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What if...


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I read somewhere that TSL would have a plot-twist even bigger than the one on the Leviathan. What if this plot-twist is that you're actually Revan again? That would be pretty funny:D and it would explain why the MC on all the screenshots has one of the faces from the old game.

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ah, but the title of the thread is "what if", so on that note...


1. what if john kerry gets elected???


2. what if george w. bush gets elected???


3. what if kotor 2 gets its source code stolen and the release date gets pushed back indefinately???


4. what if tsl sucks???


5. what if tsl is rated 'm'???


6. what if the male pc falls in love with redheads, regardless (think straight here, folks :D )???


7. what if i kept asking what if???


just some thoughts...:D

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Originally posted by stingerhs

ah, but the title of the thread is "what if", so on that note...


1. what if john kerry gets elected???


2. what if george w. bush gets elected???


3. what if kotor 2 gets its source code stolen and the release date gets pushed back indefinately???


4. what if tsl sucks???


5. what if tsl is rated 'm'???


6. what if the male pc falls in love with redheads, regardless???


7. what if i kept asking what if???


just some thoughts...:D


stingerhs i mean this in the nicest way possible but it might be an idea for you to seek professional help :D :D


lmao @fiend

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1.) We're screwed.


2.) We're still screwed.


3.) It'd be our luck....


4.) I got a box of molotav cocktails in the trunk of my car & a map to San Rafael Ca. (LA's offices ;))


5.) I'm 26. no big deal.


6.) Red heads are cool. I'd go into my reasons but kids visit this site. If it was a male redhead, you'd see a post over at HL begging the modders to correct this obvious oversight.


7.) I'd need to grab more coffee to keep my mind going at this late hour.

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1. Possibility of world peace. Then maybe not but Heinz ketchup might become the official Ketchup of the United States.


2. Every country except the US is nuked to oblivion...because they aren't 100% with him. France goes down first.


3. I will hunt down the one who stole the source code and will kill him and feed him to the dogs.


4. Impossible.


5. I live in Canada so I don't give a rat's ass.


6. If it was a male redhead I wouldn't care. I'm not homophobic. But yeah some people will want to correct that. even if there's nothing to correct.


7. Seek some professional help.

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Then lets get to the answers.


1: I dont care.


2: Sweet.


3: I would die.


4: I've read to much good things about it to think it does.


5: Im 12, and i dont care.


6: Red hair looks cool.


7: If you kept asking if-things you would stop it, you cant ask if things forever, can you?


8: ...Oh, no more questions? Good.

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dude, i'm being advised to seek professional help by TWO people now...


you guys are definately not the firsts, but thats okay...


besides, just tryna have some fun. :p


oh, and lukeiamyourdad, the real answer to #2 is...


we CARPET-NUKE every country except the US into oblivion.




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The only thing I've heard about the mc in TSL is that he/she is a veteran from the Mandalorian wars that has lost his/her mastery of the force (or something like that) and has to regain it throughout the game. Well Revan did fight in the Mandalorian wars, and isn't it part of the story that Revan dissappeared a few years before the start of the game? It was a huge surprise when you found out you were Revan in the first game so who knows what will happen?


And about the election, like 90% of the rest of the non-American world I really hope Kerry wins. I mean, does Bush really think invading every country that doesn't have democracy or that he suspects has nuclear weapons is gonna make the world safer?? If this guy isn't stopped he's gonna start world war 3, or at least make lots of people (including terrorists) even more pissed off at the US than they allready are.


And his wiews on American interior politics are just as bad, I can't see why it's fair that only the wealthy people and the ones who can afford it should get healthcare and the poor ones should just be left to die if they get sick, everyone who support that is just ****ing selfish IMO.

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Originally posted by TheKnife

we CARPET-NUKE every country except the US into oblivion.?


Err..Well, that sucks. I live in europe.


ah, so now we see why re-electing bush is a bad idea. of course, kerry isn't much better. i agree that his healthcare plan pwns, but it costs tons of money (approx. 654 billion us dollars). not to mention his stand on pro-choice doesn't jive well with me.


oh yeah, and the whole world would be safe from us if kerry is elected because he wouldn't be able to make up his mind on who to go to war with, assuming the us is threatened in any way.


but i'm sure you guys don't want my take on politics. especially since i'm quite an opinionated moderate. :p

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What if.....


1.) What if it doesn't recieve the :lock: ?


2.) What if I think of a really good question to save the topic before the Left/Right flame war begins?


3.) What if I can't? Got any marshmellows for the said flame war?




Agrees with RedHawke. C'mon people, save the talk of our enevitable doom at the hands of these 2 nitwits for the Senate Chambers over at jk.net.

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Yep. & theres a lot more in depth conversations over there, way more in depth than you'll get here, if thats what you people are looking for. & judging by where you're going it is.


Nice play on words Hawke.


[/Topic]Hmmm.... I'm not sure I'd like the idea of being Revan again (what if scenario), I'd call that lazy writting personally. It would be like OE were too lazy to create a new character/ original story & just went for the old stand by, if that makes any sence.

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hmm, didn't mean to get off into political discussion, but i'm in college where the professors talk about it 24/7. :fist:



Originally posted by FiEND_138

Hmmm.... I'm not sure I'd like the idea of being Revan again (what if scenario), I'd call that lazy writting personally. It would be like OE were too lazy to create a new character/ original story & just went for the old stand by, if that makes any sence.


agreed. that would probably kill any kind of a contiuation of the kotor series, not to mention obsidian, because everyone would start to view them as unoriginal.

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i'm so glad we got to the topic of kotor as i like many others here are not from the U.S. so we not to bothered who gets elected no offence i'm sure that to the americans its very important but you dont see me coming on here saying i hope they dont elect Tony Blair again


umm oops now i've gone off topic. sorry


well i dont think ur gonna be revan but 'if' you are it'll be a let down but i'm looking forward to tsl

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i'm american and i dont care, but then again i'm not old enough to vote...


speaking of KOTOR2 i heard it comes out late december? hopefully in time for christmas.

anyway, that new xmen legends is pretty decent, i've heard good and bad about Fable, battlefront is pretty sweet, and xboxer's have Halo2 coming out Nov. 9 to pass some time until KOTOR2. all in all it should be a decent christmas. oh and how could i forget the highly likely possibility of the new ep.3 teaser attached to the previews of "the incredibles" in theatres Nov.5:D

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Originally posted by DarthBuzzard

And it would be lame to be Revan again, besides destroying the game it would destroy obisidan.

...and since Obsidian has plainly stated several times that your PC won't be Revan, I really wish people would stop bringing it up.


Good call, DarthBuzzard.

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

Nice play on words Hawke




Originally posted by Achilles

...and since Obsidian has plainly stated several times that your PC won't be Revan, I really wish people would stop bringing it up.


Same here, it really is getting a little old. ;)


Just my 2 cents! :D


(But, we might be Revan again in KOTOR III: TWoR)

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