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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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Originally posted by darth makaan

i meant the bastila and juhani ones. those were removed


Hate to sound rude but if you take the time to visit Chainz.2da's website or the other 2 mod links you will find screenshots posted with the mods at His website as well as pcgamemods.

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Greets all!


Just to let everyone know, I have been working on my model. It has advanced so progress is slow. I've decided to make it available in all standard colors, PLUS all my Revan Color Styles. I've got a base skin that I'm happy with (other than minor tweaks), so now I'm in the midst of hexing the model for all the different styles. Since it's a total of 14 colors, needless to say there's alot more to do (28 uti's, 14 model hexes, 14 hilt icons, etc.) and I've not even started script work...ugghh...


I planned on using saber models 30-44. Anyone know right off-hand if these models have been used in other mods? T7's are in the 70 range, Sep's is 55 & 56 (I believe), My longsaber crystals are in the 60's... blahblah. OR, I can not be a model # whore and just give an alternate install depending on the style a player wants (only 7 models then)... any suggestions?


Also, Is there anyway to get a clean screenshot in GMAX (no grids or border)?? It'd really help in making the hilt icons. Otherwise I'll just go through and kill the white lines....




Just for the curious, here's a progress report pic. It's big but I don't have the time to post these as individual pics so bear with me:


ChAiNz.2da Saber Progress (81kb) 800x616


Pic quality isn't all that great because I used Photoshop's "Save for web" (medium) option. It still came out as 80+kb jpg, but it beats the 320kb it was going to be :eek::rolleyes:


As always, feedback is welcome! (forgive my rambling) :D

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I don't think anyone has used the 40s. I'm glad you noticed I always use 70s, But I have crept into the 80s for non released sabers.


In gmax select a viewport and hit "g" that will remove the grid and if youdon't want the "box" selection border just unselect the model :p


ps. the hilt looks great :)

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

I don't think anyone has used the 40s. I'm glad you noticed I always use 70s, But I have crept into the 80s for non released sabers.


In gmax select a viewport and hit "g" that will remove the grid and if youdon't want the "box" selection border just unselect the model :p


ps. the hilt looks great :)

I figured as much seeing as your last model was #79, I figured I wouldn't 'step on toes' ;) and thanks for the GMAX tip, worked like a charm :thumbsup:


I've decided just to do the 7 model release with an "alternate" blade style palette. I've hexed the model so that the color naming scheme will allow a simple drag-n-drop to install the styles. This way a player can mix-n-match what colors and styles they want. I don't like the idea of hording 14 model numbers just for one saber (7 is bad enough ;) ).


I've created the upcrystals.2da already and it will be compatible with T7's 6-pack (and Qui-gon), Sep's sabers, my Revan assortment & my longsaber pack. If anyone has other saber mods they would like to be compatible let me know (ASAP).


I've also finally tested the model in game and must say I'm rather pleased with the results (thanks to T7's tips & tricks). I was going to do some screenies but noticed I was almost going to be late for work :eek: perhaps this evening...


I've got 2 more color models to prepare and it will almost be ready! Possibly a late weekend release if all goes well... wheeee...




Thanks Darkkender for the offer, but this might finally give me an oppportunity to learn some scripting, but I'll definitely take you up on the offer if I get stumped. However, if it is intriguing enough to you (and other scripters), here's what I would like to do:


Since I'm lacking a creative spark, I've decided just to "add" this to my Segan Wyndh Series, ergo the saber will more than likely simply be named "Segan Wyndh's Saber". It's black & grey like the armor, so Segan apparently was a color co-ordinated Jedi ;)


As a scripter's "heads up" what I would like to do is make the crystals available from the "Shady Rodian" in Manaan (the pazaak card dealer next to Hulas), but not simply just an already available inventory item. Maybe some dialogue options, bribe/threat or mini-mission to trigger the crystal inventory availability. Since Segan's corpse was in the Taris Sewers, maybe the Vulkars sold the crystals on the Black Market (the armor was busy being "digested" by the Rancor could explain why the suit wouldn't be available and/or why the Rodian happens to have the crystals)... on a sidenote, when speaking to the Rodian, it would be nice to have a dialogue with sound, mainly the reason I'd lke it to be an alien that offers the crystals. Of course this scenario could work with any 'alien dealer' so it doesn't necessarily have to be the Manaan location.


