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JKA community is dying (oh! the nostalgia!)


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The JA community is dying because, as people have stated, the game is basically getting old. Many have left multiplayer. Very few people are making mods (compare to JK's time). Just because one person plays Single Player frequently, it doesn't mean that community isn't deteriorating.

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Okay right now there are "only" 736 servers with 503 players on JA (according to ASE, which is nearly twice the number of JK2 servers/players on right now).


The numbers fluctuate up and down. I checked it a few weeks ago and it was up to over 1400 servers, IIRC (which was up from the 600 or so it had for awhile).


Yeah, no way did JA or JK2 ever have the numbers of CounterStrike, which is in the tens of thousands.


But that's fine. Not every game can be counterstrike (and counterstrike has basically been the teething ring for Half Life 2 for the past 6 years, released over and over again, etc.).


I see no clear evidence of the JA community "dying."


Some people quit, new people join, others keep playing.


The whole "h0n0rz" crap was present from day 1 (carryover from the JK2 community), sadly.


But just as people declared the game dead within days of its release, well... we're still here!


Enjoy it. ;) If it's not fun for you, leave... that's what games are all about. Nobody is forcing you to stay. If being the #1 most popular game is what matters to you, join the CounterStrike community or one of the MMORPG's with its tens or hundreds of thousands of players.


Until something comes along that does everything JK2/JA does, only better, there's little reason to assume it will die out. Star Wars is a powerful "force" (pardon the pun), and people are still making mods for JK1, even after all these years.



Btw, this really is a trip down memory lane, thanks for that guys! And just 'cause Raven hasn't released any new patches in a year doesn't mean the game can never have "bugs removed." Ever seen OJP? People are workin' on it man! Lots of good mods are done or in the works.

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Yes, I agree with kergan, although the game isnt as huge as it was great mods like Dark Forces, Open Jedi Project...etc are very big deals and may bring back those who choose to quit I dont know but just maybe.

I to was faced with this same question a few weeks ago after TK-8252 told me he didnt want enything to do with JA and my posts arent being answered as fast as other times:D But ppl are joining ppl are still playing to a certain degree and you will still see me scanning across the threads:D Even though ppl go play other games dosent make them stop playing JA as razorace said it hase great SP and big mods will make it better plus you have the replayability factor with choosing your oun player players still may come back even though thay are playing somthing els right now but you probably will never see the same numbers as before


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Originally posted by Vagabond

That would be me, in the flesh :cool: And it truly is superior ;) So, The_One, has that always been your name, or might I have known you by another?


But yes, ed_silvergun is another ghost from the past. I'm almost feeling like I need to go to Stonehenge and channel in the lost Jedi, from a more civilized age.


But here's the real test - do you still remember the passing of "Galactic Plumberman"? ...may he rest in peace...


I'm ed's brother. I wasn't around much when he was still here - but I did lurk a lot (right back to the days of Obi Wan, actually).


Anyway, I'm sure this'll bring back a few memories:




You probably don't remember *me* from back then, but I know ed was one of the old 'uns. I'm best known now for being the friendly face of the Dark Forces Mod :p But I'm sure I could convince him to get on here for a family reunion!

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I have always been curious about one thing. Did the Raven developers ever do research to enhance their sequels by playing the original JK (and even MotS)? The original and its expansion pack are quite different from JO and JA. Let's see here . . .



  1. Big maps with new Star Wars environments
  2. Civilians and many alien species
  3. JK: Drawn out plot with bosses
  4. MotS: Mission-oriented gameplay
    • Relatively small maps, locations mostly from the movies, little improvement in architecture in comparison to predecessors (although JA is an exception)
    • No civilians, limited NPCs (although JA did improve this)
    • JO: Drawn out plot with bosses
    • JA: Mission-oriented gameplay

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Ahh someone else mentioned mots. I just felt like I aged backward a few years. JDKnite188 gets the old man hat now. :p


Yeah, it'll probably be a few more years till the next JK game comes out. Until then I guess RC,Battlefront, and KOTOR 2 will have to keep us occupied. Maybe we'll see another X-wing game. That would rock.:cool::x-wing:

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Yup, the Star Wars Galaxies commercial Expansion 'Jump to Lightspeed.'


To play that though I'd have to buy SWG and pay the monthly fee, so I won't be playing it, though the graphics (like the rest of SWG) look incredible. It sure would be nice to see a dedicated space flight combat sim though. We really haven't gotten one like that on the PC since X-Wing Alliance.

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Originally posted by JediLiberator

Ahh someone else mentioned mots. I just felt like I aged backward a few years. JDKnite188 gets the old man hat now. :p

. . .


Hehe, yup, I have played all four titles in the series (if you count Dark Forces, one I haven't played, as a separate part of the Katarn saga).


Since I have seen the series evolve over four titles, I would expect an improvement or development on the previous with the next. Unfortunately, this hasn't worked out, and the JK games these days don't have the uniqueness and intricacy of the original and its expansion, making it harder to compete with stellar games like Doom 3 and HL2.


I do have faith in Republic Commando.

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Yeah now that you mention it it does look like Freelancer. At least the starfield and background stuff anyway. But freelancer got kind of repetitive after a while. I wish they'd come up with a flight sim that got into the actual manuevers of fighter combat. Instead of just dumping you in combat and saying, this is the fire button, here's you throttle and... oh you figure it all out!

So far I think it will either be RC or KOTOR that will claim the best new star wars game. It depends on whether they screw up RC somehow. Gotta love the process of elimination eh? ^^

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