Most weapons need such a lead time it's embarassing because these are lasers!!!


Just my thoughts,



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Online FPS: It's not impossible with 20 FPS to use a sniper. I've used one to much success with less then that.


Online Server Browser: Errr...nothing to say.


Design flaws:


1) Agreed. I was deceived myself. Use ASE.


2) This is not a design flaw. Laser bolts in Star Wars fly more slowly then our projectile weapons. Learn to adjust yourself.

Second, the AT-AT's main weapon slow firing laser is not a design flaw neither. Perhaps you've never heard of something called balance. Its weakness is the snowspeeder. If it can easily shoot down a snowspeeder, is that a weakness? An AT-AT requires a capable pilot, gunner and some Shock Troopers with their tracking missiles for anti-snowspeeder defense.

Also note that the incredible blast area of the At-At's laser far more then compensate for it being slow.

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I agree there's an attempt at balance on Hoth but there's room for improvement. They should modify things in the future. Rebels can't NOT win because the speeders are too strong, Imperial infantry (no matter how good) can't destroy them. It's simply impossible to destroy a speeder who keeps moving because the seeking behavior of the missiles is just crap and AT-ATs and AT-ST's lasers don't do anything. It's a decent balance but it needs to be improved.

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I've shot down tons. I'd say I average 2 downed speeders per round. But for every good shot (and I know when to shoot the game isn't complicated) there are tons that completely miss when shot head-on or miss slightly simply because they always turn too late. Shots often trail for MINUTES. It's absurd. The seeking is not "fine."


What usually happens is the speeder just stops in mid-air and targets anyone with a missile launcher. The problem that no other weapon is consistently effective against speeders. Slight improvements to the tracking behavior would make the Imperials more competitive without gimping the Rebels.

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Originally posted by Iceman_IX

I've shot down tons. I'd say I average 2 downed speeders per round. But for every good shot (and I know when to shoot the game isn't complicated) there are tons that completely miss when shot head-on or miss slightly simply because they always turn too late. Shots often trail for MINUTES. It's absurd. The seeking is not "fine."



And then everyone will all be:"OMFG! The seeking is too powerful! There's no way to dodge missiles!"


You can also use gun turrets at your disposition. They are quite effective.

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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

The patchers are quite senseless for not fixing the FPS cap in Multiplayer IMO :o

/agree, man i bought yesterday battlefront and when i went to play online all the servers where red and then i entered in one and IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY ONLINE.

Anyway in singleplayer i saw the game is really good

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I did see those yes thanx, but its still not what people are asking for is it. Its a server handler, I believe most peoplle want the whole online expierience unlocked I believe the potetial is in the code already they just need to give us the patch to miraculously remove it so they can say ' aren't we clever. I'm very skeptical and mistrusting Kurgan. Christmas is coming, perhaps a hint of an expansion pack, coincidence....not so sure.

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