The stats so far:

  • +2 attack
  • keen
  • massive criticals 1d6
  • upgradeable

Although, I'm toying with the notion of deleting those and make the saber have the properties of both HotG & MotF. Though I think this may be uber-unbalanced... suggestions?


OK, I'm done rambling ;)

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Sound for aliens is very easy to add. You don't have to worry about the words so just enter the sound name in the Sound field (not the VO_ResRef field) :) (look at the entries in the existing dialogue branches to get the proper sound names quickly).


As tk102 said, what you want to do requires more dialogue editing than anything else. For the scripts you need, you'll find pretty much everything in t7's "Verpine implant integration Visor" mod. There is a merchant butthe visor is given to you through dialogue and it has scripts to check if you have the credits and to take the credits from your PC. There is a spwan script too.


In any event, just post what you need when you get there and you'll get an answer :)

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Here's some screenies I promised! They're bigger file sizes, but it was the only way you would be able to see any kind of in-game detail (sorry)


I'm not too happy with the Heart & Mantle colors, so I'll probably make the yellow saber the color of the current Heart, and make Heart more "orange-ish". The Mantle will probably just be more saturated....might tweak the blue as well, I haven't decided yet :rolleyes:


But rest assured the standard colors will be included as well for those that aren't too keen on my Revan styles :D


Back to work I go...ENJOY!

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Originally posted by maverick187

First of all great work, ChAiNz.2da, second I hope it's not too late but, maybe you could make your mod compatible with the Lightsaber pack RedHawke and I made a while back. jut wondering:)

Already taken care of :thumbsup:


I had noticed while doing saber model number research that you guys were already using numbers 40 & 41... (one of the reasons I decided against squandering 14 numbers for myself). Seeing as your lightsaber mod is #3 top download, it'd be in my best interest to not interfere...hehe :halo2::D


Currently I'm using numbers 30-36. So far I haven't seen these numbers used but if anyone else knows right off-hand if they are...please let me know. I'll have to go through each model and re-hex it plus re-name my tga's, uti's etc. (apx 1-2 hours of work). The sooner I know, the sooner mine can get released (though this whole "Shady Rodian" is getting the better of me at the moment).


Speaking of, I was looking through the dlg of the Rodian and it fires the "k_pman_shady" script. Unfortunately either I'm blind or my decompiling skills have gone down the tubes. I looked in the BIFS > Scripts > Source but of course that particular source isn't listed. I 'tried' to decompile the already compiled one (which I'm beginning to think you're not able to), but mine kept coming up with a .pcode extension??


Looking at the .pcode (notepad) it's obvious this script fires the Rodian's shop. Options? Do I re-write the script (using the values I can decipher), compile it, name it the same and drop into override...or are there other workarounds?


Another question, can a shop's inventory be "conditional". I would assume it could (Yavin Station) but is that going to be a bigger headache than necessary for a piddly saber? ;)


Bear with me for I am a dlg/scripting n00b g00ber....


ps. Thank you everyone for the feedback so far! It's really keeping my momentum up!

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Regarding decompiling: you can only get the .pcode, not the .nss. However, I can decipher some simple .pcode files back into .nss files. The one that you're referring to is simple enough:


void main() {


I'm not sure what you want to do with this. I believe your intent is to have certain new items available in the store if a dialog is fired. If so, you'll want to create a new store (.utm) and use a script similar to this. Then attach the script to the part of the dialog that will open the special new store. You should base your new store on man_pazaak.utm and just augment it with your new items.

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I just took a gander at that saber you made there ChAiNz, all I can think of to say about them is...


Wow... just Wow!!! :drop2:


And also, like Maverick requested above, thanks for thinking about the whole saber upcrystal.2da compatability thing too! Now if we could just get T7, and all the others who release new sabers to do the same... Hint... Hint!



