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San Andreas Leaked


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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

It is interesting how they promote such illegal activities with the game itself... The irony. :p

So you think that the link between violence in video games and real-world teen violence and shootings is real? You can't have it both ways, you know ...



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I wonder how much better all our games would be if the developers didn't have to spend so much time trying to prevent piracy.

Then games wouldn't need so many patches and stuff of the sort. People would focus more on making the game better.I'm not for piracy at all by the way. I think that if you want a group to make more of what you like, you should invest in them. In other words:Buy it!

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Originally posted by txa1265

That's BS and you know it.


In order to *play* most of these games you know that you need the hardware - sure an XBox is pretty cheap, but for PC games you need some serious iron. And regardless you need a decent pipe to download, and a CD/DVD burner and decent computer to burn even an XBox game.


Therefore the people pirating are not 'needy', but spoiled kids with no sense of personal accountability who think that the world owes them something - which it does: a good smack upside the head.




Mike, I know what you mean, but its not so black and white. I can confidently say here in Oz, I have NEVER met anyone who does not have any pirated games or software. Im not sure in the US, but it is something of a cultural thing with gamers that it if you have ripped copy then you have more money to spend on beer and fast women !!! :p


I have just returned from Thailand. Ripped PC/XB and Ps2 games for $2 a pop. Sold by kids in the street, mainly students using a school compy to make some extra $$$. I asked this guy if anyone bought games there, he started laughing and told me to buy a brand new pc/console game will be the equivalent of 3 weeks of a standard adult wage(I verified this when I popped into a dept store later that day to see retail game prices,and spoke to a few others about wage rate)..... so its unlikely these kids are spoilt, and unlikely for them to expect their parents to fork out nearly a months pay for an absolutely non essential item like a computer game.....


Im not sticking up for pirates at all, but companies should be considering their response to the problem more rationally; I think they should work at making games more affordable and accessible, rather than come up with ridiculous anticopy systems that are debunked within days of a games release. These systems also make it a pain to backup copies of games we own, which we have a legal right to do....



BTW - I would like add a quick rant that Rockstar makes me throw up. AFAIC they exploit mankinds wanton desire for mindless violence in game form :p When they sit down and make a *real* game is when they deserve true respect. Bioware PWNZ their sorry a$$es. I hope the pirates sink them and steal all their spanish dubloons *aaargh!* [/end rant]





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*reads thread*

*re-reads everyone saying pirating makes it worse for gamers and developers alike*

*re-reads em again, just for ****s and giggles*


HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! I'm sorry, its just so funny. Amazing how people can get all up-in-arms about a stupid game getting pirated but not bat an eye-lash when something serious happens...y'know, unless it directly affects them.


Ha...I love it:D


O n0es!!111 teh p1rat3s r c0m1ng to haxx0r teh ub3r-1337 GTA!!!!1111


Yea, a winnur is j00 d00d


Hehehe...oi I've lost my damned mind. Better get the flame-retardent suit on...

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Originally posted by Kain

O n0es!!111 teh p1rat3s r c0m1ng to haxx0r teh ub3r-1337 GTA!!!!1111


LMFAO ! Kain, you're not usually one for comedy, but that was damn hilarious....... :D


*arrgh!!* beware ye pirates, txa1265 be sailin upon these darke waters tonite *arrgh!*



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Mike, I know what you mean, but its not so black and white. I can confidently say here in Oz, I have NEVER met anyone who does not have any pirated games or software. Im not sure in the US, but it is something of a cultural thing with gamers that it if you have ripped copy then you have more money to spend on beer and fast women !!! :p

Actually, it *IS* black and white. Piracy is stealing (I know the non-material argument, but gimme a break, you come into possession of something that costs money without paying money or having consent of the owner ... that's stealing) ... and stealing is wrong. If the people doing this would acknowledge this, I'd have less of a problem - it is those who seek to justify that it is OK or even that the companies deserve it ... that is my problem. Fess up - you're stealing. It is why I get so peeved about this and not about petty theft of 'concrete merchandise' ... because that is an acknowledged offense, so let the normal laws deal with it.

Originally posted by Astrotoy7

mainly students using a school compy to make some extra $$$. <snip> absolutely non essential item like a computer game....

Non essential = not *needed*.


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Im not sticking up for pirates at all, but companies should be considering their response to the problem more rationally; I think they should work at making games more affordable and accessible, rather than come up with ridiculous anticopy systems that are debunked within days of a games release. These systems also make it a pain to backup copies of games we own, which we have a legal right to do....

Video games cost about the same to buy as they did 15 years ago. As for the copy protection - it is like most legal maneuvers, they punish the innocent and barely deter the criminals.



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I have just returned from Thailand. Ripped PC/XB and Ps2 games for $2 a pop. Sold by kids in the street, mainly students using a school compy to make some extra $$$.

In some countries, like Russia and Estonia the pirated games are legal... It says "only to be sold in Russia and Estonia" on the cover...
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