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Favorite Faction


What is your favorite Faction?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite Faction?

    • Rebels
    • Empire(Old Republic)
    • Clones(Old Republic)
    • Seperatist

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i like rebels, but i playing as imperals more. They're vehicals are superior in strength, and though they're tie-fighters suck ass to the rebels x-wing. they should of had the tie-interceptor for the imperials fleet.

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Originally posted by DieStarWarsGeek

It's not letting me vote, but my favorite is CIS. I love killing some clones, especially knowing everyone just loooooves being them. I wish I could change a few things about the droids but they are the sweetest to be, imo.


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Originally posted by Micahc

Am I the only one that likes the CIS... so it would seem. YOU ALL LAUGH BE CAUSE IM DIFFERENT I LAUGH CAUSE YOUR ALL THE SAME!!!!

stupid clones


Wasn't that on a T-shirt.

Besides, CIS only has 2 powerful units, both the clones have units to counter them, the rest are extremely weak, the clones are just obviously better.


By the way, on the battlefront site it says that the rebel trooper can charge his rifle, and the clone trooper's rifle can hurt vehicles?

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Originally posted by monkey joe

Wasn't that on a T-shirt.

Besides, CIS only has 2 powerful units, both the clones have units to counter them, the rest are extremely weak, the clones are just obviously better.


I dunno if it was on a t-shirt, I got it from a friend. Plus its always fun to be good with people others hate! Like Yoshi on Smash Brothers Melee :D

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Originally posted by monkey joe

True, but the clones look cooler.

well...ummm... SO?!?!!?!?!

Oh well to each his own. I really don't like the Clones just because its in Ep. II and i have a lousy view of Ep. II. Ep. I could have been better but its better than Ep. II

Man all these abbreiviations!

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Originally posted by Darth Alec

I like the CIS :bdroid2: better because the only good clone is the jet trooper, spupid clones


The only good droid is the Destroyer Droid, and the Jettrooper is better. The super battle droid is ok, but no match for the clone trooper, you can get a head shot sooooo easily on those guys.

People always CHEAPLY!!!! shoot a rocket a me on the middle of a firefight, but it only hurt me a little and i was behind him, what a loser.

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