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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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The Juhani Project

The second (and final) stage of my svösh re-sKiNz is coming along. Below are some sneak peeks. MANY small details, but try not to strain too hard looking for them. The patterns are "hidden reflective", meaning in game depending on the angle and light available...different patterns can be seen! Nifty huh? ;) Let me know if ya' want changes, likes/dislikes etc. ENJOY!


::EDIT:: (removed screenshot links) 1-16-05


** This is one problem I'm having...she's a little 'cockeyed'?? I think I may have to knudge her eye around the skin till it gets centered, but because the way it wraps....it's going to take awhile.. (yes I'm using your un-wrap trick Master svösh ;) )


anyone with pointers on this??

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dude where did you get those cool sabers for her. they look thin and wide more like an actual sword. or is that just an effect of the screenshots thatyou have.


Oh and she looks cool, I must say I'm much more partial to a revealed face and hair juhani, rather than the dark jedi outfits. but she looks great.

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Originally posted by darkkender

dude where did you get those cool sabers for her. they look thin and wide more like an actual sword. or is that just an effect of the screenshots thatyou have.

It's just the way I caught the shot, she was in mid-flourish....

Oh and she looks cool, I must say I'm much more partial to a revealed face and hair juhani, rather than the dark jedi outfits. but she looks great.

I was until I played so many times she started to instill rage everytime I saw her :mad: That and since I use her as a tank, I wanted her to have something more dark and sinister....ooooo mysterious ;)

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

I like it But Now she's almost a darkjedi. It would be a great skin For Darkside Juhani Mod ;)


hmmmmm..... very interesting. I thought there was already a Darkside Juhani mod (or one in the works)? If anyone knows, let me know...evil thoughts abound...


Juhani won't be available quite yet. I still have more tweaking (this skin is a royal pain in the bum) and yes...some minor script work (run Darth333...run! or at least run faster than tk102) ;)


Juhani's Dark Robe is available

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Originally posted by ChAiNz

Juhani won't be available quite yet. I still have more tweaking (this skin is a royal pain in the bum) and yes...some minor script work (run Darth333...run! or at least run faster than tk102) ;)

I am running!




j/k I'll help you anytime :)

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  • 2 months later...

ChAiNz.2da's attempt at a lightsaber model



These are now available! :D Check out the Release Thread


Greets everyone!


Wow, it's been awhile for this thread, but I'd rather keep all of my projects in one grouping (easier for my wondering mind to find stuff) ;)


Well, I finally took the plunge and started... (drum roll)... modeling! And of course leave it to me to pick something that wasn't simple to start with :rolleyes:


Anywho, here's 'the skinny' for my first lightsaber model... well, my second really (I scratched my old model T7) but we'll put that particular model in the dusty old closet... hehe


I'd like some feedback, possibly some stats, color(s) preferences, maybe a name for the darn thing... anything you can think of! And before anyone asks, no... it's not meant to be a half-arse attempt at a Dooku model... the sharp angles are intentional. I wanted something different and well, I've seen svösh's WIP version and I like his model better than anything I would attempt at it ;)


This saber uses Malak's Long-Saber model, but it will be upgradeable (I at least know how to do that). Of course, right now it's a red blade, but if there's enough "demand", I'll make it available in different colors as well (it'll be longer wait, so be warned). Also, would you want these to be the standard saber color/fills or would you want the color(s) to be a variation of the blade I used for my Revan's Longsaber (the semi-hollow, zig-zag pattern)? reference pics (pcgamemods)


It stills needs to be skinned, so I'm in the middle of looking over the UVmapping tutorials and such but I wanted to get some feedback before I started. Any changes to the model would require a new UVmap (thanks T7, for the warning), so I'd rather wait just a bit. In the meantime I took your advice T7 and am practicing on easier stuff first.


Let me know what you think! :D

Early thanks to:


cchargin for,

1) mdlops, a fantastic & necessary modeling tool

2) The excellent Replacer Tool (and very easy to follow instructional readme for the saber model replacement)


Also, T7nowhere for his encouragement and eagerness to help a n00b modeler such as myself.


And of course, svösh for his many helpful tutorials on the subject of modeling.


Thanks to them, modeling hasn't been as daunting of a task as I had first imagined. Though I suggest anyone begining (such as me), read, read, read the many tutorials and threads available on the subject... they do help. :thumbsup:


If *I* can do it, anyone can ;) hehehe

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Originally posted by MattColejk

a curved sabre deserves a completely different fighting style, like count dooku (Darth Tyrannus)

Trust me my friend, if that's something we were able to fix, I definitely would... hehe ;)


Maybe if we're lucky, TSL's different fighting styles will give them (curved sabers) some justice. Assuming the tools will allow us to port over our models. ::crosses fingers::


Double-bladed saber?...hmmm... perhaps :smilsab

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I have to say nice. I know I would be partial to having a new lightsaber able to use all the different colors I have seriously thought about going through and making all of the new sabers out there adaptable to that. However on the flip side I love how others are also creating new sabercrystals for there model only. Which I've also been tempted to adapt into available for any hilt type.

