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Update on the Teddy


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Doobie doobie doo. Been about 3 months since I have been here. Not because I don't want to it is just that I don't have a computer where I live and cannot get on.


For those who don't know I moved from Sacramento down to a place called San Luis Obispo. They have a great school here called Cal Poly for those who don't know. It is also great here because Southern Californian weather is nicer than northern especially since I am now a mere 10-15 minutes from the beach. I am living at a off dorm type place which is pretty cool. I have the fastest connection I have ever had in my life here but since I have no computer it is just wasted. What a shame. I have been playing all my old FF games though so it isn't totally lost.


Hockey is in lockout. I know most don't care but I sure as heck do. I live for hockey and it is looking like it won't be here for at least a year.


Just wanted to shout out to all the people here. I won't be able to respond immediately (could be another 3 months for all I know) so if you post here cool and if you don't that is cool too. Just wanted to tell everyone that I am not dead and I don't hate many of you.


EDIT: One pretty cool thing is that my roommate is on one of those new MTV shows called Laguna Beach. He isn't starring in it but all his friends are. If anyone watches it in the first episode he is the one that says at the end "at least we're still skinny dipping" or something like that.



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hey there person i dont know:confused:


everyday (almost) i meet a member i never seen before.... :D


hockey...dont know much about it...hope it comes back for you to make you happy...


shame about the computer... and ill have to watch for your friend...


any who well come back and dont be a stranger...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hockey is not around. I have no life.


I live at a place called Stenner Glen. It is right off of Highroad, Santa Rosa, and Foothill. It is across the street from the Chevron and there is currently construction blocking off the Foothill street.


Hey RP is still alive.

Boston is beating my Cardinals.

I have over 500 hours combined on two games for FF10, 800 for FF7, 250 for FF8, 320 on FF9, and about 190 on FF10-2 which I have beaten 3 times.


I hope I get some money from my grandparents to get a computer. I miss you guys.



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Ello Ted, long time no see.


It´s good to hear from you again and knowing you are alright. I know how it must suck not to be able to play hockey. It´s been almost 4 years for me now since the accident but I still miss that damned game.


Hope you get your pc soon so you can stay in touch with the reality ;)

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