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Map editor


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Originally posted by CanadianCow

is there any sort of map editor that lucas arts is planning to set out for us?:atat::biggs:



hahahahahaha...a map editor, thats hilarious, a map editor!


I suppose you want a SDK too mr 'let me have it all'



...next thing people will want is a usable dedicated server or even a workable ingame game browser or super duper sophisticated thing...compatibility with 3rd party game browswers!



....I swear some people just wont accept the fact that you cant ask so much from game designers.





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....I swear some people just wont accept the fact that you cant ask so much from game designers.


Well if you owned the software company that had to make the maps, would you rather pay designers to kick out expansion packs to meet the public’s demands for new sceneries or have the gaming community do it for themselves?


There is a clash of gaming communities on this game. You have the Star Wars group that wants Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars.

Then you have the strategy gaming community that wants to map so we don't have to play the same things repeatedly.

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[RNGD]Tyrant /sarcasm noted :)


I know the game has been out for only a few days, but it would be nice to know what kinds of plans there are for the PC side, asside from the quick patch. I count only two sites (not including the officiial site) so far that have dedicated forums to this title. I've only seen one posting by a Pandemic employee give very short info on some plans.


With only two sites it's hard to know if anyone is giving a hack at the current file structures. Unless someone or a group of people get their collective minds together, we're going to be chasing our own tails asking and reading the same type posts day after day.




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