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Kotor 2 SL Release


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Originally posted by Raveth

And Aleggy how you know that ? your a jedi, and not revan ?


Heres a few reports that confirm this:












http://xbox.ign.com/articles/530/530491p1.html (careful, slight Darth Sion spoiler inside this one)




Found in IGN KotOR 2 Update

Though you play a new character who once followed Revan, some characters from the original game will resurface for brief cameos, filling you in on their lives for the past five years.


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thankyou captainskye when i read raveth's post i quite literaly banged my head on my desk


and to be honest my original sources where other threads on this site which were then backed up by other threads from obsidians sites and lucas arts sites and i wasnt sure i'd be able to find them again to provide links


but now thanks to u captain i dont have too

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Originally posted by Raveth

well aleggy thats because your stupid O_o


Once again Raveth flaming other users is not allowed here please read The Forum Rules & Codes of Conduct Thread before you get into trouble. :mad:


1. You cannot, in any way, insult (or "flame") someone else on the board. People may not be insulted just because their opinion differs from your own. Flaming includes calling people names, insulting them in any way or saying offensive things to them.


EDIT: I have reported this post to the Moderators.

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Originally posted by Raveth

February 2005 PC



XBOX = December 2004




Feb '05 PC & International XBox


Dec '04 U.S. XBox


And Aleggy how you know that ? your a jedi, and not revan ?

It's been stated at OE's site countless times, every interview answered the same when delt the question, etc. etc. etc.


& try to refrain from insulting other members......


*Edit* Yeah, what Hawke said.

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well i feel that i have to point out in raveth's defence that this post of mine 'could' be interperated as me flaming raveth and all raveth was doing was retaliating


Originally posted by Aleggy

thankyou captainskye when i read raveth's post i quite literaly banged my head on my desk


and to be honest my original sources where other threads on this site which were then backed up by other threads from obsidians sites and lucas arts sites and i wasnt sure i'd be able to find them again to provide links


but now thanks to u captain i dont have too


but that said thanks for all your support



remember everyone there is no emotion only peace :D

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Originally posted by FiEND_138



Feb '05 PC & International XBox


Dec '04 U.S. XBox



It's been stated at OE's site countless times, every interview answered the same when delt the question, etc. etc. etc.


& try to refrain from insulting other members......


*Edit* Yeah, what Hawke said.



LOL says on Lucasarts official HP for kotor 2 SL release thats dec xbox feb pc


BTW Xbox are for children who only play games

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No, Redhawke does not, all he has done, is tried to make this place cleaner for kids, and for it to stick to its own rules...


Back on subject... I agree that you are not Revan, and i do not want ot be Revan...


Originally posted by FiEND_138

Wow Raveth, after reading your other post over at HL, I'd say a bans in your immediate future. Sure wasn't nice knowing you, have a mediocre life.....


I agree...


-Adam G.

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Originally posted by Raveth

oooh ya and wouldnt a stupid d00d bang his head against his desk ? well if your a massorchist it doesnt really matter does it ? lol ^^


:eyeraise::eyes8::disaprove That makes no sense at all.... oh well...


cool prime your just a moderator afterall

Mods can edit merge split and ask supermods+admis to ban a user *hint* *hint* at any point in time of their OWN PRIVATE forum with no flaming *hint* *hint* at all...


-Adam G.

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Originally posted by Raveth

cool prime your just a moderator afterall

oooh ya and wouldnt a stupid d00d bang his head against his desk ? well if your a massorchist it doesnt really matter does it ? lol ^^

Ok, enough playing now ...that makes a lot of warnings considering the ones you've got here and the one I sent you via PM...expect some actions to be taken.

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Originally posted by Darth333

Ok, enough playing now ...that makes a lot of warnings considering the ones you've got here and the one I sent you via PM...expect some actions to be taken.


well its nice to know that its not just me raveth is flaming


Raveth i do not take kindly to you flaming me again especialy since i defended your earlier flame


i own a ps2 xbox and a pc i am not a child i am 28 and i enjoy playing games on all formats


p.s. raveth here is some friendly advice take a more mature attitude while on these threads or you will find yourself banned if that hasnt already happened


and i fully agree with darth333

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Originally posted by Raveth

LOL says on Lucasarts official HP for kotor 2 SL release thats dec xbox feb pc


I am going to try to comment on the release dates without sticking my foot in my mouth or pissing a myriad of groups off. This is probably impossible, but hey when has that ever stopped Feargus "Slamdunk" Urquhart before.


Anyway now that I'm done with the disclaimer.


There are actually a whole bunch of reasons why the dates have been set they way they have been, some of them have to do with LucasArts and some of them have to do with Obsidian. Microsoft even weighed in on the topic and let us know what they would like to see. What came out of all that was that the US Xbox version would come out in December and the PC and both International versions would come out in February.


Like a lot of people on the boards here, we are disappointed that we will not be shipping the PC version simultaneously. We are probably more disappointed actually, because of all the hard work we put into making it possible for that to happen.





Feargus Urquhart


Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.





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Originally posted by Raveth

wow you reported me 'sob' im so scared lmfao u really gotta get a life dude




Immature Display on Board (Check!)

Multiple Warnings by Moderators (Check!)

Banned under your name Raveth (Check!)


Maybe, if or when, you are ever allowed back you will learn some manners and be a little more courteous toward other people.

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