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Holy sweet Jesus even Mono is trying to model now!


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This may not matter that much but in Star Wars Galixies the rifle you did is called a CDEF rifle or a DLT20a rifle. The T-21 rifle is an advanced rifle that is concidered a heavy weapon for a novice rifleman of a sharpshooter. I found some pics from the game for refrence if you need it




hope that helps

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Originally posted by Revan23

the storm trooper blaster is called an E11 Carbine


for reference anything with the "Carbine" designation or reference. Is talking about a projectile weapon that shoots a bullet propeled by a cartridge. Early developers and book writers occasionally attached the "Carbine" reference onto the E-11 Blaster which has made it's way around of being attached in Star Wars universe. One of the earliest and probably the most apropriate is when it was called the E-11 Blaster Carbine, which started the downward spiral of 1/2 dozen names for the same gun.


Just thought I would throw out knowledge gained in my long years of SW fandom(It's close to 24 or so)


Oh Yeah Bye the Way the discussion has been about the new gun in which MONO has modeled based off of the one the stormtroopers carry on the dune sea at the beginning of "A New Hope" which IS NOT THE E-11 BUT TOTALLY DIFFERENT.


Now to return to our reguraly scheduled program eh, Mono

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Originally posted by Shrub91

Can you please make it as a .zip and not a .rar? I own a mac and can't unzip the file when i download it from PcGameMods and i think this is awesome! so can u please change it?


Hey shrub91, I work on a mac. Try using StuffIt...the free version unzips both .rar & .zip files (Expander portion).


If it's a later mac (G4 & G5) series...it should have come with the system... if not, get it here:



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Originally posted by Shrub91

but what i don't get is that i have OS 10.3 and it should come with it right?


It should :confused: Do you have the system or OS disc? Sometimes it has to be loaded. Look in your Applications Folder and see if it's in there. Most of the time it doesn't have an icon in your Genie (shortcut) bar. You'll have to add it manually


::: EDIT ::: In any case, if worse comes to worse, follow the Expander link I posted above. It's free and works on a ton of compression files (including .rar).

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Ok, that last model is going to be put on hold temporarily, I need to fix a few porportions on it, make it more of a heavy rifle, but while that one sits around, I've got two more blasters almost done:


Model 1: Looking back at my first model, I wasn't satisfied, so I remade the DH-17 Blaster Pistol.


Model 2: 'Always liked the Scout Pistol from ROTJ. :D Appartently it's called the SOROSUUB Q-2s5 MOA. :confused:


All they need is skinning, which may take a little while...

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Skinned! Well sorta... :rolleyes:


DH-17 Redone


Another shot of DH-17(S)


Here's the Scout Pistol!


Same deal as before, one mod for your use, one for the enemies. I have altered the textures slightly since I took these pictures though.


In addition, I've altered the textures of my E-11 and T-21/TL-21/DLT-19, which I'll likely re-release as an add-on.


Edit: Finished!

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