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Thanks TK, actually you answered several of my questions with your post :D


I guess the "new store" was what I was getting at with the word "conditional", just wasn't sure if you could attach a new shop to a dialogue that already has a shop script. I've already extracted the man_pazaak.utm to scope out his wares, so I'll duplicate that inventory along with the new items.


Depending on the dialogue and response (and or 'other' requirements') I can have Shady fire up a different shop.


I've other questions on meeting/checking a PC for certain conditions met, but I'll do some legwork before I ask for handouts again ;) I'm taking Darth333's advice and looking over T7's mod, and I saw a particular script I'm going to experiment with...I'll keep everyone posted.


Again, I'm still fuzzy on scripts and getting permissions so I'd like to go ahead and ask you T7 if it's alright to dissect your mod scripts (the Teek shopkeeper specifically) and bend it to my will? (better safe than sorry) hehe...


Thanks for the help (and the script) TK!

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Calling all scripters, calling all scripters!


Questions (surprise, surprise) :rolleyes:


OK, here's the 'skinny'. I've created this dialogue with Shady where in order to get Segan Sabers, a PC has to have won the Manaan Swoop Races (no groaning, if you don't like it use the cheat codes or better yet, get Darth333's Easy Swoop Mod ;) ) However, if the PC hasn't won the races yet, it spawns the conversation tree where Shady asks you to do so.


Trust me, there's a point and a story to link it all together. My questions are:


In order to check whether this has been done or not, would this be the proper script? (the global line #'s relating to Manaan swoops are #245 ,#419, #589, #590, #591, #592, & #676 in the globalcat.2da, I think)

int StartingConditional()
   int nResult = GetGlobalNumber("MAN_SWOOP_DONE");
    if nResult == 1
       return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

If so (I'll be shocked), I would attach this at which point in the dialogue? When you first speak to him, or at the particular dialogue node that spawns the quest conversation if said action is done?


but it seems to me I would need at least 3 scripts.


1) One that fires the "no the pc hasn't won, show this response option to trigger quest request"


2) One that fires the "pc has started the races, but not won the championship yet" dialogue node


3) One that fires "yes, the pc has either already won or has completed the quest, show this dialogue node/tree" **This in turn, would trigger the "open new shop with saber inventory".


Will this require editing the globalcat.2da with custom entries? Better yet, is there a way of doing this without having to edit the globalcat.2da? ;)


Basically, alot of what's, how's and where's... and I'm not above swallowing my pride and asking either for the script needed or pointing me to the correct path... heheh....



okay, I think I stumbled on the get global states scripts (of the Manaan swoops). k_pman_champ_m01, m02, m03 & m04. It has a gender check, but surely that part can be taken out? I'm just needing the "check what race state the pc is in" part. The script goes as such:


//:: k_pman_champ_m04
    The player has won all of the races on Manaan.
    Player is male
    Random 4 of 4 to be placed Forth from bottom
//:: Created By: Lukas Kristjanson
//:: Copyright (c) 2002 Bioware Corp.
#include "k_inc_man"

int StartingConditional()
   int iGender = GetGender(GetFirstPC());
   if ((GetManaanRaceStateGlobal() == 3)&&
       ((iGender == GENDER_MALE)) &&
       (Random(4) == 0))
       return TRUE;
       return FALSE;

whereas the Random(4) value changes to the number of which particular script is named (in this case, m04)


ps- Umm, should I be posting these script questions in a seperate thread? I know it's relating to my mod, but it's community knowledge that could be helpful to others?

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I suggest you have a look at the scripts called k_pman_race_blabla.nss :)


Here are the most relevant scripts:

//No race won
#include "k_inc_man" 
int StartingConditional()
   if (GetManaanRaceStateGlobal() == 0)   
       return TRUE;
       return FALSE;

//lost last race:
#include "k_inc_man"
int StartingConditional()
   if (GetPlayerLostLastRaceGlobal() == TRUE) 
       return TRUE;
       return FALSE;

//has not won all of the races on Manaan.