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@Piece of Metal

Thank you for the encouragement :)



Yeah, I'm probably going to release it with optional colors. How to incorporate it will be a different story. I don't want to have all the crystals show up in one cluster (like in my Longsaber Crystal Pack), so it might wind up being a merchant item rather than "loot". This would be the easiest way to allow players to choose the color and/or variation they want (of course anyone can mod it to their own whims or cheat code as well ;) ) We'll see when/if I can get to that point...which leads to



Man, you weren't kidding! UVmapping is a :swear: (especially the emitter you warned me about... hehe). However, I did manage to get a working map (yay). Now that I know what I'm doing (somewhat) I'm probably going to go back and do a better UVmap that has a somewhat "recognizable" pattern to it (so others can re-skin it if they so desire)...


@any of the modelers out there :D

One (or more) questions however, that I haven't found a definitive answer to. Should I be creating these UVmaps before I export the model for a final, or is it ok to save the UVmap, re-import my final model, apply the UVmap then re-export? (confusing and bass-ackwards I know....)


I created my first map by:

1) "mdlop-ing" my saber model (the screenshot version) to get it back in ascii format

2) imported into GMAX (should I import geom+animation?)

3) slashed, dashed, cursed and made the UVmap

4) screenshot-ed, Photoshop-ed and applied the skin as a material to the model in GMAX (to test to see if I got the map to work). It did (yay again)


Now... from here... (any and all modelers are welcomed to answer my clumsy question... hehe)


I need to re-export correct? Otherwise my saber wouldn't have UVmap coordinates and the game wouldn't know what to do with or how to apply my hilt skin (or am I making this more difficult than it needs to be?)


I've yet to test this in game because I wasn't sure of the above question.

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When I'm making a model, I save multiple versions as I progress(or incase max crashes :rolleyes: ) The way i work is if I find a problem with the uvmap or the model then I just reload the latest saved version make my adjustments and reexport( I always hit geom only) But If IM unhappy with what I did then I go back to an earlyer version.


When importing a model it depends, as in the case of the lightsaber I think you do have to import with animations to get the anim helper. I assume that you need to so I haven't tried it the other way. if the helper that you have to link to is there by importing geom only then it will be fine to do it that way.


Im just wondering if you applied the uvmap set the parameters then applied uv unwrap. Because if you set the uvmap to Cylindrical it can save you abit of time.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

When I'm making a model, I save multiple versions as I progress(or incase max crashes :rolleyes: ) The way i work is if I find a problem with the uvmap or the model then I just reload the latest saved version make my adjustments and reexport( I always hit geom only)


When importing a model it depends, as in the case of the lightsaber I think you do have to import with animations to get the anim helper. I assume that you need to so I haven't tried it the other way. if the helper that you have to link to is there by importing geom only then it will be fine to do it that way.


Im just wondering if you applied the uvmap set the parameters then applied uv unwrap. Because if you set the uvmap to Cylindrical it can save you abit of time.

Yeah, I'm overly paranoid so I have several saves during different stages (just in case) ;) I have the particular stage just before linking the anim helper, and was thinking of building the UVmap at that point (before exporting to final).


Luckily I followed svösh's Detaching , UVW mapping , and Unwrapping UVW post, so I did in fact set the UVmap to cylinder, fit to Z axis (which was spot-on..yay). Unwrapped it, 'detached' faces I thought made sense, planar mapped the sections and arranged it on the UVmap Edit. Everything worked (other than it being a big pain in the arse heheh).


So from what I gather, I do indeed need to export the model with a UVmap stack modifier in order to skin the hilt (which makes sense), I just wanted to make sure I wasn't skipping an "easy" stage :D


Thanks for the help T7!

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You can leave the uv mods in the stack or collapse them. They will be collapsed during export so it doesn't really matter if you do it or let the export do it. But you should remember to apply the aurora trimesh again though if you forget it will be applied on export. The beneift to applying the trimesh is that you can set selfIllume as well as a few other things if you need to.

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So far, so good (whew)!


I went back to my save just before the animation helper link, built the (better) UVmap, linked helpers...blah blah


Skinned a "color-zone" chart to see if the proper parts lined up and set the skin as my material. Everything works!


Now... the "hard" part... skinning the sucker. In all the excitement of building my first saber model I completely avoided (ok I forgot) to even think of a color/texture scheme :rolleyes:


Oh well... now to put on the creative-cap (at least the skinning part I'm familiar with)


Thanks for all of your help T7, you've been super-informative (and my crutch) with this project. How in the world you came up with 7 of these things is beyond me...you are The Man®. Though you'll have to share the title with svösh and his life-saving tutorials ;) heheh


To all of the modelers here at Holowan, you have my deepest respect!


Hopefully I'll have some early screenshots by tomorrow evening...


Then I get to bug tk102 & Darth333 for scripting ;):D

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