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San Andreas Leaked


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Originally posted by txa1265

Good for you! I do know many people who actually buy the stuff they use ... but have had to 'wake up call' a few kids' parents ...




he he he. I could just imagine *my* parents response to such a call. Especially my dad....gee I feel sorry for whoever would have the nerve to make such a call to my A1CertifiedMadTurkish father !




cksaber, dont get too riled by Kain and his strange brand of home cooked Ohio sarcasm....(btw saber - check out my siggy man you likey!?) also, dont be worried about Kain'sgeneralisations, he has done it many times before and will do it many times again... he is the general of generalisations ! :p


as for GTA and Rockstar. this is the headline *I'd* like to see....




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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

he he he. I could just imagine *my* parents response to such a call. Especially my dad....gee I feel sorry for whoever would have the nerve to make such a call to my A1CertifiedMadTurkish father !

Well, I'm not some kind of crusader - it was done in context:

- A woman who worked for me for several years, who works in a different technology group now came to me for PC buying advice. She has a 12 year old son, and he wanted to be able to play games on the new laptop, and she knew I knew something about that ;) When I pointed out the issues with a <$1000 laptop and gaming, I also suggested an XBox, at which point she said that he didn't want one because while the XBox games cost ~$50 each, he could get games he wanted like Halo on the PC 'for free' by downloading them. I asked if she knew what that meant, and when she didn't, showed her the ad for how much Halo costs on GoGamer, and then told her what her son was doing. They had a heart to heart ;)

- One of my son's friends gave him Harry Potter (the first one) when he turned 5 (3 years ago) ... on a CD-R. I told the father I didn't approve of that sort of thing - there is a difference to me between kids sharing games and using it as a 'gift', I left the kids out of it and bought it for my son myself. I've since talked to my son about it. He understands that when I borrow a game from a friend it is different - they can't play it while we have it.



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Originally posted by txa1265

Well, I'm not some kind of crusader - it was done in context:

- A woman who worked for me for several years, who works in a different technology group now came to me for PC buying advice. She has a 12 year old son, and he wanted to be able to play games on the new laptop, and she knew I knew something about that ;) When I pointed out the issues with a <$1000 laptop and gaming, I also suggested an XBox, at which point she said that he didn't want one because while the XBox games cost ~$50 each, he could get games he wanted like Halo on the PC 'for free' by downloading them. I asked if she knew what that meant, and when she didn't, showed her the ad for how much Halo costs on GoGamer, and then told her what her son was doing. They had a heart to heart ;)

- One of my son's friends gave him Harry Potter (the first one) when he turned 5 (3 years ago) ... on a CD-R. I told the father I didn't approve of that sort of thing - there is a difference to me between kids sharing games and using it as a 'gift', I left the kids out of it and bought it for my son myself. I've since talked to my son about it. He understands that when I borrow a game from a friend it is different - they can't play it while we have it.




let me give you the events of when *I* was 12 years old.... I asked my dad, who along with my mum, worked 2 jobs to stay on top of mortgage payments :( if I could get a commdore 64. He gave me a slap on the head and told me to get out and mow the freakin lawn........... I shut up, I mowed the lawn etc, I didnt moan about it once. 6 mo. later lil astro got a Commodore 64 for his bday and played 'commando' til his eyes fell out :D


[rant]moral of the story *kids these day have it too easy*, gettin freakin laptops and consoles and Halo and GTA and whingin about it....dammit !![/rant]


damn you kids ![/crazy older forum person]



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

let me give you the events of when *I* was 12 years old.... I asked my dad, who along with my mum, worked 2 jobs to stay on top of mortgage payments :( if I could get a commdore 64. He gave me a slap on the head and told me to get out and mow the freakin lawn........... I shut up, I mowed the lawn etc, I didnt moan about it once. 6 mo. later lil astro got a Commodore 64 for his bday and played 'commando' til his eyes fell out :D


[rant]moral of the story *kids these day have it too easy*, gettin freakin laptops and consoles and Halo and GTA and whingin about it....dammit !![/rant]


damn you kids ![/crazy older forum person]



I feel so lucky now:D

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

what wonderful moral priorities. .