#include "k_inc_man"
int StartingConditional()
   if (GetManaanRaceStateGlobal() < 3)
       return TRUE;
       return FALSE;

// has won all of the races on Manaan.

#include "k_inc_man"
int StartingConditional()
   if (GetManaanRaceStateGlobal() == 3)
       return TRUE;
       return FALSE;

Compile with k_inc_man.nss , k_inc_generic and



If you are using tk102's dlgeditor, attach your script in the field that says "Script that determines availability" . With a GFF editor it would be the field called "Active".

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Originally posted by Darth333

I suggest you have a look at the scripts called k_pman_race_blabla.nss :)


... script content ...


If you are using tk102's dlgeditor, attach your script in the field that says "Script that determines availability" . With a GFF editor it would be the field called "Active".

AHA! Thanks Darth333! The last 2 scripts were the ones I was looking for!


I'm actually using Fred's Conversation Editor, but it has nice self-explanatory fields so even *I* was able to figure it out ;)


When you say "Compile with k_inc_man.nss , k_inc_generic and

k_inc_utility", do these need to be in my compile bin along with all my other scripts? And, just to get on your nerves a little more...may I ask why? (you know me... Mr. Questions) heh


I only ask because I don't remember having to compile any other file along with the 'give script' dialogue I did for my Juhani Dark Robe mod. :)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

When you say "Compile with k_inc_man.nss , k_inc_generic and

k_inc_utility", do these need to be in my compile bin along with all my other scripts? And, just to get on your nerves a little more...may I ask why? (you know me... Mr. Questions) heh


I only ask because I don't remember having to compile any other file along with the 'give script' dialogue I did for my Juhani Dark Robe mod. :)

Yes they need to be in with your script when you compile it... here's why.


You see the line in the script that says;

#include "k_inc_man"

That means when you compile this script the compiler will also call for and add the included script into yours, and if the included script calls for other included scripts of its own, then you need those as well... it's a viscious cycle! ;)


I hope that I didn't confuse you further? :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Yes they need to be in with your script when you compile it... here's why.


You see the line in the script that says;

#include "k_inc_man"

That means when you compile this script the compiler will also call for and add the included script into yours, and if the included script calls for other included scripts of its own, then you need those as well... it's a viscious cycle! ;)


I hope that I didn't confuse you further? :D


To the A:) your right factor yes you are right. The scripts that start with k_inc_blahblah.nss are classified as include files.


Which means we technically can write our own includes if we wanted to. For custom script commands.

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Hey ChAiNz.2da, If you find source scripts included with a mod then its a safe bet that you can feel free to use them in your mod without asking permission. I think everyone would agree on this point. I think all anything the original script writer would want is a small credit in the readme and or credit in the source script.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Hey ChAiNz.2da, If you find source scripts included with a mod then its a safe bet that you can feel free to use them in your mod without asking permission. I think everyone would agree on this point. I think all anything the original script writer would want is a small credit in the readme and or credit in the source script.

Thanks T7 for the heads up, and yes, there will be TONS of thank you's & credits along with this mod :D Though writing the readme is going to be a :swear: I hope everyone likes 'novels' ;)


We're almost there kiddies! I have just a few small questions, a little dlg tweaking and we might just have this sucker ready by tonight or early tomorrow morning...



These are now available! :D Check out the Release Thread


1) Based on the conversation with RedHawke, I had noticed in k_inc_generic the headers have this line:

#include "k_inc_gensupport"
#include "k_inc_walkways"
#include "k_inc_drop"

Does this mean I need to include those as well or do I stop at just the 3 files Darth333 mentiond (inc_man, inc_generic & inc_utility). The scripts seemed to compile fine using just the three along with my script, but heaven forbid I leave something out :eek:


2) Do I need to compile the scripts after I've done all the dialogue editing, or is this something un-related whereas I can edit .dlg without having to worry about it. From what I gather the scripts have nothing to do with the dialogue other than activate "triggers" at a given node...


Sorry for being a pain, I just want to dot all my "i's" and cross all my "t's". I appreciate all the help and feedback so far :D

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