I'm suprise you said that, IS. You promote violence in pretty much all your posts. :p


Unless you're on some "I-Have-Morals" Rampage or something, I guess that allows you to be a hypocrite. :D

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Originally posted by txa1265

Well, I'm not some kind of crusader - it was done in context:

- A woman who worked for me for several years, who works in a different technology group now came to me for PC buying advice. She has a 12 year old son, and he wanted to be able to play games on the new laptop, and she knew I knew something about that ;) When I pointed out the issues with a <$1000 laptop and gaming, I also suggested an XBox, at which point she said that he didn't want one because while the XBox games cost ~$50 each, he could get games he wanted like Halo on the PC 'for free' by downloading them. I asked if she knew what that meant, and when she didn't, showed her the ad for how much Halo costs on GoGamer, and then told her what her son was doing. They had a heart to heart ;)

- One of my son's friends gave him Harry Potter (the first one) when he turned 5 (3 years ago) ... on a CD-R. I told the father I didn't approve of that sort of thing - there is a difference to me between kids sharing games and using it as a 'gift', I left the kids out of it and bought it for my son myself. I've since talked to my son about it. He understands that when I borrow a game from a friend it is different - they can't play it while we have it.






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making you wait 6 months? it's not like they had to release it when they said they would. when it's done, it's done. those early release dates are usually goals for when game developers want to finish the game and release it by, but they are in now way bound to those release dates. they dont owe us anything. they dont have to release it when they say they will; they just do their best to do it. to say they deserved it cause they made you wait 6 months is stupid.

Dude... You have no frickin clue what you are talking about. The game was .not released when it was done. The funny thing is, they will lose more money because of the leak than they made from the 'deal' with sony - that denies the PC the same release date as the PS2. The format that allowed Rockstar and GTA to make its name. At the end of the day it comes down to their greed and they've ended up paying for that...


So HL2 *deserves* to get stolen, and Doom 3, and any other game that didn't come out on time or when *you* wanted it to?!?!

Nope, they didn't consantly turn their back on the PC fans or make a new game which is actually an old game with a few bellls and whistles on it.


That is the mentality that says that women who wear tight clothes or low cut shirts or short skirts 'deserve' to get raped. Or if you drive a nice car in a bad neighborhood you 'deserve' to get car-jacked. It represents a really messed up sense of morals, and given most of you are teenagers, that scares me ... you really need to get a grip. There *is* such a thing as right and wrong, and trying to justify it by making metrics of the scope is just self-serving crap.


Blah Blah.


A woman who worked for me for several years, who works in a different technology group now came to me for PC buying advice. She has a 12 year old son, and he wanted to be able to play games on the new laptop, and she knew I knew something about that When I pointed out the issues with a <$1000 laptop and gaming, I also suggested an XBox, at which point she said that he didn't want one because while the XBox games cost ~$50 each, he could get games he wanted like Halo on the PC 'for free' by downloading them. I asked if she knew what that meant, and when she didn't, showed her the ad for how much Halo costs on GoGamer, and then told her what her son was doing. They had a heart to heart


Sack going to you for PC advice. :p

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Originally posted by TiE 23


Actually, the M rating had nothing to do with it - my nephew was playing Halo by 12 on his XBox - he and my brother enjoy going against each other on various XBox things (my brother is a perpetual n00b ... my nephew 0wnz him all the time ;) )


I wanted to make sure that my friend was aware of what her son was doing - I have adult friends who have downloaded basically their entire music library, so why would they really care about what their kids do in that regard ... she didn't understand, and it was something that concerned her greatly.


As for the kid who gave my son the pirated Harry Potter (I was pretty sure it wasn't a copy of a bought version, another reason for my problem), his father downloads everything despite being a programmer, and doesn't have any issue with what his son does. He has taken out two of their computers by downloading viruses and worms ... and he's 8, so his mother is starting to care ;)



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Its great that my making a comment and having ckcsaber respond in anger has spurred such hatred throughout this thread...somehow.


Okay so maybe it didn't. Just let me think that I caused a Swamp civil war for just a little while longer...please?

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Originally posted by txa1265

Actually, the M rating had nothing to do with it - my nephew was playing Halo by 12 on his XBox - he and my brother enjoy going against each other on various XBox things (my brother is a perpetual n00b ... my nephew 0wnz him all the time ;) ).....



Its a phucking joke! :rolleyes:

My fist M rated game was Unreal 1, I was like, 8




my first game was a T rated fps, Dark Forces :D



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More like back on topic.


I just hope that San Andreas is what it was hyped up to be, if it is then it'll be awesome. Hopefully if my bro decides to bring his PS2 round on the release date with the game, I can find out.

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Originally posted by MTV2

It sure as hell better come out tommorrow


Its not like it being pirated has screwed up the fact that the game is done and mass produced and ready to be shipped. It just screws the company out a few extra dollars.


I don't understand why people are so up in arms about it anyways. It doesn't affect the price that they're buying it for or anything.

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